All Good Things Must Come to an End...My Goodbye!

Today is my last post! After 6 ½ years of blogging, I am ending this blog. I feel compelled to move in a different direction, focusing my energies on some other opportunities. Therefore, as the old saying goes, “all good things must come to an end.” All Good Things During the past 6+ years, I shared with you my thoughts on the virtues, issues of the day, and information about the saints. I introduced you to some great books by Catholic authors. Your participation in my blog made it one of the top 100 Catholic blogs in the world! For that I am grateful. I enjoyed our time together, sharing this space with you. Your comments on this website were always appreciated (even those of you who disagreed with me). Now, it is time for me to pursue other adventures in accordance with God’s plan for me. I will be keeping this website up and running until October 15 th , so that if there are any favorite blogs you want to read, one more time, you can do so. Read more...