
Seven Quick Takes: In the End Only Three Things Remain

I am writing this post for my friend Mary.  After a week of disheartening news cycles and personal frustrations, I rode home from Mary's last night thankful for my Godly friend but also a little distracted, until one of my favorite verses came to mind.  St Paul wrote, "In the end only these three things remain faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love!" (1 Corinthians 13:13) Here are my reflections on that verse in 7 quick takes. 1  St Paul was absolutely right, when all is said and done, when you have been stripped of every earthly good and pleasure, there are only three things left: faith, hope, and love.  Most certainly, love is the greatest, for without love there is no faith, without faith there is no hope.   Everything you need and the sum total of what can never be lost starts and ends with love. Read more at Veils and Vocations

Infallible Pope?

Infallible Pope? Really? CLICK HERE AND FIND OUT

Blessed, Beautiful and Bodacious By Pat Gohn - Reviewed by Nancy Ward

Pat Gohn, cancer survivor, celebrates womanhood by exploring a woman’s dignity, gifts and mission with exciting, personal stories. Discovering the gift of her womanhood brought her into a deeper relationship with God, her husband, family, and, to her surprise, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her formation in life and the faith revolved around music. Garage band guitar music.   When she gave her heart to Jesus Christ at a retreat, she realized God was inviting her to use her guitar playing and writing gifts for his purposes. In three words: Blessed, Beautiful and Bodacious, she helps us discover who we are and what gifts we have that reflect our innate and eternal beauty. Blessed is a sublime dignity we did not earn. “God configures us to be like Christ, the beloved Son. We are beloved daughters not only like Jesus in identity, but also in action. We are called to behave like him, too. Like spiritual DNA, grace enables us to forgive, to reconcile, to heal, and ultimately love like J

Neurosynaptic Cores and Retinal Implants: Getting a Grip About Tech

IBM's neurosynaptic cores may not show up in home computers for years. Their circuits emulate a brain's neural circuits: and require an entirely new sort of software. Retinal implants are another matter. Thanks to new tech, several folks who would have been blind can see: a little.... ..."Metropolis," Tsukumogami, and the Roomba Revolution that Wasn't The inventor Rotwang in Fritz Lang's " Metropolis " is more 'evil wizard' than 'mad scientist:' my opinion. It's still a good movie: but not, I think, a particularly realistic look at what we'll see in 2026. Rotwang's maschinenmensch looked more like the human she was built to impersonate after a high-tech makeover, but even without upholstery she was remarkably — human.... But so far, artificial intelligence has been quite obviously "artificial:" and emphatically not up to the task of leading a Roomba revolution. More at A Catholic Citizen in America

Dormition of the Theotokos

This hanging was done for today's feast day - the Assumption of the Virgin.  It often requires a bit of explanation. You see Christ there behind the body of Mary holding what looks to be a baby - that represents Mary's soul.  It's an interesting sort of reversal in imagery since there are so many of Mary holding the infant Christ child. Above the whole scene is the assumption of the body of Mary being taken to heaven.  I knew a Protestant minister who said that he believed in the bodily assumption of the virgin, because who knows WHAT people would do in the way of tests and such if her body were found.   People sometimes ask who the man is over on the right side hunched over.  That's Paul, and in traditional icons of this piece he is usually there in a posture of grieving.

'Lord, Help me.' Sunday Reflections, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Christ and the Canaanite Woman , c.1500, Juan de Flandes Palacio Real, Madrid                            [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa)  Gospel   Matthew 15:21-28  ( New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition , Canada)  Jesus left that place and went away to the district of Tyre and Sidon.    Just then a Canaanite woman from that region came out and started shouting, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is tormented by a demon.”     But he did not answer her at all. And his disciples came and urged him, saying, “Send her away, for she keeps shouting after us.”     He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”     But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.”     He answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs

Feast Day Fun: Saint activities, crafts and family traditions!

Have you discovered Feast Day Fun yet? It's my new series of posts over at Equipping Catholic Families ! ...Presenting special Saint Feast Days with the Kelly Saints images (my 15 year old daughter has created for me), a brief bio or some saint stats...and activities, crafts and family traditions to help celebrate these heroes of our Faith! Some excerpts are taken from my book A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families . Whenever I can, I like to showcase relevant Saint activities from other Catholic blogs...and past tutorials and crafts from my own Catholic Blog. Earlier this week, I wrote about St Lawrence and since he's the patron saint of cooks, comedians and fire prevention, I included some family fire safety plan ideas. I wrote about  St Clare , along with some monstrance crafts and some things to consider when establishing  screen time guidelines at home. St Max  introduces Good Deed Beads, Marian Consecration, Enthronement and DIY Armor for you

The Assumption of Mary: Quotes and Images

  Dormition of the Virgin  -  Fra Angelico , 1431-1432 Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem, at the Council of Chalcedon (451), made known to the Emperor Marcian and Pulcheria, who wished to possess the body of the Mother of God,  that Mary died in the presence of all the Apostles, but that her tomb, when opened upon the request of St. Thomas, was found empty; wherefrom the Apostles concluded that the body was taken up to heaven. “And from that time forth all knew that the spotless and precious body had been transferred to paradise”  (John the Theologian,  The Falling Asleep of Mary ; 400 AD) continue>

“I’m Eileen, and I Have a Problem with Gluten”

I was dead, and have come to life again; I was lost, and have been found.    Then the celebration began! For it was just this past week—within the past 7 days, that He, who is Wisdom, showed me my way back. Truly, beyond grateful I am! ... >> Click Here to Read More at: The Way to Nourish for Life >>

Praying in the Dark Night

For the last post I made a few suggestions from my own experience about how to pray in the Dark Night when the prayer once used can no longer help. I chose the prayer Jesus himself made upon the Cross, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me’ ? When I felt in the pits I turned to the De Profundis – ‘Out of the depths I cried to thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my prayer’ . However what I found, and what you’ll find, is that in time the full sentence will be too long, and you’ll feel the need to reduce it to, say, just ‘My God, my God’ or ‘ Out of the depths’. Then the time will come when a single word will be all you need, like ‘God’ , or ‘Jesus’ , or ‘mercy’ . I can’t give you rules when to change down from many to few, you’ll know for yourself. It’s like changing gears in a car, once you get used to using them you know automatically when to change down. read on ....

The Golden Hail Mary

I once had a prayer card with a beautiful poem entitled "The Golden Hail Mary."  After many years and several moves, I can no longer locate it, but I always remember reading it over and over some days.  I have searched high and low for that poem online and have not been able to find it again.  The gist of the message was though, that a simple Hail Mary said in haste is worth more than many other prayers repeated at length.   source The Hail Mary is a perfect prayer, it not only calls upon the Blessed Mother's intercession but extols her Holy Son to his proper place of being within the middle of every act of worship. Hail Mary, Full of Grace The LORD is with thee Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary, Mother of God Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen Read more at Veils and Vocations

Little Spiritual Powerhouses

  Blythe Kaufman emailed me when she happened to see my blog post on children which was highlighted on the New Evangelist Monthly. She hoped that I could help spread the word about her children’s prayer groups. Well I am delighted to feature them. . Children’s  Rosary The Children’s Rosary is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us “Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:3). The Children’s Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes In her email. Blythe related an interesting story about starting rosary groups for kids:  continue reading>

Why is the Giant Sleeping?

The persecution of Christians is nothing new, it has been going on since the time of the first apostles. However, if you have not realized the escalation of persecution in recent times, you must begin educating yourself on the mass assault on fellow believers. It is tempting to think, that is in x, y, or z country. They are at risk because of a, b, or c. The reality is an attack on the Church is an attack on all of us. What is happening to Christians in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and other areas is a threat to all of us no matter where we live. Should we allow the giant to continue to sleep? There is great power in a body if believers, when two or more are gathered in His Name, Jesus the LORD is present. As these lovers of Christ that include the elderly, children, mothers, fathers, the infirmed and especially the clergy are slaughtered and tortured, their cries are rising to God. But where are the voices of those who stand with them? Read more at Veils an

“What I do, I do not understand… For I do not do the good I want.”

“Miserable one that I am!” … It’s as if these words have been my very own … these words of Saint Paul (within his Letter to the Romans, chapter 7); t hough for me, just last week, they had a particular health-&-wellness twist to them… For, at times, I see within myself “another principle at war with the law of my mind, taking me captive”  (Romans 7:23); or off route, at the very least. So, there I was, rather ruined (miserable & unable to function) throughout that evening & night, into the following day as well—all because I resisted, and decided to say “no” to what I have long known to be good for my own well-being.  Maybe you, too, can relate. For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do what you want… >> Click Here to Read More at: The Way to Nourish for Life >> 

Old St. Patrick’s Church: A Chicago Renaissance Story

Old St. Patrick’s Church : A Chicago Renaissance Story is a new local documentary which will be shown on  WTTW , Thursday, August 21 at 7:30 PM (central time). You can read the rest at Being Catholic ... Really

Welcome to hell !!!


Pope Francis' Recipe for Happiness

Bloggers sometimes invite others to write a “guest blog.” This week my blog is “written” by Pope Francis and consists of his ten secrets to happiness, which he gave during an interview. His items have been criticized for being too humanist (because they don’t refer to God) and too non-gospel (because one of them discourages proselytizing. What do you think? Live and let live. ‘The Romans have a saying, which can be taken as a point of reference. They say: ‘Campa e lascia campà’ (Live and let live). That’s the first step to peace and happiness. Move forward and let others do the same.” Click to continue

Depression and the Average Christian

With the sad and tragic death of Robin Williams, there is now a lot of talk and speculation about depression and suicide. Suicide is always a tragedy. I do not agree with the people that are saying Robin Williams is free now and in a better place. Yes, we can entrust him to a loving and merciful God but I am not going to presume he is in a better place. It is so tragic that he felt there were no other options than to end his life.  Continue Reading at>

The Seraphim

One day while I was on my way to Holy Mass, I saw my priest walking up his driveway.  I said a prayer for him and pleaded to the Holy Seraphim for him,that he would be protected.   I sought the highest level of angels for him because I was given how much a Priest is hated by the evil one.    If the demon was given the choice of any person whose life he could take on the earth, the first person he would pick would be a good and holy priest on the path to becoming a saint .     We do not understand the protection God gives us daily by His angels.  For a moment I was no longer in my car... TO READ MORE CLICK HERE!

Be careful little mouths what you say {thoughts on depression}

"We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives."  This morning the world is reeling with opinions on depression and suicide. Words are flying onto the page and scrolling in front of us. Words of kindness, compassion, confusion, and even hate fill our mind. Dear Church, please remember during this time what we believe. It doesn't matter what our emotions are. It doesn't matter what our own experience with depression is or is not.  It matters what we believe. We believe in a kind and compassionate God full of mercy and justice. That God knows that depression is a terrible and ugly thing that whispers lies and hopelessness. Our God knows that when that much despair finds its way into our life, we are very ill, in pain, and under much stress. {Read more here...}

Signs of Fall, Cheesecake, and a Toad:: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

What I know:: God is never out of our lives unless we push Him away.  Even if we push Him away, He is always there waiting for us to return to Him. Life is not easy.  Each day we must pick up our cross and walk with Him even when we do not understand why. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord .     For as the heavens are higher than the earth,      so are my ways higher than your ways      and my thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:: 8-9 So, when I Pixie and I walk, we leave behind the problems of the day, which helps.   “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day."  Matthew 6: 34 Read More At:: His Unending Love    

When God Rocks Your Boat

This Sunday's Gospel, the Gospel of Matthew 14:22-33, was the well known story of Jesus walking on water and of Peter going to Him over the waves. It's a story many of us know well and have seen paintings of since childhood. The dark ominous clouds, the stormy seas, the frightened looks of the followers huddled together on the boat and Jesus in shimmering white glory walking slowly, steadily, toward them, a look of utter peace on His face, His glorious features unmarred by line or wrinkle, His eyes kindly smiling, even twinkling a bit as He looks at His brothers, His children, understanding their fear, but above it as we often look at our children when they experience a fear of the dark or some other thing we know holds no real power. And then there's Peter who bravely calls out, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” To which Jesus answers simply, "Come." I often wonder what if it hadn't been Jesus and whoever it was had s

Touring Chicago's beautiful churches: The National Shrine of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini

The eighth church in my series, Touring Chicago's beautiful churches, is  The National Shrine of Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini .  Out of all the churches we've been to so far, this shrine was the one that impacted my husband and I the most emotionally as well as spiritually. You can read the rest at Being Catholic ... Really .

God Bless The Broken Road that led me straight to Him!

As I continue in writing my memoir and all the broken roads... this song has always summed up in beautiful music and lyrics a short summary of my life's journey & thoughts toward our Lord. Even when I "got lost a time or two," God was there all along and each road eventually led me back to Him. I am thankful for all the "northern stars" in life that provided the way to the greatest Northern Star, our Lord, and His grace in my life now! God bless the broken roads that led me back to Him!

The Cloud of Unknowing

Everybody who prays seriously and consistently for any length of time will eventually find themselves on the other side of first fervour, at the threshold of the mystic way. This is the moment when the vast majority who come this far in prayer, usually pack it all in – I know I nearly did. All my attempts at prayer were a complete failure. Each time I tried to pray in the way I once could before simply got nowhere. The Scriptures, the devotions, the meditations that moved me before, moved me no more. Two tormentors always accompanied me to prayer. The first was a raking desire for God; the second was a mind full of distractions that drove me crazy, because I couldn’t do anything about them. So my heart was restless inside and outside the prayer that I thought was pointless. I was continually tempted to pack it all in and do something more constructive with my time. I couldn’t even get any pleasure out of the hobbies and the enthusiasms that used to excite me before.  read on.....

Hello Sinners!

You are invited to a Sinners Convention. CLICK HERE

Schools and Decisions

This year, we made a big decision about Julia’s school.   She is now attending a private, Catholic school. The school district we live in is academically great.  We’ve never had any major issues with teachers or principals.  (In fact, a few of the teachers are some of our closest friends.) But, it just wasn’t a good fit for her.  There were many nights last year that Brian and I stayed awake talking over what to do.  Brian began to research schools and our options.  We knew that if we were going to leave pubic school, finding a faith based school was very important to us. { Read more here...}

Rosary Transformation

Without the Rosary Waiting impatiently Worrying fearfully Weeping uncontrollably Wearily agonizing Wandering alone Joyously praying the Rosary Please read the rest of this post here  @ Camino La Mancha.  Thank You and God Bless You.

'Jesus immediately reached out his hand . . .' Sunday Reflections, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Salvation of Peter , 1366-67, Andrea da Firenze Cappellone degli Spagnoli, Santa Maria Novella, Florence [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa)  Gospel   Matthew 14:22-33  ( New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition , Canada)  Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds.   And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,   but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land,  for the wind was against them.   And early in the morning he came walking toward them on the sea.   But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear.   But immediately Jesus spoke to t

You are MINE and I Am Yours

Aware of personal weakness and failure. After years of striving  for more of His Presence ego and pride had shattered. I was exhausted and defeated. SUDDENLY, breaking through the clammer of mundane, mindless duties, unexpected words  pop into my mind seemingly out of nowhere. "You are Mine"  but even more startling,  "I am yours".     Frozen in shocked confusion,  read more>

Kurdistan Update and Free Student Planner

I recently concluded my "blogging break"/family vacation. We had a wonderful month visiting friends and family in the U.S. and, as always, wish we'd had time to see more! Now we're back in Erbil, Kurdistan. Many of you have no doubt been hearing about Iraq and Kurdistan a lot on the news recently, so I thought I'd give a brief update and ask for prayers. Here (Erbil) is currently still safe, and we are all praying it stays so. Erbil has received many of the refugees that have fled from other regions. Most people here are trying to more or less continue normal life, while also helping the refugees as much as possible. The Church is very focused on helping people continue going forward. Erbil and the Kurdistan region has been developing very quickly and succeeding at maintaining a peaceful and stable region. We are working very hard to continue trying to foster that peace and stability, in spite of all that's going on in the surrounding regions.A lot of inte

Humility: Accepting Reality

A man trying to organize a men's choir said I had a fine voice. Given a choice, he asked, wouldn't someone prefer a beautiful voice to a powerful mind or athletic body? I agreed, but was a bit embarrassed: since I've got two out of the three. My wife's opined that if bad hips hadn't kept me from excelling at sports: I'd be insufferable. She's probably right. Self-Esteem Run Amok Since pride is a sin, is it wrong to be proud of my voice? Yes — and no. It depends on what sort of "pride" is involved. When "pride" is self-esteem run amok, it's one of the seven capital sins: along with avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth or acedia. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1866 ) Ancient Greeks called it hubris . It's a bad idea in stories, from " Oedipus Rex ," to Milton's " Paradise Lost " and Paul Ryder's " Cosmic Monsters ." Most of us don't get the sort of reality check