
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. New Year's Day. World Day of Peace. Sunday Reflections

Altar of Our Lady, Church of St Nicholas, Überlingen, Germany, Jörg Zurn  Gospel Luke 2:16-21 ( NRSV, Catholic Ed )  The shepherds went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. The Adoration of the Name of Jesus, El Greco At the moment I am re-reading Finola Kennedy's Frank Duff: A Life Story published by Burns and Oates in 2011. Frank Duff founded the Legion of Mary on 7 September 1921, though for a very long time he did not consider himself the founder. The biographer rel

As the Morning Rising: Peace Prayer/Poem

As the Morning Rising: Peace Prayer/Poem : Peace I wish you peace of a thousand years Bedded in valleys of silent snows I wish you peace of eternal beauty Enshrined in a...

As the Morning Rising: Mary Mother of God

As the Morning Rising: Mary Mother of God : Mary, Mother of God Mother of the Son of God Mother of the Eternal Word Mother of the child divine Mother Mary, Mothe...

Stunning Holy Family Sculptures

Modern Holy Family Sculpture often focuses on the intimacy and love Joseph and Mary have for their son, Jesus. They also depict Joseph’s protective strength which is something that I really had not considered before looking at these statues. continue reading

As the Morning Rising: The Holy Family

As the Morning Rising: The Holy Family : The Holy Family To think of their saintliness would place them far beyond our reach so we come first to contemplate their humanity...

Gospel Reflection: December 28, 2016 – Holy Innocents

Today’s Gospel:  Matthew 2, 13-18  – Holy Innocents Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents, a day when Catholics remember the baby boys in Bethlehem slaughtered by Herod. It is also called Childermas, instituted around 450 AD, and celebrated during the octave of Christmas to not only remember but honour the Church’s first martyrs who gave their life for Christ. More recently, the modern Church annually reaffirms her commitment to the sanctity of life on this feast. However, I want to focus on the question of the existence of evil in our world.  continue reading

Time for Reflection - Making that New Year's Resolution

With every years’ end, we tend to enter a time for reflection. We assess our lives, our dreams, and the course we are on. We look to see where we need to make changes; therein lies the proverbial need for the “New Year’s Resolution.” I bring you suggestions for how to approach making your New Year’s resolutions this year – resolutions that will last! These suggestions might be considered as slightly off the beaten path; nonetheless, they are a path work taking. Rather than: Going on a diet to lose weight, try to better understand why you overeat, or eat the unhealthy foods, and then resolve to fix the underlying cause instead. Going cold turkey to stop drinking or smoking, try to better understand why you do it in the first place, and then resolve to fix the underlying cause instead. Do you see where I am going here with these suggestions? .. Read more...

A New Poem to Recall God's in Charge

My present to you:  An encouraging poem as we face this new year. Happy New Year! God Knows  by Minnie Louise Hoskins And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East. So heart be still: Click to continue

The Adventures of Father Ignatius


Prepare for Christmas: Open Yourself to God in Prayer

Even after the celebration of Christ’s coming, we need to create space and time each day at Christmastide and in the New Year, to enable God’s fatherly love to penetrate us ever more fully until we begin to experience it welling up from within to possess every part of us. Almost 25 years ago, I spent Christmas with a family who had one son who was adored by everyone. However, that Christmas there was another child present who had been semi-fostered. She stayed with them for some weekends and most of the school holidays. At first, the girl looked bewildered and not a little disappointed when she was given her Christmas present from under the tree, for when she unwrapped the parcel all she found was a bundle of papers. Then it was explained to her that they were her papers of adoption. From then on, she was a full member of the family. She didn’t need to go back to the orphanage at the end of the holiday. In fact, she did not need to go back ever again. Tears of joy just rolled down

As the Morning Rising: St John

As the Morning Rising: St John : Two thousand years after the birth of Jesus and yet there are still thousands of babies born in  places that are cold and forbidding. Yet. ...

Today we all are journalists in a way, and should be responsible of making comunication more human. (Spanish) Periodistas hoy somos todos y somos todos responsables de humanizar los medios de comunicacíón

En la era moderna en la que las comunicaciones han evolucionado con más rapidez y que han conectado a más personas que nunca, encontramos, paradójicamente menos entendimiento y compresión. Hemos aprendido a usar el móvil pero se nos ha olvidado cómo escuchar al otro. Recibimos miles de opciones de información instantáneamente pero nos seguimos hipnotizando con lo estruendoso, sensacionalista y amarillista. Por eso, la fe católica se ha preocupado por insistir en la humanización de los medios de comunicación y la centralidad de una cultura del encuentro en los múltiples mensajes y formatos comunicativos Buscando hacer relevante este tema, El Papa ha centrado la Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones del 2017, que se celebrará el domingo anterior a Pentecostés, alrededor de la responsabilidad del comunicador, que en esta era virtual somos todos, al aseverar que el “periodista” ( léase yo, tú y ellos) “escribe el primer borrador de la historia.”.  

Merry Christmas! And some name talk :)

Merry Christmas to all of you! And happy feast of St. Stephen! I was looking through some old posts of mine and thought any name lovers that might be reading would be interested in listening to this podcast I was featured in a year ago with the amazing Haley from Carrots for Michaelmas and Christy from Fountains of Home , chatting about Catholic baby names. A fun little diversion on a cozy day!

Catholic Novel Free on Kindle

From now through December 30, my novel Nearer the Dawn  is absolutely free on Amazon Kindle.  If you got a Kindle for Christmas or know someone who did, here's the chance to put a book on it free.  For ages thirteen and up. Top Rated on and, as of this posting, all four and five-star reviews.

Winter Blessings Bear Much Fruit

We officially entered the winter season last Wednesday, and are now in that time of year when life slows down dramatically, in comparison to the hustle and bustle of the holidays. We welcome the opportunity to come in out of the cold and seek the warmth of a roaring fire. Unlike many people, I love this time of year! I appreciate a good snowfall, especially when I get to stay inside, all cozy and warm. As an avid reader, I love sitting by the fire, curled up with my favorite afghan and a good book. I appreciate the solitude that winter blessings bring! Even in winter, when all life seems dormant, God is at work, renewing us. The lull of winter is a gracious gift from God, filled with winter blessings. Read more...

"Good News of Great Joy"

The Christmas Mass marathon — that's not what it's called — started yesterday with the Vigil Mass. Mass During the Night was next, followed by Mass at Dawn and Mass During the Day. I didn't go to all four, I don't know how many folks do, but I looked up the Gospel readings for each.... "...We heard parts of the Vigil Mass Gospel last week. That's Matthew 1:18 - 24 , when Joseph learns why Mary is pregnant...." More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Reflections on the Carol: "O Holy Night"

O Holy Night  is my hands-down favorite Christmas hymn and much to my children's chagrin I can listen to it over and over and over again (especially if Josh Groban is crooning it). This song is rich in meaning and has provided much over the years for me to meditate on and pray about. Click here to read my reflections on  a few of it's most powerful lines.....

If You're Not Feeling Merry

It's a bad time of year to be hurting.  Not that there is a good time for pain, of course, but the days around Christmas and New Year's can be particularly poignant for some. Many of us have had such seasons. Times when we can't be with loved ones, or a close friend has died, or we've suffered a miscarriage, or we're sick, or we've lost our job, or there is illness in the family.  Even the time of year can make us feel blue.  Here in the northern hemisphere, night falls early in these months of bleak midwinter. We may be struggling to adjust to the long, long, long dark. For anyone reading this who is sad, in pain, or maybe just wishing the holidays would be over and gone - know that you're not alone... (continue reading)

As the Morning Rising: Every Tear Wiped Away

As the Morning Rising: Every Tear Wiped Away : Tears at Christmas For many there is silent weeping at Christmas. A sorrowful mystery is lived out in a quiet place of the hear...

During Christmas, Find Christ’s Joy In Your Deepest Wounds

In my deepest wound, I saw your glory and it dazzled me.”- Saint Augustine. Most people assume they will automatically feel cheerful during Christmas.  Not only does the Church celebrate the birth of our Saviour with joy, secular society also promotes the idea that everybody is happy during this season, bombarding us with images in the media of lighthearted people giving gifts and enjoying each other’s company.   In fact, there is so much pressure on people to be in good spirits during Christmas, many sink even deeper into depression when they are unable to force themselves to even crack a smile.  Often, I also feel depleted and empty during the days leading up to Christmas, dismayed my emotions do not line up with my beliefs and certain there is something wrong with my spiritual life.  The more I try with my own willpower to get in the Christmas spirit, the worse I feel. continue reading