
Lent Physically and Spiritually Fit Challenge: 1st Sunday of Lent.

know that when I first woke up on Sunday Morning, the soda I wanted all week and the excitement of no work out was a dream. Mainly because Sunday was the beginning of a flare up that still has not ended. On the notes of my journal for the bible study portion of the challenge, I contemplated something I do not do enough, which is rest. I don’t know about you but I have trouble saying no and I always over commit myself. Before I got sick, this was not really a problem but since I have gotten sick it has pretty much kick me right in the behind. I began to really ponder rest. Why God commands us to do it, why I need it, why it is so important. I hate it to be honest. I always feel like there is something I should be doing, that I am not doing enough. So I ignored taking my health into consideration. Things came back and bit me in the butt. Now everything is behind and overwhelming instead of prioritizing I just allow the enemy to tell me that I can’t get it done that I have to keep

I am just not into Lent this year

I know it's early, but I am just not into Lent this year. You can read the article and view the photo gallery at Being Catholic ... Really .

As the Morning Rising: A Mother Seldom Forgets

As the Morning Rising: A Mother Seldom Forgets : A mother seldom if ever forgets kindness from another towards one of her children. Years may pass, the child may have children of his/...

My Birthday Wish: All I want This Year is More Wisdom!

Today, I turn 60 and enter the winter of my life. I am starting it off with a bang! Tomorrow, I am having three teeth extracted, getting a partial temporary denture, and ultimately a four-tooth permanent (implant) bridge. I’m getting old! But with age, comes wisdom; the earthly kind. Earthly wisdom comes from life’s experiences. Those of us in the winter of our lives have a keen awareness for what is important: a strong faith, good health, and our family’s welfare. We find that if we have these three things, then we have all that we need. However, even with the 60 years under my belt, I still seek more Wisdom. When you get to my age, you find yourself asking those soul searching questions: Am I on the right course? Am I living my life doing everything I can to accomplish God’s will? Do I need to make amends with anyone? Read more...

Lent: Are You Listening to Jesus's Words?

One book I have on the back burner is a devotional of reflections on things Jesus said. I’ve collected 356 sayings but haven’t made much progress in writing the reflections. Maybe that is why in the Transfiguration story we hear on the Second Sunday of Lent, the words that attract my attention are “Listen to him.” God the Father speaks twice in the Gospels: at Jesus’ baptism, when he announces that Jesus is his beloved Son, and at the Transfiguration, when he again identifies Jesus as his Son, but adds, “Listen to him.” In other words, “obey him.” (The word obey is from the Latin for “to listen.”) The mother of Jesus says the same thing at the wedding in Cana: “Do whatever he tells you.” This is referred to as Mary’s commandment. Click to continue

Latinamerican women in advantage in gender equality after all. (Spanish) La mujer Latinoamericana en ventaja para alcanzar verdadera equidad de género.

En este día de la mujer, la mirada a los logros alcanzados hasta ahora en equidad de género es una constante. Pero a estos análisis y vitorees por muchos de los merecidos logros les falta una perspectiva geográfica y cultural muy importante. No todas las mujeres del mundo son iguales y, sin embargo, se les ha aplicado la misma receta feminista para alcanzar un muy necesitado respeto y trato digno.

As the Morning Rising: Transformation - Lenten Poem

As the Morning Rising: Transformation - Lenten Poem : Transformation A forty day call to holiness Through prayer to the Father Through fasting in desert loneliness  And journeying far ...

God First, Country Second: A Call to Unity

I don’t know about you, but I have come to realize that I no longer need to look at the bottom of a TV screen to determine if the person speaking is a Democrat or a Republican. Those days of sharing common interests, across the aisles, are long gone. Today, each side toes the party line, tossing aside one’s own personal beliefs for the sake of the party. Somewhere in that logic, people forgot about God first, country second. You can hear it in the tone and rhetoric of discord. This ever-present disunity is the last thing Jesus would want for us. Putting God First Jesus was rather specific when He said: Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one as we are (John 17:11).   As Christians, in Jesus’ name, we are expected... Read more...

Lent Physically and Spiritually Fit Challenge (Days 2 and 3)

So I just want to say since the original picture did not get great feedback I changed the image. I am also going to show you guys my current and hopefully, in a little over a month, I will have an after picture.

The Wounds of Love

During our storms of turmoil, our descents into hellishness, we cry but fail to see that everything in a watery drop is distorted and or inverted, subject to our perception; up is down and white is black. Humor me this, picture a mountain behind a pond of water and for some that same mountain is laid before their feet…or not. We’ve passively learned to trust our eyes, like our hearts trust those we love all the while missing that “love” like God, just “is” and makes no distinction to quantify what it is attached to or by whom. Our love is never wrong, I’ll repeat that; our love for others is never wrong and I would even dare say it is always right.  This is a guest post by Poet of the Light. To continue to read his insight and discover the 5 Wounds of Christ and the 5 Stages of Grief in Divorce, please join me at  Thank you for following, liking, and sharing!  God Bless...



Cloistered at the Carnival

I once had a dream about a carnival. Specifically, I dreamed I was living in a little house on carnival grounds. It was night, but the light streaming in through my windows was bright and garish. It flashed bursts of purple and white and blue and yellow, ceaselessly, across walls and floors and faces. There were other people in the house... (continue)

As the Morning Rising: The Shattered Millwheel

As the Morning Rising: The Shattered Millwheel : I can feel helpless when listening to or watching the latest news bulletins. One day seems to follow the next with little evidence o...

Living With Consequences

I've missed one morning set, and several of the evening prayer sequences, in the routine I started February 13. ( February 19, 2017 ) I'm doing a little better with so far with the Lenten Chaplet. I started that Ash Wednesday. Emphasis on "so far." I nearly forgot twice, which doesn't surprise me. There's a very good reason for my wife handling the household's schedules, and that's another topic. This is where I could quote Romans 7:19 and launch into a 'wretcheder than thou' lament. It'd be accurate, on one level, since I've felt this way often enough.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

10 Minute Daily Retreat: Lent - "Can you drink this cup...?"

...“You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”   “We can,” they answered .  Matthew 20:22 I’m a nurse;  I’ve seen people suffer . I’ve helped calm women as they experience the agony of childbirth.  I’ve administered morphine when the pain of cancer becomes too much to bare. I’ve held a mother as she wailed after the death of her child. James and John  want  prestige, position and favouritism from Jesus. Instead he offers them suffering! And they accepted it. They went on to experience terrible suffering, and they persevered and endured. Do we dare  to sit before Jesus and allow Him to ask us,  'can you drink of this cup?' During this season  of on:  

Lent:What Does God REALLY Want?

In these first days of Lent, the Church shows us exactly how God wants us to  pray, fast, serve His people and worship Him. The words from Isaiah 58:1-9 are like brilliant beams of light, cutting through any false notions we might have about this season of repentance that we call Lent. Often we tend to think of Lent as a time to share in the suffering of Christ yet when we do so, we become morose and end up centring more on our own sacrificial devotions than on God. continue reading

'Jesus, mercy; Mary, help.' Sunday Reflections, 1st Sunday of Lent, Year A

The Tempation of Christ, Juan de Flandes Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings (Jerusalem Bible: Australia) Gospel Matthew 4:1-11 ( NRSV, Anglicised Catholic Ed ) Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. The tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.’ But he answered, ‘It is written, “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”’ Then the devil took him to the holy city and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you”, and “On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.”’ Jesus said to him, ‘Again it is written, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”’ Again, the d

As the Morning Rising: Ways not Comfortable

As the Morning Rising: Ways not Comfortable : ‘The ways of the Lord are not comfortable, but we were not created for comfort, but for greatness, for good.' Pope Benedict...

Lent Challenge: Becoming Healthier Physically and Spiritually! (Day 1)

As you all know Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. And here is my public proclamation of faith! So we all know the topic to follow is of course Lent! This year for Lent I have chosen to give up soda (because I do not need it). I also chose to take on becoming more spiritually and physically healthy. I want my changes to stick after 40 days and I know that I can not do it alone. At first I wanted to join a fitness program. It seemed amazing the girl who ran it seemed awesome but hubby said no. Mainly because I always start the gym  and don’t finish it. So he said that if I could do the workouts on my pintrest board that cost nothing that I always say I am going to do, we  could revisit the conversation. So for getting myself physically healthy I am going to work out for 30 mins a day six days a week. I will admit that some things will have to be modified for me because of my fibro, but that will be mentioned as it becomes relevant. All of the work outs I use in the challenge will

TRAPPIST-1: Water? Life??

TRAPPIST-1's planets may support life: or not. We don't know. Not yet. We're pretty sure that all seven are rocky worlds, like the Solar System's inner planets. Three are in the star's habitable zone. The inner two definitely do not have one sort of atmosphere that would make life as we know it impossible. Even if we don't find life there, we'll learn a great deal while looking. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .