
Non-toxic Masculinity

It ain’t easy being male. Not that I would know, but lately being a wife and a boy-mom, I’ve had a lot of sympathy for the less-fair sex. Feminism ran rampant, going so far beyond its noble beginnings with woman’s suffrage and ended up shaping our entire culture into a place where genuine masculinity is no longer welcome. It starts when they are so young. Boys are forbidden to play “cowboys and Indians” because that is racist. They can’t play with sticks and toy guns because that is training them to be violent. When a little boy can’t sit still for six hours straight in a classroom, he is put on Ritalin because he must be disordered. He probably isn’t disordered, he is probably just a boy! They don’t sit very well and they like to pretend to shoot things. Surprise, surprise! By the time they reach adulthood, the male species as a whole has been socially castrated, forced to take his God-given natural aptitudes for manly pursuits and competitiveness, and trade them in for avoc

Hail Mary: From the angel´s lips. ( Spanish) EL AVE MARIA:DE LOS LABIOS DEL ÁNGEL Y DEL ESPIRITU SANTO.


Scripture quote Inspirational Reflection called Scripnet

Hello Friend, Sharing thoughts of inspiration.  Reflection on this is appropriate. I think it is always good and inspiring to reflect on scripture and the Holy Spirit. We are temples of the Holy Spirit. Right! This is the beginning of posts I am writing to give words of inspiration. Encouraging one another to go forward. Inspirational quote from scripture.   Click here to go to post.   Blessings

Had I Really Forgiven the Bullies? Or Did I Have More Work to Do?

Forgiveness can take seventy times just to get it right! I thought I had forgiven the bullies who verbally abused me in grade school, until one recent Sunday, when I heard the Gospel from Matthew where it states, Then Peter approaching Him asked, ‘Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times’? Jesus answered, ‘I say to you, not seven times but seventy times’ (Matt 18:21-22).   I realized that although I had forgiven the bullies, and therefore, hoped that they would be granted admission to heaven one day, I also thought that I wouldn’t mind if I never crossed paths with them in Heaven. This was because I was still holding tightly to the pain. Had I really forgiven the bullies fully, if I felt this way? I didn’t want to hold on to the pain any longer. That day, I gave the pain to Jesus – literally! After receiving Communion, I went back to my seat to kneel and give thanks. As I closed my eyes, I saw... Read more...

The Dream

He woke, heart racing, breathless, wet with sweat, in the starlit time before dawn. He shuddered when something touched his arm. It was his wife. "Again?" she asked, rolling her belly onto him. Soon she would bear his first child. "Again," he gasped. He waited until his breath came more easily. "The same thing. It was awful." She waited. He would talk soon. Perhaps then he would sleep. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

A Season to Journal: 'a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

 Ecclesiastes 3:5 A Guest Post by May-Kuan Lim,  author of  The Curious Scribbler I feel a  hint of pain when I look at these early photos because my children were young and easily amused. I, too, was young and life was uncomplicated: feed the ducks, throw a ball, pick a daisy. There is a  time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. The season for early motherhood has passed. The children are teenagers now. One has left home. I have to find my place in the world again. The words of  Ecclesiastes wash over me: a time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, a time to uproot; and on it goes, each verb making sense in its context but what is this – a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them?  What a strange expression. Who scatters stones? Farmers scatter seed. Hansel and Gretel scatter breadcrumbs. But who scatters stones? Aren’t stones too heavy to be scattered? Perhaps pebbles can be scattered, but to what purpose? Instead of ‘scatter’

A Physical Healing? Really?

It was a conference for Sunday School teachers. The crowd consisted of down-to-earth housewives, mothers, even some older, benevolent grandmotherly types. Lots of nice, well-meaning women attending, simply trying to fill a need at their church. Most were mothers who wanted to be involved in teaching the faith to their kids. My friend and I were the only Catholics in the group and that added to a feeling of alienation. So, I came albeit grudgingly. I really did not expect to learn anything more than a few interesting tips on how to hold children’s interest. I was pretty fed up with learning techniques and strategies. I wanted, no I  needed,  to receive more from God in my deepest self, in my spirit because I was tired and depleted. I did not need more facts... continue

Veterans Day 2017

Tomorrow is Veterans Day in my country. It's a national holiday, related to Armistice Day, Remembrance Day and Volkstrauertag. 1 I'll be talking mostly about what's happened since 1914, why I don't fear the future, and what I think we can achieve if we use our brains. It's mostly history, with a little science. This isn't the usual "science news" post.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

'You know neither the day nor the hour.' Sunday Reflections, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Year A Christ and the Wise Virgins- Mediaeval German Sculptor [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel Matthew 25:1-13 ( NRSV, Anglicised CatholicEdition )  Jesus told his disciples this parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, all of them became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a shout, “Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.” Then all those bridesmaids got up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish said to the wise, “Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.” But the wise replied, “No! there will not be en

Carrying Our Crosses Can Be a Struggle

If it was easy to carry our crosses, we would all do it willingly. Instead, it can be a struggle at times. We are all given something to bear in life that we wish we did not have to endure. For me, God gave me clubbed feet. My cross is a visible sign of what I must endure in this life. For others, the cross is invisible to the eye. One might think that a visible cross is tougher to bear, because everyone can see it; but I say, not necessarily so. An invisible cross can be just as crippling as my clubbed feet. A good example of an invisible cross would be mental illness; running the gamut from mild anxiety to schizophrenia. Carrying Our Crosses for Christ Whatever your cross may be, know that God is with you always. At the most difficult of times, when life seems so unbearable, He helps you carry your cross. God will never give you more than you can bear. Trust Him. We all have crosses to bear. Yet, by carrying our crosses, Jesus wants us to... Read more...

A Meaning-Full Advent

We are on the verge of Advent, four weeks that tend to be a flurry of activity in preparation for Christmas. This week Jen Deshpande, who is on the parish staff of St. Dominic, wrote a reflection for our parish email that I needed to hear and thought you might too. She allowed me to make it my blog post today. I especially liked the last sentence:   I saw a good friend a few days ago. I stopped by to ask her how she was doing. She looked up, voiced lowered, and said, "I'm so busy, I have so much going on." Almost immediately after, I ran into another friend and asked him how he was doing. Again, same tone, same response, "I'm just so busy." Busyness is a widely accepted part of our society today. We even consider it part of our identity. If you are not busy, then what are you?   We may think being busy is good; we are accomplishing so much, checking off all the boxes on that to-do list! Yes, some of our commitments are really important

Nun on the run


Scripture quote with inspirational reflection

Welcome Friend, Have new posts set up. They are short inspirations . A quote from scripture and a quote from a person. Usually along with a reflection inspiring all. Maybe with a life story. Let me know what you think. Read all about it here.  See you there.

Murder — Again — Still

That's Devin Patrick Kelley, and First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. We're still not sure why he opened fire on the folks gathered for worship yesterday morning. At the moment, it looks like he was in a snit because he’d been arguing with his former wife and in-laws. That doesn’t mean I think we should ban marriage because it leads to mass murder. That makes about as much sense as my SADIST proposal. ( November 6, 2017 More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

From Toy Town with Love

When I was a boy I used to call people by what they did. My older brothers used to laugh when I said I had seen Mr Postman, Mr Builder, Mr Plumber or Mr Dustman. I suppose  the idea came from my favourite radio program 'Toy Town'. Everybody was called by what they did. It was Mr Mayor, Mr Policeman, Mr Inventor, Mr Magician and even Mr Grouser! When the Parish priest visited and pointed to the picture of the Sacred Heart, he asked me who he was. I answered,  "Mr Loving." Once again my older brothers laughed, but the parish priest didn't laugh. He said that  I was absolutely right . However, when he asked me who had told me, I said nothing, because I knew my bothers would laugh at me again if I said it was from my favourite radio program, 'Toy Town'. Although pictures or statues of the Sacred Heart depict Christ dressed as he might have been while he was on earth, a closer look reveals that he is actually depicted as he is now in heaven. For instance,

Self-Giving Love: Giving Without Expecting Repayment

The definition of self-giving love is to give without expecting repayment. With self-giving love, one gives from the heart, solely because he/she loves another for the sake of that person. There is no self-interest; only concern for the other person. In today’s Gospel from Luke 14:12-14, Jesus tells us, via one of His parables, not to invite the wealthy to a banquet, for we may be asked to return the favor one day. Rather, …when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.   How to discern self-giving love Let me take this one step further and ask you: When you give to the poor, do you... Read more... 

The Final Fight

Sister Lucia, the oldest of the Fatima visionaries prophesied that the final fight between Our Lord and Satan will be over marriage and the family. Being the one good thing that remains from Paradise, it is easy to see why the devil would attack it so harshly. With sex scandals upon scandals, the acceptance of same-sex “marriages”, the  normalization of incest , the epidemic of contraceptive use, and a million other violations of the natural order, it’s not terribly crazy to speculate that we are nearing that final battle. Faithful Catholics easily recognize the dangers of the big lies society is pushing, and we seem to frame our understanding of this final battle as being against these  big  issues, but that is only the surface of the fight. .... Those of us in faithful, sacramental marriages, I really think we are going to be attacked more than anyone else. You only have to do a quick read through of the Book of Job to see how much the devil delights in bringing destruction

Daylight Saving Time: A Modest Proposal

Perhaps I should remember my station, and be respectfully silent before the weekend's mighty display of power and glory. I am, after all, but one of those who live neither in the Northeast megalopolis nor the shining lands of San Francisco and Los Angeles. Daylight Saving Time — Again — Still Enough of that 'umble posturing. If you live in America, there's a pretty good chance that you remembered to set your clock back an hour during the weekend. We've gone through this routine every year for — too long, I think. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

When You Live For Jesus, You Have Peace Even In Times Of Uncertainty

By Laura Durant When you live for God and allow Christ to live within you, nothing is impossible. Challenges that come your way are but opportunities for the Lord to show His majesty and power. You have total trust you will be taken care of, you will not be forgotten and all your needs will be met. It is important we ask ourselves when uncertainty comes our way, when challenges arise, when things don’t go as planned, where do I turn? To whom do I seek for advice, counsel or comfort? Your Lord, the One who created you in His image and likeness, desires your answer to be that you turn to Him first, always and forever. If you do, you will always find peace, even in the midst of life’s greatest challenges and obstacles. Read more in English      Read more in Spanish

Science, Faith, and Me

This universe is bigger and older than some folks thought, a few centuries back. I don't mind, at all. Besides, it's hardly new information. We've known that we live in a big world for a long time. " 4 Indeed, before you the whole universe is as a grain from a balance, or a drop of morning dew come down upon the earth." ( Wisdom 11:22 ) If that bit from Wisdom doesn't sound familiar, I'm not surprised. It's not in the Bibles many Americans have. The one I read and study frequently is the unexpurgated version.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .