
Let love win in your life (Spanish) El amor gana.

  Blanca nos invita en esta ocasión a aprender a saborear la vida, hasta en las dificultades y problemas, porque vivirlos intensamente nos lleva a aprender y apreciar lo bello y valioso que tenemos, aunque sea cosas pequeñas. Puedes ver todos sus videos en la liga aqui el video... Por: Blanca Ahumada Otero

God is Calling YOU!

As a Lay Dominican, one of the essential elements of our religious order is to observe what is happening around us and respond to it. The father of the Order, St. Dominic , was an itinerant preacher.   On one of his tours it is said that he walked over 3,000 miles, barefoot. He seeded communities throughout his travels as he adamantly preached against heresies .   People gathered around him due to his charism which undoubtedly grew out of the scriptures.   He was known to carry the Gospel of Matthew with him.   So familiar with it was he, that he knew it by heart.   He also embraced chastity and religious poverty. In the spirit of St. Dominic, I must say I am extremely impressed with the Church’s overwhelming, creative, outward response to the limitations imposed on us in regards to our inability to worship together and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist together. From the Vatican to our local neighborhood parishes, the Church has been offering a spir

Don't Let The Devil Win!


Opening Ourselves Up to God

These are the words from Exodus Chapter 32:7-14 we should hope to never hear God say: “they have become depraved.   They have soon turned aside from the way I pointed out to them . . .” and “I see how stiff-necked this people is.” If we do, I sure hope that we have someone like Moses standing up for us: “Why, O Lord, should your wrath blaze up against your own people . . .?” Oh wait, we do have someone—Jesus! Not only can we say that Jesus stood up for us, but he also died for us.   He went through so much physical and mental anguish for us and yet we often act as if it were nothing. Why, O Lord? I’m not sure if the reality of the death and resurrection of Jesus seems so distant from us, or if we just don’t believe it ever happened, or if we are too busy to notice, but for whatever the reason, too many of us go throughout our lives completely ignoring him. We skip Mass (under normal circumstances) when it is a grave sin to do so. We do not even

Staying in Control

Other than the serious medical issues surrounding this virus, which are significant, I think part of the recent psychological challenges to our current predicament might be traced to what seems like an increasing lack of control. Things are happening to us and around us that we are not in charge of, but that does not mean there is nothing we can control. For sure, our routines are changing.   Because of a temporary situation related to apartment maintenance (or more to the point, lack thereof), our youngest daughter and her two kids stayed with us for a few days.) Because of this, I have discovered that five year olds must stomp like a dinosaur whenever they are moving from one room to another (growl included, free of charge.) I have re-discovered the fun of hearing dreams recalled in lazy mornings before breakfast. I have found the importance of protecting one’s quiet space. I have re-discovered the joy—and challenges—of having little ones spread aro

Annunciation of Our Lord

Today, we celebrate the awesome event of when the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would bear a Son, who would be called the Son of God. Today is the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord. The Annunciation Can you imagine what that moment must have been like for Mary? She was a young teen, barely a woman! Yet, she knew enough about the facts of life to know how procreation works. She wondered, how could this be, since she did not know man? She was engaged to Joseph, but they had not yet married. Therefore, Mary was a virgin. Yet, with God, all things are possible. We consider the Annunciation, the conception of Jesus, to be one of the mysteries of our faith. With Mary’s “yes,” Jesus, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, (ever Divine) entered humanity, through the power of the Holy Spirit, by Mary conceiving Jesus in her womb. This young teen then went on to become the greatest mother of all the living. It was because of Mary’s “yes,” that God was able

‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’ Sunday Reflections, 5th Sunday of Lent, Year A

The Raising of Lazarus Rembrandt [ Web Gallery of Art ] There is  a very good commentary  on this painting in the March 2020 issue of the liturgical monthly  Magnificat. A Comment on the Covid-19 Pandemic A diocesan priest in Canada, officially retired but very active pastorally in his diocese and who is a good friend, sent me the following, which I have slightly edited, a few days ago . I can see how this trial can make for a great Easter. Only our relationship with Christ cannot be destroyed by the horrors of the world. The prayer on the opening Sunday of Lent reads:  Grant, almighty God, through the yearly observance of holy Lent,  that we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in Christ  and by worthy conduct pursue their effects .  Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who ives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.  The Season of Lent will deliver us into the riches hidden in Christ  [ emphasis  ad