Starting Planning NOW!

Please subscribe to my blog using the box to the right On Sunday mornings, one of us goes out to get the newspaper. I love doing it because in the early morning it is so still. The weather is crisp and there is barely a sound. The peacefulness reminds me of our camping days. Things have changed a lot over the years, when it comes to camping and me. We stopped camping many years ago when we outgrew our pop-up trailer, but honestly, the campgrounds got too noisy for me anyway. I always say, my backyard is quieter, and oh how I love the quiet. I do love visiting family when they are camping, though. I love hanging out for an evening, as we roast s'mores and have great conversation. I was thinking about these good times as we head into the holidays. I overheard a lady the other day on her phone (nothing is private anymore) talking about Thanksgiving and how she just wanted a normal, nice gathering. I think that's what everyone wants, but unfortunately it isn't what ever...