Who Am I?

I find myself waiting on God--alot. I wait for him to show me the direction in which he wants me to go. I wait on him for a clear sign. If you find yourself in a holding pattern, I would suggest you make the most of it. Perhaps God is pruning your patience. Maybe he is trying to get you to listen more closely. Maybe he is trying to tell you that you are right where you need to be. Reading the tea leaves can be hard, but rather than trying to read them, it is more helpful to listen. That can be the most important activity you need to be doing sometimes. If God wants us to move, he will let us know. More often than not, we get in too much of a hurry, looking for the next thing, or what's around the corner. I had a Religious Ed. Director make an observation about me that I have found useful over the years. We were doing a program that I thought needed to be changed. She said, "Janet, every time we offer this, it is...