
Mom-to-Mom Challenge: LOVE YOURSELF

As Christians, we know very well that we're flawed. We're sinful. Less than perfect. Fallen. Or whatever else you want to call it. For those of us that are mothers, I think our awareness of the less than perfect in us doubles. We become acutely conscious of every mistake and shortcoming, because we don't want them to affect our kids. In fact, we sometimes (might I say often?) even beat ourselves up over tiny things that aren't worth it. Nine out of ten moms that I know, including myself, focus mostly on sacrificing themselves and loving  others. This might be all well and good, but at the same time, it's impossible for us to truly give the best of ourselves to our family if we don't also love ourselves rightly. In our efforts to always give more, it's easy to see where we fall short, and easy to overlook all the good things God has created in us. Head over to Eyes On Heaven to read more about this Mom-to-Mom challenge!

What would you do for Love?

                        19 yrs ago I learned most profoundly the meaning of this statement, when my son was 11 and a boy, not even his close friend, told me he would do sacrifices for my son’s vocation. He never noticed, but those words hit me like I had heard the voice of God, that moment. Those words shat thru me, changing me into someone I had never been before. Since then, that statement  lights my life at every level, not like a lighthouse in the fog, not like headlights of my car in the rain, not like a candle during prayers, but like the sun, brilliantly detailing the intricacy of how love rules every moment, every thought, every step, every temptation to not.                 next

‘Only You Have Been Keeping Me Out’

Posted on  12/05/2014 An Examination of Conscience -   When we begin to experience God making his home within us, we are beginning to experience the most  momentous and the most moving moments  possible on earth. They are not just moments of blissful happiness, but moments when we enable the love of God to surcharge our weak human loving, so that we can be more and more like Jesus, enabling his loving to be alive and active again in the world through us, through all we say and do. This is how God’s sway, his sacred sovereignty  is spread, how his secret plan or his  Mysterion  can finally be brought to completion here on earth, as it is in heaven.  read on

Teaching Your Child How to Pray

I LOVE hearing my three year old pray. There is something so special and endearing in hearing such a tiny voice talking to God. Granted, he might not fully understand what he’s saying, but I think the tender sweetness of a child’s prayer is enough to more than melt God’s heart. No matter how young your child is, it’s never too early to start teaching them how to pray! Head over to Eyes on Heaven for 8 ways that can help teach young children how to pray.

Lovely Lady, Thank You!

Lovely Lady dressed in blue, teach me how to pray! ... God was just your little boy, and you know The Way. Click Here to Read More at The Way to Nourish for Life HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

"They Have no Wine"

This seemed a good day to talk about motherhood, family, and why Minnesota has the start of fishing season fall on Mother's Day weekend. My wife says it may be so that mothers can have some time alone . If that's so, Minnesota's DNR blundered. They say this weekend is "Take-a-Mom fishing weekend." Ephesians and Diapers 'Family' is very important to Catholics, or should be. The Catechism devotes quite a bit of space to what a family is, and how families should work. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2201 - 2233 ) . ( September 24, 2009 ) On the other hand, I'm not allowed see marriage as a casual agreement between consenting adults. For starters, we all have duties: children and parents (Catechism, 2214 - 2220 , 2221 - 2231 ). When I married my wife, I knew what I was signing up for. Ephesians 5:22 - 25 points out that as her husband, I must love my wife "even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her." That


Madonna in Prayer by Sassoferrato, c1640-50 One afternoon, I was making dinner, standing at the counter with my back to our three youngest children. Katie and Anthony were lounging around the kitchen table, with three-year-old Lucy perched like a little elf on a high stool, happily swinging her legs. Simply making conversation, Katie who was about eight, asked Lucy, “Lucy, who’s your favorite, mum or dad?” Lucy replied,”Both!” I looked over my shoulder and intruded on their conversation, “Smart answer, Lucy.” Lucy was not done, though, “But she’s not my real mum, Mary is.” continue

The Sanctuary of Our Heart

' 'Faith tells us that  our heart is a Sanctuary,  because it is the Temple of God,  the dwelling-place of the Holy Trinity.   Let us often visit this Sanctuary,  and see that the lamps are alight -  that is to say,  Faith, Hope and Charity... '   (St. Paul of the Cross)  continue at The Cloistered Heart...

Helping Your Child Calm Down

If you’ve been a parent for longer than a week, you already know that helping your child calm down is a regular part of parenting. Getting upset is a normal way for your child to express themselves, when there’s something they need or want that they don’t know how to get on their own. When you’re child is a baby, helping them calm down is, comparatively, easy. It’s predictable. There are a limited number of things that could be upsetting your baby. They’re hungry, they’re tired, they want to be held, they have a dirty diaper, or they’re annoyed by the environment – light, noise, etc. Respond to the items on that list – feed them, put them to bed, hold them, change their diaper, or move them from one room to another, and, chances are, your child has calmed down. But when you’re child gets a little older, thinks aren’t as straightforward anymore. There could be a plethora of causes for their emotions, and chances are, there’s no one cause at all, but a complicated mix. You can’t

When Mother's Day Isn't Happy

Mother's Day is a day we celebrate, a day we should be filled with joy, and yet, it is a day too many are hurting, a day too many mourn the loss of their beloved Mother, a day too many mourn the Mother they always wanted but never had, a day too many long to hold the Child they never held or held for too short a time. I know firsthand some of the agony Mother's Day can bring, but I also know the New Beginnings that come from the pain of being made new, of being born again on this day. May 10th is listed as my "birthday" on my Google+ profile because it is on May 10th, Mother's Day 2009, that my husband suddenly announced he was leaving. Although I didn't see it at the time, the pain I experienced was part of the birthing process making me into the person I am meant to be. If Mother's Day is less than perfect for you, if it is a day met with a bit of sadness in your heart or a day met with complete and utter earth shattering agony, know that Mary al

7 Lessons From Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa

Last weekend, my family and I were blessed to attend the “Awakening the Domestic Church Conference” in Norfolk, VA .  There we were privileged to hear Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, who has been the preacher to the Papal Household for the past 30 years, deliver three powerful teachings. I have read many of Fr. Cantalamessa's books and articles and have learned so much from him. Being able to hear him in person, and to witness the joy and love of the Lord on his face, was such a blessing.  Click here to read 7 lessons which struck me most powerfully in the talks he gave.  

If you don't believe ... leave ...

The choice is simple. Choose HERE

'I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.' Sunday Reflections, 3rd Sunday of Easter Year A

Christ the Good Shepherd Murillo, c.1660, Museo del Prado, Madrid [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings  (New American Bible: Philippines, USA)                 Readings (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel   John 10:1-10   ( New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition , Canada)  Jesus said:  "Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but climbs in by another way is a thief and a bandit.   The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.   The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger, but they will run from him because they do not know the voice of strangers.” Jesus used this figure of speech with them,

An Eastertide Reflection

The Empty Tomb -  It was almost twenty years ago that I was offered my first free holiday. It came like a bolt from the blue. All I had to do was to meet up with a group of pilgrims from the Outer Hebrides, bundle them on to a plane at Luton airport, and deliver them in one piece to Fr Kenneth, a Franciscan priest in Tel Aviv. It all sounded too good to be true, but it was true, and it turned out to be one of the most important spiritual experiences of my life.   read on

How do you evangelize?

How do you evangelize?  Do you wave a bible in someone's face?  Do you quote scripture in every conversation?  Do you tout the Catholic Church at every opportunity? Before I converted, any of the above techniques was an immediate turn off for me.  The people who were attempting to get me to know Jesus were just heads with mouths moving. I would turn the sound off, smile weakly and nod my head in bobble head fashion. Please continue reading at Being Catholic ... Really .

Today is My Anniversary...But Not Really - Divorced, But Not Annulled

I’m divorced, but not annulled – It’s weird having an anniversary that’s not an anniversary,  being married to someone, but not really married to him,  being grateful to be out of that marriage,  but saddened at its death and dismayed by the load dumped upon you. Its weird having an anniversary that’s not an anniversary. I didn’t even think about it for a while after I woke up. It’s weird that each year your anniversary becomes – somehow less , but still there . It’s weird how, despite the passing of time, the awareness of what you promised on this day creeps in and you think to yourself Oh yeah…Today’s the day we promised forever… or at least I did.   I don’t know what he promised.   And then you start thinking of the wedding day. Some people have picture perfect weddings. Maybe our day should have served as an omen.  I thought it was a sign that we could make it through anything. I guess he didn’t share the same optimism. But the wedding is a distant memory, a stor

Habitable Worlds, Homer, and Haldane — or — Ganymede's Oceans, and Imagining Kepler-186f's Sunsets

Scientists at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo's Planetary Habitability Laboratory simulated Kepler-186f's sunsets. Others studied possibly-habitable regions in Jovian moons and around double stars. Meanwhile, some chap at Oxford trotted out opportunities for angst and dread.... ...Over the last million years, we've learned to use fire without killing ourselves, weren't cut to shreds by flint tools, and developed an alternative to horse-drawn wagons before burying London in manure. If anything, we're smarter now than we were in the 'good old days:' so I don't think that steam engines or integrated circuits will kill us all. ( November 22, 2013 ; July 9, 2011 ) The trick is using humanity's accumulated wisdom, and applying it to everyday life. Most of the time, we do a pretty good job: my opinion. Sometimes mistakes are made. Then, most of the time, we clean up the mess and move on.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America

Each hard Sacramental Marriage is salvageable!

God gives reconciliation and forgiveness, even after many years of separation The Catholic Community of difficult marriages operates in Poland and helps the spouses to protect this gift of the Sacrament. SYCHAR  - link in Polish Community charism SYCHAR - Difficult Marriages  is the desire of its members to the healing sacrament of marriage, which is in crisis. If you do not agree to the divorce, be faithful to your conscience. You can write a response to divorce: model answer (in Polish, use the translator)

14 Ways to Get Your Child's Attention When They're Ignoring You...

At some point or other, kids start ignoring their parents. I call it selective hearing, and its already begun with my 3 year old. Selective hearing is when your child's ears work perfectly well when you're saying something they want to hear, but just don't seem to work at all when you're saying something they don't want to hear (you know - dreaded things like "It's bedtime!"). When adults ignore each other, it's usually disrespectful. While we want to teach our kids that ignoring others is disrespectful, it's also important for us as parents to remember that kids usually aren't trying to be rude. They've just disconnected for one reason or another. They might be simply distracted or tired. Or they might be afraid of the topic you're bringing up, or they might be hearing the same thing for the 10th time and be retreating internally because they just don't know how to handle the subject. Or maybe, they don't know how to

Mother's Day Gift Ideas: Catholic Style

Looking for some free Catholic gift ideas for Mother's Day?  Here are a few suggestions that will provide blessing, honor and encouragement to your Mom, Grandmother or Godmother. These are great ways for the entire family to join together in giving Mom a gift that she will treasure. To read more visit Saints 365 at the following link: Mother's Day Gift Ideas: Catholic Style A blessed Mother's Day to all!