
Our Lady of China, Covid-19, the Legion of Mary in China

  Our Lady of China With the inscription:  Mother of God, pray for us Someone sent me this photo back in April, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and expressing a desire that we should pray for the people of China, where the virus began in Wuhan. That city is a conglomeration of three cities: Wuchang, Hankow and Hanyang. When the first group of Columban priests, including our Co-founder Fr Edward Galvin, travelled to China in 1920 some went to Hanyang. In 1927 Fr Galvin was ordained as the first bishop of what was then the Vicariate Apostolic of Hanyang. It became a diocese in 1946. Bishop Edward Galvin and Fr John Blowick Co-founders of the Columbans  (mid-1950s) Bishop Galvin lived through wars and natural calamities, serving the people of his diocese with one desire: to do God's will. He was expelled from the People's Republic of China in 1952. In a report he wrote that year he stated the reasons the authorities gave for this. You have opposed and obstructed the ...

Aggressive Behavior is a No Winner!

Originally from New Jersey, I learned the hard way that aggressive behavior is a no winner, especially when you move to the south. I can easily remember a time when my department, at work, held a charitable event to raise money for cancer research. With such a food cause, I volunteered to sell doughnuts at this charitable event. This happened shortly after moving to Charlotte, North Carolina. Let’s just say that people in Charlotte are far more gentile than folks from up north. So, here I am in an unfamiliar setting trying to do my best. Aggressive Behavior Serves No Good Purpose Unfortunately, the planning committee decided that the best day to hold this charitable event was on an Ash Wednesday! So, needless to say, sales were slim to none, as many people were fasting that day. Here I am in a public place, with people whizzing by, heading to work, shouting, “Fight cancer. Buy doughnuts! Fight cancer. Buy doughnuts!” Well, my aggressive sales tactics got back to the chair of the charit...

Can I get an Amen?

  I went on a search for a new computer—something I hate doing.   In fact, I haven’t bought one since 2013. I’ve learned that my computer does not have a solid state drive, which apparently is partly responsible for it moving at a snail’s pace. So I found the computer I wanted after talking with a representative on the phone and I even called our local computer place who has helped me in the past, to verify what’s what. I then called the computer company back and was ready to make a deal (with a different rep, of course).   Asking for additional discounts and so forth, he got me a great price.   I was so happy until he mentioned one small thing . . . “You know this doesn’t have a CD drive, right?” Uh, no.   The previous phone representative seemed to overlook that little fact.   So, the current representative went on his own search, trying to find what I needed. My computer troubles were resolved when my oldest daughter pointed out that it would...

'Everything is mercy, believe me.' Sunday Reflections, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

    Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard Johann Christian Brand [ Wikipedia ] Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel   Matthew 20:1-16 ( English Standard Version Anglicised) Jesus said to his disciples: “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard.   After agreeing with the labourers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.   And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the market-place,   and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’   So they went.   Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same.   And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘...

How big is your debt?

  I suppose it’s possible we may fall a little short in the loving department, but God will understand, right? In today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke (Chapter 7:36-50) there’s a neat little account of a visit Jesus made to a pharisee’s house.   Now remember, the pharisees were religious leaders who were a bit obsessive about dotting every “i” and crossing every “t” to the extent that they would put burdens on people. So this pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him.   It’s interesting that although he asked him to come to his house, he was still a bit snarky when a penitent woman came in and started fussing over Jesus.   She started bathing his feet with her tears, kissing them and anointing them with ointment.   Like a said, seriously fussing over Jesus. “If this man [Jesus] were a prophet,” the pharisee said, “he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.” The woman was fussing over Jesus because she...

Lying is Exhausting!

  Have you ever told a lie, only to find the need to tell an additional lie to cover for the original lie? Such lying gets out of hand and becomes exhausting. Why? Because with lie after lie, you need to keep remembering the story you concocted, and it becomes difficult to not conflict your current story with previously told stories. Whereas, with Truth, there is no need to cover up. You tell the facts, as they are, with no change needed to your story. So, the truth sets you free (John 8:32)! Lying Gets You into Trouble Nothing good comes from lying. Eventually, the truth catches up with you. When that happens, you lose the respect and trust of others. It takes a lifetime to build respect and trust, but only takes one lie, to tear it all down. Lying is not worth it. Embrace Truthfulness So, how can you better embrace truth? Here are a few suggestions: Read more...

How can we get better leaders?

  For some reason when I was reading the passage for today from 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 , a political thought popped into my head. The passage was the one that has been proclaimed at every wedding since the turn of the century:   Love is patient, love is kind.   It is not pompous, rude or quick-tempered.   Love is not brooding, but “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” It really is quite beautiful and I have found that prayerfully reflecting on it can be transformative. But why did a passage such as this prompt a political thought during my morning prayer? I have no idea, but here’s what I was thinking . . . As citizens of this great United States, every four years when we elect our president, for some reason, we put our hopes in that person.   Whether you vote for a party or a person specifically, there is this notion that THEY will be the one to give us a utopian society. They will fix our economic, healt...

Trevor Noah's Born a Crime : Book Review

  While we were in San Francisco, I finally read  Born a Crime  by Trevor Noah after hearing so many good things about it.  It seemed like every time I turned around, good reviews were popping up.  I'm so glad I finally read it, because I give it an easy 5 stars.   Why did I like this book and feel I can recommend it? Microcosm of the Civil Rights Movement Know thyself is an important proverb, but self-awareness is the hardest lesson to come by.  I almost want to say it would be irresponsible not to read books like this, but this book is one of a kind. Looking at the apartheid in South Africa is like looking at a subset of American racism.  Trevor Noah was literally born a crime, because he had a white father and black mother. He was a literal misfit and a reflection of a society with broken laws and a corrupt perspective, in his own society.  His humor and clairvoyance are credit to that. To every instance, I could compare the changing of th...

It all happened by accident


Examination of Conscience


Rudeness Gets You Nowhere!

  Have you ever found that being rude served you well? I seriously doubt it! Why? Because rudeness gets you nowhere and serves no good purpose. If you find that others become offended by what you say and/or what you do, then you need to ask yourself why. Could it be because you made a rude remark or act? Rudeness does not increase your friends list or garner you any respect. So, why not make a change? Eliminate Rudeness by Embracing Courtesy Consider embracing courtesy. Here are some ways that you can make that happen: Rather than acting rude, be polite and respectful toward others. By doing so, you will see politeness and respect returned to you. Also, be considerate of others in both your acts and expression. Be Rather than pushing someone out of the way, so that you can proceed through the door first, hold the door open for the other person to enter first. Act out of a sense of... Read more...