Are you taking a trip?
In the Acts of the Apostles, (Chapter 8, verse 26+) Philip took a trip. An angel spoke to him and he headed off down a desert route to Gaza. Have you had an angel speak to you, directing your journey? Along Philip's journey, he came across an Ethiopian * eunuch riding along in a chariot, reading the prophet Isaiah. The eunuch needed some help understanding what he was reading, so Philip " opened his mouth and, beginning with this scripture passage, he proclaimed Jesus to him." (He was reading Isaiah 53:7-8 ) This account usually focuses on the Ethiopian's conversion, but I think there is something additional for us to consider. This encounter took place because Philip listened and followed God's prompting. And, he was ready to accompany the Ethiopian, teach him, walk with him to his baptism, and--here's the interesting part--after he had completed the task God had given him, move on to continue his work. Now you may not be in a position to instr