
The Nun's Story

Inspired by post below! The book of the film is excellent..

Should Nuns still wear these?

Inspired by   which is good Catholic fun I thought surely the men didn't have it all their own way, didn't Nuns used to wear some really groovy wimples, how about sharing a few pics of traditional sisters? Here is one I found with a quick google.


Hi ladies...thanks very much to Marion & Joanna for helping me access this blog! My google signing in has problems..anyway I seem to be able to post now. We have 22 blog authors who all have admin permission. It seems to be working well. The posts have been amazingly inspiring. My friend Francis Phillips who posted on the Catholic Herald blog about the guild of bloggers has changed her mind about not wanting a separate blog for women. I asked her to drop by & my was she impressed! I know I keep saying I might disappear for a while! Well we move in to our new house totally on friday & won't have internet access for over a week, Maybe someone will take pity on me & invite me over! lol I am happy for you all to help Marion out...if there are suggestions to make do go's your blog! Oh & do spread the word amongst your friends..God bless. Oh moving on from my old blog lead kindly light heart speaks unto heart

Hearing God's Whisper

Hi! I am Colleen. My first post here is one I posted yesterday on Hope you enjoy it! You can also check out my bio there! Hearing God's Whisper Sometimes God speaks to me in whispers. Sometimes He shouts to get my attention. But I am not hearing God at all right now. My prayer life has been so dry. Desert dry. I find myself looking for other things … Read more in my column at ...

Lord, I lift up my little emptiness this morning....

If You Have Nothing The gesture of a gift is adequate. If you have nothing: laurel leaf or bay no flower, no seed, no apple gathered late, do not in desperation lay the beauty of your tears upon the clay. No gift is proper to a Deity; no fruit is worthy for such power to bless. If you have nothing, gather back your sigh, and with your hands held high, your heart held high, lift up your emptiness! -Jessica Powers, OCD Powers was a Carmelite Nun and Poet. I believe she died in 1988. Her poems are really beautiful and if you are not familiar with them, I urge you to read a few!

This mom's life

Hello! Thanks so much for the invite, I am truly honored. I am in the throes of what is a pretty usual day; 67 things to squeeze in, and that's just before lunch. How to prioritize is the key. Today, as too many days of late, I did not make it to daily mass. Big sigh. But when I decided to start blogging, my inspiration was to reach other women with the message that no matter how overwhelming your life looks at any given moment, God can reach into it and give it a completely new spin. My blog title, albeit a tad long, includes the word "unconventional" because I think so many of us feel a bit on the outside if our lives include the messy situations as a result of sins and failings~ our own, others, you name it. But there is so much hope and mercy to be had at the hands of Him who died for us. So much encouragement in our present moments. He waits for us in His church, desires our prayers, our conversation, our messy lives. He looks upon us as a father looks fondly upo

When life brings you nettles

Imagine someone bought you a bunch of flowers, nicely wrapped in pretty paper with a big bow, and when you unwrapped them, you found a bunch of nettles and stung your fingers... :( You wouldn't be very happy, would you? In many ways, this last week has been the equivalent of receiving a bunch of nettles as a gift. It's been fraught and tiring and full of *worry-potential*, trying to juggle work, family, grandchildren, my Mum who is in hospital and is likely to be in some kind of rehabilitation for weeks to come until she's mobile again. Plus, on top of all this, trying to keep a home, eat well, do the shopping and just generally remember a hundred and one things at any one time. Nettles... But, I learned a great lesson about nettles this week, after my eldest Grandson and I had a "discover and learn" day on Saturday. We harvested a good crop of nettles from behind the house, and turned them from nasty and stingy to really rather lovely! We made nettle soup w

Nice to Meet You!

Hi Everyone! I’m Cam and I usually blog over at A Woman’s Place… Since January of this year I’ve also been doing a second blog that I dubbed A Year of Dresses . It’s mostly just pictures that I manage to snap, hopefully before baby food or paint or mud go flying across my clothes, which always seems to happen at some point in the day. I’ve been meaning to do an introduction post for a few days, since I got the invitation to join the group (I was very excited to learn about this site and to be invited to join!), but things have been a bit crazy here. My husband graduated on Friday with his Master’s in Theology. Perhaps just as great an accomplishment was that he survived 3 years at a “Catholic” university that proudly claims to be “the most liberal in the country” despite his very orthodox outlook on life. Because of the graduation we spent the weekend in “The City” with the entire family to celebrate his accomplishment (and to attend graduation since he commuted around 250 mile

The Church is alive & flourishing!

Please check here

Keeping Close to God, and Staying Fresh!

Keeping Close to God, and Staying Fresh! A nice article (link above) regarding your children's Religious Education and school year winding down and how to keep fresh and close to God. My book: A Cathlolic Woman's Book of Prayers is mentioned. I'll be back soon to introduce myself to the group. God bless! Donna-Marie

A true story;the retelling prompted by Jackie's post below it.

This happened to me 20 years ago, I was with a group of mothers and we were organising fund raising for the secular county primary school our children all attended. This was several years before we became Catholics,but we were still a Christian family and attended a local chapel with Sunday school for the children. It was quite a lively group and that day I had my youngest child ,my daughter aged 2 with me. One of the "ladies" in fact several of them were given to colourful language, and noticing my discomfort at the effing and blinding one of the group pointed out that we had a young child present and people should watch what they said. This prompted a few apologies and some bluster which included using the Lords name in vain and I was asked how I felt.Taking a deep breath and thinking Oh well here goes! I quietly thanked them for stopping swearing and added that I actually thought that saying His name as a swear word was worse than effing and blinding and that my children

Pope blesses astronauts in 1st papal call to space - Yahoo! News

Pope blesses astronauts in 1st papal call to space - Yahoo! News

Moving & food poisoning & posting on wrong blog!

Well ladies..I'm waiting for your posts! We are in the process of moving to a lovely, big house. My son has food poisoning..stayed at his nan's last night & had a chicken burger from McDonalds! just what we don't need! I rang NHS direct..- never again! Well I did interrupt her so she said "Jesus" & when I asked her to stop blaspheming she hung up! lol Posted this first on my blog...

How are we doing?

Well the AWCB has been here for a couple of weeks now, time to check a few things? Jackie and I would like to see that this blogg continues as it is ,so far so good, unless you think otherwise! A couple of points though we thought maybe not too many embedded You tube films ,(I know there's one below this !) and were ever possible posts should be all your own original writing, we want to share our own feelings and ideas and support each other. The GBTB have not yet got back to me about posting :( so although I had hoped to add something I cant yet do so. I should like to make it clear however that I am not a feminist nor am I anti-men (3 sons) and I don't mind the picture they have as a header, personally as a former  student art teacher i just love Medieval art and appreciate it for what it is, this lady doesn't look for token anything and I am more than happy singing hymns that use the word mankind etc and mean all of us! and here is one of my favorite pictures of t

Pope John Paul II: Do not let your hearts be troubled


Happy 50th birthday Lindy!

One of our blog authors Lindy here


Recent events in my life have highlighted areas of sin , and the need to go to confession on a regular basis. I know we are only required to go to confession once a year, but if I followed that, I would spend 11 months of the year crawling on my knees weighed down by a burden of sin! I often feel I am the only one who regularly goes to confession during the Saturday slot at my one seems to go in before or after me, even though I try hard not to notice. I must look like the most sinful person in the Parish! I have always tried to make a regular communion, once a month, more often if necessary, for the good of my soul. Whilst we don't need to confess venial sin, it is ultimately worth doing so for the grace of the Sacrament, and the conferring of God's forgiveness, love and strength. Going to confession is like stepping in a power shower after a hot and dusty day. One feels clean and fesh afterwards, and resolved to make amends and turn back to God. I took this p
Wednesday, 18 May 2011 Ven. Maria Celesta Crostarosa A reader of my Blog and AWCB has asked me who the lady shown above is and why I have her picture on my side bar.   Its one of those little things that happen ,and seems to us with faith to be meant to happen for a reason, I like old books and always try and browse in junk shops, charity shops etc and I came upon a slim volume in a box of books for sale as no longer required in the resources room of St Josephs RC Cathedral Swansea while my daughter was at a meeting for her Youth Helpers at Lourdes Group. The book has a big red cross on the front and says "In Memory of Me" in big bold blue letters. inside it says Maria Celeste Crostarosa and The Redemptoristines. Now I am fascinated by religious life and I have done research while writing a pamphlet on St Robert of Newminster for my former Parish and they were new to me, the booklet bears an Imprimatur dated Nov 1948 and appears to be a first edition on typical post WWII au

Humble Obedience

Her master, seeing his goods multiply, as it were, in her hands, gave her [St. Zita] ample leave to bestow liberal alms on the poor, which she made use of with discretion, but was scrupulous to do nothing without his express authority . From: St. Zita “Without his express authority” . Saint Zita was always careful to respect and obey the authority of her master. Wise words for all of us, not least in respect to the authority of our Mother the Church. As Catholics, we are called to obey the Church. There are many who would disagree with that statement, and espouse the right of the faithful to question and sometimes even disobey. The trouble is, when we do that, we are no longer the faithful. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with questioning, especially when we come across something we don’t understand; there is nothing wrong with wanting to know the whys, hows and wherefores of our faith, but questioning needs to be done with a supple and compliant spirit, and


LAST WELSH MARTYR: TIME FOR ANOTHER BOOK GIVEAWAY! this blog promotes St David Lewis and its a story worth knowing.