
Theology of the Body Thursday #16: Dolce & Gabanna on Gay Adoption and Surrogacy

This week [originally published 3/19/15] fashion designers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce came out against gay adoption and surrogacy. They are both gay men (they had been in a relationship for 23 years) and have previously spoken out against gay marriage. The backlash against them was swift and powerful with some very big names joining the boycott against the designers. What struck me, however, was how similar their views are to the views of the Catholic Church. From AP They are both Italian natives, I wonder if they were raised Catholic. I cannot find anything to either confirm nor dispute this theory, but if they were, their catechists should be proud and here’s why... Find out why on True Dignity of Women:

Marriage Divorce Annulment


Jesus Christ is Risen!

Easter Sunday 2015: Acts 10:34a , 37 - 43 Colossians 3:1 - 4 or 1 Corinthians 6b - 8 John 20:1 - 9 Easter Sunday 2015 By Deacon Lawrence N. Kaas April 5, 2015 Jesus Christ is risen! This means that life takes on a new horizon. Have you ever thought of yourself as immortal? Have you ever considered that you have "forever" to live? The resurrection from the death of Jesus casts a new light on our human existence. No longer are we bound by finite ends. Our life has an all new endless and brilliant horizon, and we come to share in this new resurrected and glorious horizon gifted us by Christ Jesus through our baptism. In baptism, we are born into the resurrected life of Jesus Christ, a life that knows no end, no boundaries.... More, at A Catholic Citizen in America .

A Way Through That Wall

I never want to be separated from the love of God. So I'm thankful to have the following as a vital piece of my grillwork:   "I am certain that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth nor any other creature, will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39) I read these words a second time, and a third, and I let their power wash over me.  Time cannot conquer this astonishing love, death itself cannot separate me from it. No distance anywhere will ever be too far. However, if I look closely at the "grille" (Scripture and the teachings of the Church) , I do find one specific thing that can put a wall between me and the love of God. "Sin sets itself against God's love for us and turns our hearts away from it ..."   (click to continue)


Spring Retreat for the youth group is two weeks from yesterday, and as usual, I am speaking. I also haven’t prepared a single word.

Doomsday Du Jour — or — Doing My Job

Earth was not destroyed on June 13, 1857 . The comet didn't even show up. Mass starvation and various related catastrophes didn't happen in the 1970s and '80s, but the Ehrlich 's reprise of Malthusian assumptions is still popular in some circles. Apocalyptic predictions aren't unique to Western civilization, or Christendom — which are not the same thing, and that's another topic — but I'll concentrate on the Christian variety today. Hyppolytus of Rome said the Second Coming would happen in the year 500 . He died a martyr more than two centuries shy of his spurious Parousia . Hyppolytus of Rome is Saint Hippolytus of Rome now. Saints are canonized for their heroic virtue, not for being spot-on accurate.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Joyful Chaos: Dining With Eleven

Listen as I struggled to gather my crew every night for a family meal. “Oh good, you’re done barn chores. Perfect timing; dinner is almost ready.” “Two more minutes, everybody!” “Joseph I’ll help after we eat, okay?” “Mary, please run up and open Jean’s door and shut off the music.” ‘Dinner is ready!” “Grace, I know you love that book sweetheart but, remember, no reading at the dinner table.” “Where’s Mark?” “Honey would you lift up Daniel into the high chair?” “Are we all here? Anyone missing?” Ah, dinner time in a large family. Dinner was the highlight of the day with everyone clamoring to share their news or simply squeeze in comments into the cacophony of voices. It was a humorous symphony which sounded perfectly in tune to my ears. High pitched baby squeals combined with loud, boisterous little boys.and the quavering of a male teen voice balanced teenage girl’s chatter. Dad’s reassuring bass tones soothed my shrill calls for everyone to listen to the todd

Celebrating "Celebrate Teen Literature Day"!

Posted two days ago at String of Pearls: It's still National Library Week , and I'm still running a giveaway here at the blog.  Leave me a comment anytime before midnight on April 18, and you could win one of two prizes: a signed copy of my first novel, Finding Grace , or a signed copy of my second novel,  Erin's Ring . This is a good day to talk about these two books, because today has actually been dubbed "Celebrate Teen Literature Day," and both of my novels fall into the teen/young adult (YA) category.  (Although don't let the YA tag deter you from reading them if you're a full-blown adult; I tried to write these stories in such a way that they could be enjoyed by readers from middle school to middle age.) When I set out to write Finding Grace , I wasn't even sure it would ever be officially published as a book, with a glossy cover and professionally printed pages.  I thought that when I finished, I might run off copies for my bo

Assumptions tell a Different Story

Catholic Spirituality – Scripture  and Tradition. Forty years ago I was challenged by a Canoness. I had just finished a weekend course on personal prayer at the retreat centre that I ran in North London when the Canoness struck. She wasn’t just any Canoness, but a Canoness of the Holy Sepulchre. Her dedication to liturgical prayer had made her somewhat dismissive of personal prayer which she felt was all well and good for the laity, but not for semi-contemplative nuns like her, whose spiritual meat and drink was primarily and almost exclusively ‘the prayer of the Church’- the corporate expression of the faith of the community. Shortly after I had founded the retreat centre, where I had given the course, I went to Franciscan Italy to prepare myself for the task ahead. I spent some time in the hermitage of Fonte Colombo high up on the hillside overlooking the Rieti Valley, where St Francis had completed his rule in 1223. It was here that I first came across the words of the great F

A Novena and a Giveaway

The plight of the persecuted has never been more dire, yet most of the world has remained silent---a deafening silence!  My heart has been heavy with wanting to help those who are suffering the unimaginable.  They are constantly on my mind and in my prayers.  While I have tried hard to shield myself from the graphic photographs, just reading about the atrocities has flooded my mind with images that I can't forget. Many nights thoughts and fears have consumed me. Perhaps fear is not the correct word. I do not fear, I know that the gates of Hell shall not prevail. I know that my God has already won. I know that Christ is risen, and in Him I shall never die. God always prevails and provides. However, the feeling of evil closing in around us has greatly saddened my heart. Read more on Veils and Vocations .
Dark matter and dark energy will probably be in the news — science news, anyway — quite a bit over the next few months. CERN's upcoming research, using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), pretty much guarantees that. (April 10, 2015) The Dark Energy Survey, an international team of scientists, gave a second-year report on their five-year project this Tuesday. They are mapping the universe, tracing the effects of dark matter and dark energy: or whatever is pulling — and apparently pushing — galaxies and galactic clusters into position. Other scientists, studying galaxies about 1,400,000,000 light years away, collected and analyzed data that may help us understand dark matter.... ...The universe, although not yet perfect, is a place of beauty and order. Since part of our job is taking care of this world, learning how the universe works and developing tools is not just 'allowed.' It's part of being human.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Kokedama Ball and Prayer

A kokedama ball is one in which a plant is encased in a mud  pie, which is then encased with moss, which is then tied with twine. The plant, which should have grown into a much bigger plant, has been changed. It is now a bonsai plant. It will live and survive in this ball of mud, moss, and twine for the rest of it’s life. No longer will this plant be able to grow to its fullest potential. However, it is still a work of art, a miniature work of art which can only be defined by the size of the ball in which it lives St. Therese of Lisieux talks about the beauty of God’s Garden. Read More at:: Prayerfully Yours

Oh Mother...The Victory.

What victory is this, that all suffering that we suffer now will pass away, and every tear, every pain along with every joy, and shout of praise will bring to fruition the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. I have seen the victory, and it is wondrous. In a moment at God's will I was shown the end.... TO READ MORE..CLICK HERE!

Threads of the Resurrection (Luke 24:35-48)

The power of the Resurrection--the Risen Jesus made present in your own life.  Have you seen Him? Where? When? These were the questions posed to me yesterday, and three life moments immediately came to mind. The first--eighteen years ago..our 5 year old daughter had just been diagnosed with cancer. We were standing out in the hallway, just feet from where she lay in her hospital bed, but not visible to her. " The two disciples, recounted what had taken place along the way.. They were startled and terrified." Here we could talk about what had just happened, what was happening--how scared we were. Here we could finally break down, let out our pain.  Both of us, sobbing, collapsing, falling to the floor, alternating between strength and weakness, holding each other up. "I can't do this. We can't do this!" I cried. Our fear was so great--incomprehensible to a young parent--never a part of our overall plan.  Life was spinning out of control and we were

If not now when?


Praying for Our Priests

Father John Hardon, SJ, writes about praying for priests. “Prayer and Sacrifice for Priests.”   Father Hardon says, “In a single sentence, the most important reason we need the priesthood is: without the priesthood there cannot be the Eucharist. Without the Eucharist there would be no Sacrifice of the Mass, no Holy Communion, no Real Presence of Jesus Christ on earth, where He continues His work of salvation in the world.” The article can be found at:: for priests.   This article is well worth the read. Please step back and read that sentence again.  What does this say to you? Read More at:: Prayerfully Yours

An interview with The Priests at St. John’s Food Pantry: International singing stars with the hearts of servants

Originally published in The Catholic Free Press on April 3, 2015 ********************************************************************************** WORCESTER–March 27, 2015. It was not your typical Friday at St. John’s Food Pantry in Worcester. As some five hundred of the city’s poor streamed in for a hot meal, three new faces greeted them. These men radiated warmth and kindness as they dished up generous portions of scrambled eggs with ham, Belgian waffles, and various meats and vegetables to grateful patrons. Surprise guests Most could not have guessed that they were being served by world famous singing stars The Priests. That very night the critically acclaimed group would give a concert at the Hanover Theater to a near capacity crowd. Click here to continue reading. There are two videos of The Priests plus an audio version of the full interview.

Happiness Tips for When You're Blue

On the news this week it was reported that 11% of Americans were on anti-depressants. That’s sad! We were made to be happy, and we wish it for others, saying “Happy Easter, Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas.”  Why aren’t so many of us happy? Of course, we can blame the theological reason: original sin that stole heaven’s bliss from us. Still, some modicum of happiness is within reach here on earth. We know the joy that comes from a job well done, a surprise party, a newborn baby, a gorgeous nature scene, and someone loving you. Experiences like those leave us bubbling over with happiness. There are stretches of time when we are content, at peace and enjoy getting up in the morning. Joy evaporates, however, when tragedy strikes, stress builds up, or failure darkens our life. Sometimes we might feel blue for no identifiable reason. At such times we might cry, wish we hadn’t been born, try to drown our sorrows in alcohol, or hate getting out of bed. Click to continue

Why I Don't Like the Word Brat, But I'll Still Tell You to Read a Book That Uses It

Brat-  noun 1.  a   child,   especially   an   annoying,   spoiled,   or   impolite   child   (usually   used  in   contempt   or   irritation) I was able to do some reading on our recent trip to Texas, and I woke up with a headache early in the morning one day, and read this book, pictured, cover-to-cover. It’s short and very readable. In fact, over all, I really liked the book,  It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way , by Ginny Seuffert, published by Seton Press. This is the first book by Seton Press that I have read. In the end, I was very glad I read this book. It helped some friends of mine to get their kids on track about an eating schedule, so that they’re no longer eating out of boredom, or always begging for snacks.  It also gave me clarity about confident, consistent parenting, such as ideas for bedtimes, and wisdom for frugal parenting (especially in their later, teenage years). These and other things were very helpful to hear discussed from a Catholic perspective. Hearin

A Flying Novena

Do you remember Flight 800?  It was the jet that exploded over the Hudson river in 1996.  I had a ticket on that flight!  My dream from when I was very small, maybe 3 years old, had been to study in France.  I learned everything I could about the language, nation, and culture. I pleaded with my mother to send me to a boarding school in France, like my heroine  Madeline .  I collected every Madeline book and trinket and dreamed of one day strolling down the streets of Paris.  When I was a junior in college, my chance finally came.  I was required to study abroad for my major. My father booked me a non-stop flight to Paris and a three night hotel stay in Paris, so I could live my dream before heading to school in Reims. I could not have been happier!!  Then, the Sunday before my scheduled departure, I had a complete panic attack like no other panic attack in history. I was up the entire night wondering how I could explain to my parents that I couldn't board that plane.  Read mo

Things about Jesus and Prayer...

Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where He prayed. Mark 1: 36 Even Jesus prayed. The second person of our Triune God, prayed.  Jesus prayed. He prayed in a deserted place. Often, He would pray early in the morning or all night. "In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed." Mark 1:35   Read More at:  His Unending Love

A Few Random Thoughts

The Grace of the Resurrection I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter and had a blessed Lent! One year I was feeling sad at Easter because I felt like I could have done a better job taking advantage of the grace available during  Lent. The Lord encouraged me however and told me, "There is even more grace available with the Resurrection!" So, if you are one of those persons who could have taken advantage of more  grace during Lent, you have another chance during this Easter season!  Continue Reading @ Beautiful Thorns>

Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Schools in Sierra Leone reopened today, having been closed since the Ebola outbreak in July. According to an  NPR report , "more than one-third of the 10,000+ deaths have been in Sierra Leone." When this year's harsh winter closed schools for several days in a row, some parents joked about how grueling it was to be trapped at home with stir-crazy children. Very few of us reading this blog can imagine what it's like to experience nine months of closed schools, especially amid a health crisis claiming thousands of lives. Not that long ago, in 1991, Sierra Leone faced another horrifying crisis: civil war. A month ago, I had the opportunity to listen to a survivor of that war. Ishmael Beah, author of  A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier , was forced to become a soldier in Sierra Leone at the age of thirteen. Photo courtesy of Brookfield Academy Ishmael visited my children's school, where his book is required reading for the ninth graders. Students, t

In Quietness and in Trust

For thus said the Lord  God , the Holy One of Israel, “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” A message from the Lord, right on time, as usual for Him. I don’t remember now what prompted the memory of the phrase “in quietness and in trust”, but it was there, and I was compelled to find the reference.  I ended up reading all of Isaiah chapter 30. Not five minutes later, I received a text with information that accelerated my pulse, and threatened my peace of mind.  And doesn’t the devil know just where to hit?  I had to take a deep breath, and talk myself down by reminding myself that my strength is found in quietness and trust, and my salvation is found in returning to the Lord, and resting in Him. Read the rest of this post at New Things

Beatitudes of the Beautifully Weird

Blessed are the weird, for they shall see life as no one else can. Blessed are they who don't fit in, for they have a special place to fill. Blessed are they who are rejected because they are different, they reflect the true beauty of God. Blessed are they who are alone because they are different, for through them shines the light of God. Blessed are they who are not included, for they are close to the Heart of God. Read More at:: His Unending Love

Protestants’ Reactions to a Catholic Writer

I am proud to proclaim  I am a Catholic. A saved, born again, Spirit filled lover of Jesus  who expects to be accepted  by Protestant lovers of Jesus  because I am a sister in Christ. BUT, my culture and way of expressions seems odd to Protestant ears. So I am misunderstood. Perhaps in the Body, the Protestants are the feet and mouth carrying the Good News  and as a Catholic I am an ear. I might not look like I belong but trust me,  although I look foreign I AM part of the same Body. May my small acts of unity reverberate throughout  the entire Mystical Body of Christ. continue

Theology of the Body Thursday #18: RFRA Out-of-context

There has been tons of debate and anger over the last couple weeks about Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act . In defense of this law, some people are trying once again to defend the Church’s teachings regarding homosexuality outside of the context of the overall Catholic view of sex. In 1971, a Catholic laywoman coined the term “seamless garment” to describe the Catholic defense of life from womb to tomb. I would like to adopt this phrase in regards to our teachings on sex and sexuality. No part of our teachings on sex make any sense outside of the context of the whole. The Catholic defense of sex needs also to be seen in terms of a “seamless garment.”... See more at the True Dignity of Women:

Find God in the...

” He said, “Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord , for the Lord is about to pass by.” Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord , but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake;  and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence.  When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Then there came a voice to him that said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 1 Kings 19: 11-13 Elijah found the Lord in silence. Read More At: Prayerfully Yours

A Priest Saved My Life Tonight

The Priest says,  "...This is my body." And it is.   "...This is my blood."  And it is. It is His body and His blood,  He  is truly present. How can I describe what this feels like to be present when the Priest sets down the Eucharist on the altar after this moment. . If one could be in the center of a...... TO READ MORE - CLICK HERE!

Revolting Faith is No Match For the Divine Mercy of Jesus!

Live Divine Mercy with boldness, not with indifference! Ever feel like you're a good enough spouse, a good enough parent, or have good enough faith? Ever stop trying to do better because you're good enough as you are? There's an obvious wake up call as we read Jesus' the words to Saint Faustina for the 9th, and most difficult, day of the Divine Mercy Novena:  "Today bring to Me The Souls Who Have Become Lukewarm and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy." The powerful words beg reflection on times we've been indifferent or lukewarm in our relationships and in our faith, all the ways we've cheated loved ones and the Trinity when we should have

The Door of Mercy

'Before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy.' Jesus to St. Faustina from The Cloistered Heart

Death at Garissa University, Sin, and Consequences

About 150 people stopped living on April 2, 2015, in Kenya: Thursday of last week. They were killed at Garissa University College . Quite a few folks are upset about this.That's reasonable. (From AP, via Al Jazeera, used w/o permission) (" Several ceremonies to mourn the victims have been held in Nairobi " Al Jazeera)... ...The body count would have been higher, but the killers were very careful about choosing their victims. After collecting about 700 students, they only killed those who said they are Christians. Don't expect a rant about those [hated group] who always commit [atrocity of the day]. I think that's as foolish as making excuses for members of [approved group] who behave badly.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

A Lukewarm Faith is Revolting

Souls of lukewarm faith caused Jesus more suffering than any other and can leave one looking back from darkness. Thank God for His Divine Mercy The Novena Before the Feast of Divine Mercy began on Good Friday, and as I picked up the pamphlet following  Tenebrae Service  and began to read, I was struck by Jesus' words to Saint Faustina concerning those lukewarm and indifferent in faith, "These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by.' The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy. What a powerful statement! Just look at what Jesus says. Those soul cause Jesus, " MORE SUFFERING THAN ANY OTHERS."   On Day 1, Good Friday, we pray for "All mankind, especially sinners." On Day 3 we pray for, " Those who do not believe in Jesus and t

Divine Mercy Sunday and Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

The souls in Purgatory have always been dear to me. Since they can no longer help themselves, they rely totally on others to help them in their intense purgatorial sufferings. It is only through Acts of Mercy, such as prayer, Mass offerings, charitable works offered up, sufferings offered up, that their sufferings are relieved and, frequently, they are released from the bonds of Purgatory. On Divine Mercy Sunday, the infinite Love of God is released to His children on earth. His Mercy flows to all of us and, can flow through all of us to those on earth who need our help or to those who have died and are waiting their release from Purgatory. Read More at:  Prayerfully Yours

Ethnic Images of Mary

We are accustom to beautiful images of Mary picturing her as a white, European. However, she was from the Middle East and most likely looked Middle Eastern. Artist’s models and concepts of beauty are influenced by their culture.  Now artists are emerging who are painting Mary as if she was born in their country because they can relate and connect better to the living Mary when their prayer is triggered by an image they are familiar with.  The results are stunning, opening our hearts and souls to different qualities and graces of Mary. continue reading

When God Takes Over and Works in Our Lives, We Just Have to Step Aside, Trust and Let Him be God! And Lessons Learned.

My day started with a rude awakening at 3 AM. My tooth had been hurting, and I had been to the dentist earlier in the day. This was 3 AM, and my tooth was throbbing. I don't remember pain like this. Nothing seemed to help, but, at long last, the Tylenol kicked in and took the edge off. I slept fitfully until 5 AM. The pain was raging again. This time, I showered and waited for my dentist's office to open. I had to miss Mass, but this pain was more than I could handle. I was told to come right in. The dentist would deaden the pain, and then we would see what he suggested. The xray the day before had shown nothing was wrong with my tooth.     Read More At:: His Unending Love

Large Hadron Collider: There’s More to Learn

The world's largest and most powerful particle collider , CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is back in operation. Scientists will be studying conditions like those just after this universe began: at about twice the energies they used back in 2013. I'm excited at the prospect of learning more about the workings of matter and energy: and news about the LHC is already starting to get goofy. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Peace Be With You

A Reflection on John 20:19-31 A Reflection on John 20:19-31 On the evening of that first day of the week  the disciples had returned to the Upper Room. The doors to the outside world were locked, and the disciples were together, but they were still very much alone. They were alone in their thoughts and in their fears. They were separated from the very person that had brought them together originally.  Their teacher, who just days ago, had taught them both humility and service by washing their feet  and  then breaking bread and sharing the Passover meal with them in this very room was now dead. The man they called “Master”... Read more:

'Unless I see the mark of the nails . . .' Sunday Reflections, 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year B

The Gospel of John   (2003) dir. by Philip Saville-  John 20:19-31   Today is now known also as 'Sunday of Divine Mercy' and in some English-speaking countries as 'Low Sunday'. Gospel   John 20:19-31   When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”   After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.     Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”   When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.     If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.   So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.”