
A Parent's Guide to Teaching Gratitude

Gratitude is attractive. The grateful person tends to be happier, healthier, and more satisfied with their own life. They have an easier time forgiving others and helping others. They worry less and are less likely to get depressed or stressed. Sounds pretty good, right? Who wouldn’t want to be grateful with that description? But gratitude doesn’t just happen over night. After becoming a parent, I quickly realized that while it’s relatively easy to teach a child the habit of saying “thank you”, it’s much harder to help them develop the  virtue  of gratitude. Gratitude is more than a habit. It’s more than a good desire. Gratitude is a relationship. We are thankful  for  things, but  to people. In order to have an open and grateful heart, a person must have strong relationships. For Christians, the ultimate foundation of all gratitude lies in a relationship with God in which we realize who we are and who God is, and recognize all he freely gives us. Gratitude toward others beco

The Examen: In Thanksgiving for Our Vets

I slip into the Silence of God. His Presence fills me with joy and thanksgiving. It’s dark and cloudy outside. I think of our vets who fought in wars to preserve our freedom. Thank You, Lord, for these veterans, both the living and the dead, who fought for our freedom. Thank You, Lord, that women and men are still willing to serve. Thank You, Lord, for those who risk their lives daily to preserve the peace. Thank You, Lord, for those who have died in the battle for freedom. Thank You, Lord, for the families of those women and men who allow their loved ones to serve in spite of the harsh sacrifices they must endure. Read More at Prayerfully Yours

As the Morning Rising: The Feather - Poetry and Reflections Ann Murray

As the Morning Rising: The Feather - Poetry and Reflections Ann Murray :  Here is a poem from the book:  Love of God Without the love of God Where would ... continue

Bravery and Courage: A Veteran Remembered

Bravery is an attribute that best describes my dad, Ed Duffy; a World War II veteran awarded the Bronze Star for Bravery while serving in Germany. He was a radio operator. As the story goes (from his transcript for why he was awarded the medal), he crawled out into the line of fire to quickly repair a wire connection so that his radio would work. If anyone were to ask him about that day and to elaborate on the story, you would get... Read more...  

Questions Jesus Asks You

I saw that Time Magazine is publishing a book in which famous people answer questions that Jesus posed. They beat me to it! At one time I considered writing a book about Our Lord’s questions. We believe that the Bible is living and active and that God speaks directly to us through his Word. Therefore we can take his words personally, including the questions of Jesus. As a unique prayer, you might ponder these questions as though Jesus were standing before you and asking them. Then answer them. You might even write out your answers as in a letter. You don’t have to be famous. Click to continue





#WorthRevisit - Sharing Favorite OLD Posts

Over on  (where I am a contributor) we are up to something WONDERFUL:  A 33 day Marian Consecration Retreat to prayerfully anticipate the commencement of the Year of Mercy (beginning Dec. 8th - yippee!!). Join us as we share the book 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for Marian Consecration by Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC. Don't have the book or waiting for it to come in?? May I suggest listening to it on Mary Graham's Living Witnesses Podcast !! Today I am revisiting my contribution to the 33 Day Marian Consecration Retreat from last week on - Renewing Our Baptismal Promises... DAILY!!   Read My Reflection Here... All Rights Reserved, Allison Gingras 2015

Pope Francis: Forgiveness in the Family

Pope Francis opened his Nov. 4th Wednesday General Address by spotlighting real families who witness daily to the great gift of marriage and family. Essential Christian families revitalize modern life by living out the humanizing values of the Gospel. In fact, when Christian families practice forgiveness in their homes, their actions have a ripple effect, reconstituting the social fabric of the larger society because families are the building blocks of society. The pope stressed family life is a training ground for mutual forgiveness. continue reading

Praying for our Children

From the moment we realize a baby is growing in our body, and all through that child’s life, we need to pray for our little ones. Even as adults, our children continue to need our prayers. Praying fervently for them doesn’t always mean they will always make the best choices in life. St. Monica prayed for her son for 30 years. He embraced many of the popular heresies of the day with no repentance. Augustine lived with a woman outside of marriage, and, together, they had a child. St. Monica refused to give up. She prayed persistently. Eventually, St. Augustine became Catholic and one of the greatest saints in our Church. He is, also, a Doctor of the Church.  Read More at Prayerfully Yours

Whispers in the Pew

©Halfpoint/Getty Images Imagine it’s Sunday. As Mass begins, all sorts of people pour into the church. From the beginning of time, God knew this particular group of people would gather to worship: restless toddlers, sweet ladies with rosary beads, well-dressed grandpas, poorly dressed loners, families, doubters, maybe some saints and lots of sinners. People who are friendly, rude, self-righteous, mentally ill, grieving, grateful or lost are gathering under one roof. God created each with love, in his own image. Where are you on Sundays? If you have young children, maybe you sit in the back for quick exits and potty breaks. Maybe you favor the cry room, because your parish has one of the “good” ones that doesn’t make you feel like the whole family is in “timeout.” Please come on over to   Praying with Grace   to read the rest of this article about families' role in the Sunday Mass. Join in the conversation!

Little Sisters and other resisters

photo: Being a Catholic American is certainly a privilege, often a joy. I make no claim that a U.S. government policy will do what the very gates of Hell can't do: prevail against Christ's church. Certainly nothing I experience here can compare to what our sisters and brothers in other parts of the world are suffering for the faith. Even so, a federal policy that calls contraception "basic preventive health care" gets my attention. Federal efforts to force me to pay for contraception and abortion-inducing drugs challenge the religious liberty I have thus far been afforded as an American. And I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Little Sisters of the Poor, my sisters in faith, who are asserting their religious liberty in the face of federal policy. The Supreme Court has just accepted their case for consideration. Read more at Leaven for the Loaf .

A Thanksgiving Plea

Thanks to an outbreak of the bird flu this summer, grocers across the country are warning of possible turkey shortages – fewer and smaller birds for higher prices. Luckily, the bird flu didn’t affect our region too badly, so I’m pretty sure we’ll manage to get a tasty gobbler on the table, and I’m hoping that, in the end, all of you will too – unless, of course, you opt for ham, salmon or some other palate pleasing delight. Either way, please don’t let a vain bird, or any other main dish, steal the center stage. As Catholic families, one of the best favors we can do for our kids during November is to remind them that Thanksgiving is meant above all to be a feast for the soul. Continue reading at Eyes On Heaven .

Adventure for Faith, Hope, and Charity

Adventure it was for Faith, Hope and Charity Livingstone (my three main characters in my new book) as the girls made their debut visit at a book signing this past weekend. My husband and I had a blast meeting people from all walks of life at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church’s World Feast. The weather wasn’t very cooperative, (lots of rain) and thusly, attendance was down, but that didn’t stop the festivities. There was great food, games and entertainment for one and all – a true family entertainment experience. We had an open house for our new parish office building too! Lots going on. I was so blessed to be... Read more...

Have you tried the new adult coloring books?

Have you tried the new adult coloring books?  You can find them on  Amazon ,  Barnes & Noble  and even the grocery stores.  I came across them quite by accident and when  Crayola  had a sale through Amazon, well, I was in. To read the rest of the article and view the photo gallery, please go to Being  Catholic ... Really .


Sunset is near as the shadows grow longer outside. The beauty of the day is encased in this light. Long shadows and bright light lead us to sunset and nightfall. I have a friend who had a near death experience. She described it to me in vivid detail, and one of the things that impressed me the most, was what she saw after her spirit floated out of the OR and into eternity. Read More at:  Prayerfully Yours

Deliver Us from Evil

“Once, I knew only darkness and stillness…my life was without past or future. But a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living.” – Helen Keller

The Normal Christian Life

For me, the worst possible fate would be to die, come into the Light of Christ and to realize too late I had wasted my life playing games and wearing masks. I want, no,  I need, to live in reality. Tears spring to my eyes and a deep yearning stabs my heart to discover and live my destiny. We have all read the experiences of  saints who claimed to live in mystical union with Christ.The image that comes to mind is of medieval saints who were morose and miserable, wearing hair shirts and living on bread and water. However, I discovered that the claims of saints are not bogus, but true. Furthermore, that they achievements are completely realistic, and that I should expect to live  joyfully  in the Resurrection.  The accounts of the saints might be couched in fanciful, archaic language, but they are not allegories or fairy tales. continue reading

Let Us Not Become Weary


A Place for Art in Churches

Why do Catholics pray "unto an idol of wood, metal, stone, and the like?" I'm pretty sure that was what a chap meant by "is this stones and wood true?" " is this stones and wood true ? " ... #TheTruthCaster: ... praying, gazing unto an idol of wood, metal, stone, and the like. " ( Response to a Twitter post) As a convert to Catholicism, I can see why some non-Catholics sincerely believe that we're idol-worshipers. We're not idolaters, but I've long since stopped trying to convince zealots that their preferred reality isn't entirely accurate. On the other hand, those comments started me thinking about Catholic churches and art, and reminded me that I haven't talked about art and idolatry for a while. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Washing Windows on a Beautiful Fall Day and the Examen

I have to struggle to reach the top of the windows in my kitchen, but the view is beautiful! Most of the colors are gone now. Most of the trees are bare, but the beauty of the afternoon remains. Unlike many fall days, the sun is warm and bright. There’s a cool breeze in the air, but that’s to be expected this time of year. Actually, it’s a surprise that we don’t already have snow on the ground. I relish the thought of this day.  Read More at Prayerfully Yours

As the Morning Rising: November Joy Poem

As the Morning Rising: November Joy Poem:  November Joy Clad my soul in gladness Lord So that the threads that bind heaven and earth Will hold fast through every season of th... continue reading

'But she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.' Sunday Reflections, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Gospel   Mark 12:38-44 [or 12:41-44]  ( NRSV, CatholicEd , Can)  [As Jesus taught, he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces,   and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets!  They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.” ] Jesus sat   down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums.    A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny.    Then he called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” Head of a Peasant Woman with Greenish Lace Cap , Van Gogh, 188

Kick off your Shoes, Put your Feet Up, And Thank God!

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired. It’s been a long week with a lot of changes, and I’m ready to rest. My plans are to kick off my shoes and color in my new coloring book tonight. Before I get to that point, I need to give the kitchen a quick wipe down, and get ready to make the yogurt before I go to sleep. That aside, I need to take a few minutes to thank God for the blessings of the week.   For all the unseen blessings you poured down on me, I thank You, Lord! For the good food I ingested this week, I thank You, Lord!   Read More at Prayerfully Yours

Catholic Wives Submit to Your Husbands???

It is the wife's duty to submit to her husband. Say that to any modern woman and immediately watch her hackles rise. Say it to any man and he may stand a little straighter and snicker a bit, but if honest, most men will admit to not wanting a doormat for a partner. And yet isn't that what the Bible tells us? Wives submit to your husbands. Wives be subordinate to your husbands. The wording varies slightly. The message does not. What exactly does this mean, this submissiveness a wife is supposed to display? Is this in the Bible simply because the Bible was written thousands of years ago (an amazing fact we tend to forget the significance of!) or is there any chance God knew what He was talking about and that wifely submission still applies today? I recently spoke on this topic and asked the group the following questions, which they had no problem answering and seeing the logic behind. Who is the leader of the country? The President Who is leader of th

Chimps, Apples; and Goggle Eyes

Scientists may have observed chimpanzees in different groups using a different sound when they mean "apple." Then again, maybe not. Either way, we're learning more about chimpanzees. Pliobates cataloniae, an ape that lived where Catalonia is now, had a gibbon-like skull: but apparently is more closely related to today's gorillas, chimps, orangutans — and us. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

What's on Your Catholic Bucket List?

Bucket lists. You know what I'm talking about right? Bucket lists are those wish lists that we have tucked away in the back of our minds of all the crazy things we want to accomplish before we die. Things like climbing Mount Everest, winning the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest, and going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Anyone out there have those items on their short list? Don't worry - I don't want to do any of those things either. To be honest, most of my bucket list items are pretty simple - making memories with my family and friends and living a life worthy enough to earn me the heavenly welcome of "Well done, good and faithful servant" when I die. (Mt 25:21) I do however, have a pretty specific Catholic bucket list that I would like to do and experience before I die. Click to read more here...

33 Days to Morning Glory

33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael E. Gaily, MIC (on  Amazon  and at  Barnes & Noble ) is a do-it-yourself retreat to prepare for your Marian Consecration. Why consecrate yourself to Mary? As I read the introduction to this book, it is the pathway for all of us to become saints. Please read the rest at  and join us at Being Catholic ... Really on Facebook for the discussion of the book!

Praying for the Holy Souls

During the week of November 1 -8th, I will spend my time fulfilling the requirements for a  Plenary Indulgence  for  The Holy Souls in Purgatory .   We have a whole cloud of witnesses just waiting to not only see the face of God but also to become INCREDIBLE intercessors for us still on our earthly journeys!!   Our prayers for them are a gift from God, when used, becomes OUR GIFT back to Him!!!  I had the blessing of visiting the Congregation of Holy Cross cemetery on the campus of Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. This is ONE of my absolutely favorite places to pray - it is beautiful, peaceful and to me, a sacred place of Pilgrimage.  Those remembered here include  Father Francis Grogan , who died on Flight #175, September 11th, and among those buried here, is the man known as the Rosary Priest,  Father Patrick Peyton . The other men, all members of  Congregation of Holy Cross , though maybe not as familiar as the Frs. Grogan and Peyton, are no less important.  All th

Catholic World Library

  We received a wonderful email from Catholic World Library last week!   Here's what they said:   The December 2015 edition of Catholic Library World will highlight noteworthy works of Catholic fiction.   Bezalel Books is one of seven (7) publishers that will be recognized.   Laura Pearl’s latest book, ERIN’S RING is recommended for young and old adults, along with complimentary comments on her writing style. The new Father Capranica series of short stories is reviewed as well-written and compelling.   Read more here