
Is it inmoral not to get vaccinated? Is it inmoral to get vaccinated? (Spanish) La difícil desición de vacunarse o no vacunarse.

              Como católico consciente y reponsable, la desición de vacunarse puede ser complicado, pues la forma de obtener y elaborar las vacunas incluyen uso de material de órganos y tejidos de bebés creados y sacrificados par tal fin o abortados.  Al vacunarnos... ¿Nos volvemos responsables de ésto? ¿Promovemos la muerte de más pequeños en aras de la salud mundial?  Además la efectividad de las vacunas no ha sido comprobada y hasta se ha llegado a considerar la necesidad de aplicar refuerzos a los ya vacunados al empezar a recibir enfermos de COVID que ya estaban vacunados.  ¿Estamos obligados a vacunarnos? Qué recomienda la Iglesia?  También los efectos secundarios de la vacuna ya empiezan a clarificar que la aplicación de la vacuna no es inocua. Y por otra parte no está comprobado que el estar vacunado garantice que la persona no transmita el virus (1)... Entonces.. ¿ Es inmoral no vacunarse? ¿Va contra nuestra convicción espiritual de apoyar el bien de todos? Como d

Living While Dying: Thomas, Koppel, Morrie & Mitchell

  I've been consumed with death lately.  Not intentionally, mind you, but it just sort of happened.   It started with a conversation with my husband about whether or not we will recognize our loved ones in heaven (see this VIDEO for help with that question.) Then I went down a rabbit hole as I read about Jack Thomas .  Jack was the first person to write about * Morrie Schwartz back in 1995, before Morrie was interviewed by Ted Koppel and immortalized by Mitch Albom in print ("Tuesdays with Morrie"). Then, I watched a video about former Congressman Paul Mitchell who died recently, leaving a final interview to be aired after his death (with Jake Tapper of CNN.) So, like I said, none of this was intentional, but it sure has been an interesting journey.  I encourage you to click on the links I have provided, but be warned, the one with Ted Koppel is good, but a bit challenging, as it is a series of video interviews with Morrie as he went through the process of dying. 



Inspired by Chocolate?

I opened a little piece of chocolate the other day--as I so often do!--and read the inspiration on the wrapper.  It said, "Don't talk about it, just be about it." It reminded me of the passage I had just read in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 23.  Talking to the people about the Scribes and Pharisees, Jesus said:  " do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice." You could draw the conclusion that Jesus placed a high priority on "being about it."  Most of us probably have good intentions.  Most of us probably have a pretty good understanding of what Jesus taught. Can we also say that most of us are about the "doing" part? What do you think?  What does Jesus want us to "practice?" Janet Cassidy (If you haven't done so already, will you kindly subscribe to my blog?  If you like it, also please post it on your social med

Secondary Causes: Both/And, not Either/Or

How the Grand Canyon was formed depends on who's talking. Scientists say it's what happened as a river cut through the Colorado Plateau. Since I think scientists are right about the Colorado River's role in making that mile-deep gulch, and think that both are part of God's creation, maybe an explanation is in order. To begin with, I'm a Christian and a Catholic, so I must believe that God made and makes everything. Which doesn't mean I see God as a supercharged Paul Bunyan. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

A not-so-holy response

Have you ever had a co-worker praised while your contribution was ignored?  Or maybe a sibling showered with praise while your achievements were met with silence? How did it make you feel? The holy response, of course, would be your appreciation that they were acknowledged. The not-so-holy response (which I expect is more common among us mere mortals) we could call jealousy, but I think it actually might run in a different direction.   It's not that we are necessarily jealous of the person getting honored, or that we are unhappy that they are appreciated, but its more likely that we just wish it were us. Hear me out. In her prayer known as Deliver me, O Jesus , Mother (Saint) Teresa identifies desires we need to be freed from, and fears that can paralyze us. In the first part about the desires, she says: "Deliver me, O Jesus, from the desire of being praised."  So why did Mother Teresa think these desires were not good for us and that we need to be delivered fro

'Taste and see that the Lord is good.' Sunday Reflections, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

  \ Scenes from the Life of Joshua Italian Mosaic Artist [ Web Gallery of Art ] Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel  . . . “Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the  Lorð” . . .  Then the people answered, “Far be it from us that we should forsake the  Lord  to serve other gods”.  [ First Reading ]. Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland) Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Gospel   John 6:60-69   (English Standard Version Anglicised: India) When many of his disciples heard it, they said,   “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?” But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples were grumbling about this, said to them, “Do you take offence at this?     Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?    It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But t

Uplifting Prayer, Exhaustion (Podcast, 028)

Do you have days when you feel spent?  Do you ever feel like you do not have any motivation? In today's Cassidy Comments podcast, I'd like to offer a prayer for you that I wrote during the time leading up to my mom's death. You can find a link to this prayer under the "Uplifting Prayers" tab on my blog at along with some of the other prayers I wrote.  God really blessed me during those days, moving me from elation to exhaustion and everything in between! Have a blessed day in God's Word! Janet Cassidy  

Cassidy Comments, Ghandi (Podcast 027)

Returning to my audio version of Cassidy Comments , I hope you will enjoy today's reflection on the Seven Social Sins Mohandus Ghandi wrote about in his weekly newspaper in 1925! They are definitely something to think about! I welcome your comments and invite you to subscribe to my blog! Do you think these social sins I mention in today's podcast apply to us today? Janet Cassidy

How many? You must be joking!


Robots on Mars, an Empty Sample Tube and a Laser

Several days ago, a robot on Mars selected a hollow coring bit from its tool kit, drilled into a rock, withdrew the tool and placed the core into a sample tube. At least, that's what should have happened. But just to be sure, Perseverance felt inside the tube and took a look before sealing it. Oops. The sample tube was empty. NASA's discussion of the robot's first try at collecting samples is more detailed and less anthropomorphic.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

The Chain Of Events
