A Father Ignatius Story: Worry and Doubt. Peace and Certainty by Victor S.E. Moubarak.

UBI CARITAS ET AMOR. DEUS IBI EST. It was a lovely Spring evening, quite bright and warm for this time of year, when Steven Milliner, the Youth Club leader, decided to take the children to the park opposite St Vincent Catholic Church for some fresh air and exercise. Most of the boys had gathered with two Club Leaders at the far end of the park to play football. The rest of the children stayed in the playground area and played on the swings, the slides, round-abouts and seesaws; supervised by a couple of Leaders and Father Ignatius who’d turned up to help. The priest sat on a bench and kept a watchful eye when he was joined by Tony a young volunteer who helped at the Youth Club every now and then. “Could I ask you something Father?” he said hesitantly as he sat down. “Fire away …” replied the priest. “How is it that you priests can be so strong and steadfast in your Faith. You and Father Donald are so saintly and you preach on Sunday so ...