Public Domain. Wikimedia Commons. I’ve known St. Jude Thaddeus since I was a child, but, I have not invoked his help for many years because, to be honest, he said NO. He didn’t say it directly to me. However, the things for which I was parying were never granted, until the other day. Our Church has a bookstore. I wandered in, after Mass last Sunday, and I saw that there were holy cards. I saw St. Jude’s holy card with the novena prayer. I thought, “Well, let’s give this a try.” One of my children had hit a rough spot in life, and I thought that, maybe, St. Jude might help. He was one of Jesus’ Apostles, after all. Maybe, this time? That night, I began the novena. On the third day of it, things began to happen. Things that really shouldn’t have happened, but through the intercession of St. Jude, that which we thought was not going to happen, never in a million years, did. (Thank you, St. Jude!) By the end of the novena, the bump in the road which seemed like ...