
Catholicseeking: St. Louis de Montfort on The Blessed Sacrament

Catholicseeking: St. Louis de Montfort on The Blessed Sacrament : "'In the Blessed Sacrament God loves us so tenderly, He empties Himself completely. O, who could believe it? Withholding nothing, ..."

EWTN Live - The Book of Revelation - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ with , Naji Mou...


The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places...

Yesterday, after coming back from the hospital at tea-time, picking Mum's elderly cat up on the way, I had chance to finally sit and think about what had happened and its implications, but by this time tiredness had brought with it a sense of peace. I thought of the verse in Psalm 15(16) v 6: The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a goodly heritage . How difficult it is at times like this to acknowledge that God has drawn my boundary lines in "pleasant places"!! But He sees this situation from above, on the beautiful side of the tapestry so to speak, whereas I see only the messy knotted threads underneath. I'm not saying that this is a pleasant place for my Mum, but it has to be God's will for me, and God's will is for His glory and my good. I have written this verse on my heart, as I have also Deuteronomy 33:12 which I blogged about last time. Once again, a picture speaks to my heart. The above is a scene of beauty, and yet the s

CatholicTV - America's Catholic Television Network

CatholicTV - America's Catholic Television Network

Blog author links..information

Just a brief note...we have 19 blog authors now...if you prefer not to have a link at the side you can remove it yourselves...also if you are added as a blog author & we haven't added your blog as a link or if you wish to change your link name, just go ahead & do so yourselves. Also if you change your mind you can delete your name as blog author & always come back another time. There are no rules & we aim to keep it flexible. You can contact Marion as at side link or possibly me on I'm very much enjoying the contributions & I think it's great we have a forum to pray for each other. God bless.

Hello, My name is Mary Christine

(I love to take photos of churches) I was thrilled to be asked to participate in this blog.  I have had a few days of technical difficulties, coinciding with Blogger's meltdown, but I think we are all good now.  I am humbled and honored to be here. Let me introduce myself.  I call myself a Catholic Revert.  I was a cradle Catholic.  I came from a family with two Catholic priest uncles.  I went to Catholic schools until I was in 10th grade.  As a child, I wanted to be a nun.  When I became a teenager, I hit a brick wall and turned left... I went off the deep end and stayed there for a while.  I left the church and became a detractor of most things Catholic (but kept a Rosary, and prayed it relatively frequently). At the age of 39, while going through another divorce, a friend very frankly said to me "Don't you think it is time you went back to church?"  I couldn't argue with her since my life was clearly a mess.   I was terribly afraid to go back, but I did.  

Between God's Shoulders

I spent 9 hours at the local hospital yesterday with my Mum , who fell off her mobility scooter and fractured her upper arm and broke her hip. Things are not good, as Mum's hip is badly broken (bone crushed) and she is having a hip replacement hopefully some time today (depending on emergencies, as it's weekend!) She's going to be in for at least 2 weeks and possibly a rehabilitation centre afterwards She's also very frightened, understandably, and was in a lot of pain, but morphine has helped. The ward staff were lovely, and she'll be cared for. I have also gained an elderly cat one-eyed cat called Rameses who is coming here to live with us until she's home! But on my mind all day yesterday was a verse I found in a Catholic Women's Devotional the other day, which really impressed upon me, this one: About Benjamin he said: “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his sho

4th Sunday of Easter-a thought from a mother

Its Good Sheherd Sunday. The Image of the Good Shepherd seems very masculine, but as a women and mother I think the idea is very close to my role in the family, after all what mother would not give her life for her children and always puts their best interests before her own? It is a hard road and fraught with pitfalls and nothing really prepares one for it, although watching and learning from a good role model helps! So I thank God for the role models of my Shepherdess my Mother and my Mother in Law and above all for the Heavenly Mother and The Good Shepherd.

Putting on our Spiritual Armor!

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the ground each morning the Devil says, "Uh oh....she's awake!" Lord, teach and guide us to be the women YOU intended us to be! Amen.

Lead Kindly Light

I thought you might enjoy this hymn just posted on my blog Lead Kindly Light . They talk about the bloggers "guild" being inspired by the Holy Spirit. I like to think the same Spirit is leading us ladies in true Christian fellowship & support. There is room in the world for all of us in the Universal Church! Blessed John Henry Newman of course wrote the hymn. More of him soon & his beatification, which we were fortunate enough to attend.

Little Flower's Crown of Roses...: God's little dwelling place....

Little Flower's Crown of Roses...: God's little dwelling place.... : "This morning I was praying the Liturgy of the Hours and read the following. It touched my heart so, I thought I would share it. It is take..."


LINEN ON THE HEDGEROW: AT LAST! THE GUILD OF BLESSED TITUS! : "I think that, by now, I must be the last of the bloggers present at Westminster Cathedral's meeting last Saturday to make a comment. I think..." so if it cant be called the Guild of Catholic Bloggers can we be AWCB ??probably not Why and what should we do? I haven't noticed an any activity by crack squads of prelates stopping us yet,so I presume no body has noticed us yet.Advice please!

Introductions first...

I have been asked to blog along with all of you and am very happy to do so! But, first I'd like to introduce myself! My name is Lindy and I have been happily married for 29 years to my hubby, Steve and we have 2 great sons...Nick is 28 and Alex is 23. I am a member of the 'Divine Will' chapter of The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites and have been learning so much! Mass, the Holy Eucharist and Adoration are very important to me! I would love to meet others who are also Secular Carmelites!! I am also a facilitator for the Women of Grace Series, and am enjoying the fellowship that the program offers! Also, I would like to ask for prayers for our son Alex who just finished up his first year of seminary!! We are very proud of him! He is a Seminarian with the Ogdensburg Diocese in upstate (waaay upstate) in New York! I look forward to 'blogging' with all of you! I can be found at Blessings! Lindy

Hello from Autumn again!

I posted a short introduction last night, but it disappeared due to recent Blogger troubles. Just watch, it will probably turn up again now I'm re-posting! ...and guess what? It just did! Just scroll down a bit to read my introduction and I shall post something more meaty tomorrow ;) Autumn xx

Well - blogger!

Well that was fun! Not! Blogger is misbehaving! I've had to jump through hoops to post this! Thanks to Marion for holding the fort! We have 11 blog authors now who all have admin authorisation. Marion is our main "man!" woops at the moment! I like Marion's advice re posting. I've had to behave myself & speak nicely! lol I'm really sorry that we seem to have lost some of the excellent posts. Blogger state they will re-post them but so far they are still missing. What a time to set up a new blog! That said we have already some excellent fellowship & I urge you to spread the word to your friends & fellow bloggers. If you or they could send your emails to Marion on Marion Banks -Wilkinson & give blog details if they have one.I'm back to packing now!

Hot news from the Bishops conference.

Catholic Witness - Friday Penance By the practice of penance every Catholic identifies with Christ in his death on the cross. We do so in prayer, through uniting the sufferings and sacrifices in our lives with those of Christ’s passion; in fasting, by dying to self in order to be close to Christ; in almsgiving, by demonstrating our solidarity with the sufferings of Christ in those in need. All three forms of penance form a vital part of Christian living. When this is visible in the public arena, then it is also an important act of witness. Every Friday is set aside by the Church as a special day of penance, for it is the day of the death of our Lord. The law of the Church requires Catholics to abstain from meat on Fridays, or some other form of food, or to observe some other form of penance laid down by the Bishops’ Conference. The Bishops wish to re-establish the practice of Friday penance in the lives of the faithful as a clear and distinctive mark of their own Catholic identity. Th

Under the Oak: Irish Saints of April: Luith of Druim-Dairbhreach

Under the Oak: Irish Saints of April: Luith of Druim-Dairbhreach this blog is well worth a visit.

Normal service is resumed.

Well ladies, blogger is back and I am introducing myself. Jackie who started this ACWB site is a bit busy so she asked me to help out.My blog is here and I am known as diddleymaz here and on facebook by  my proper name Marion Banks-Wilkinson . I'm a 51 year old English woman who lives in south wales with my husband of 30 plus years and assorted family and pets. I am convert from Anglicanism (11plus years ago) Please Ladies no rubbishing others, but lets all pray for the success of each other and this Blog if God wills it!

Why not join both?!

So here we have an Association of Catholic Women Bloggers and why not? as long as there is a Girl Guides and a Scouts, a Union of Catholic Mothers and a Rosary Confraternity, its OK to have men or women only clubs if that's what people want! We are not talking about stopping anything ,just starting things. So I am happy to be here and may well be here too  if they want me..if I can contribute anything to both I will do so  and why not? It doesn't matter what its called or who is "in"it if its legal, and in keeping with Roman Catholic doctrine and I enjoy reading and so do others. Lets just go for it! too much thinking is the downfall of many ,and while I do think a little planning is good I also love spontaneity too. So if I feel moved I will post and if I'm interested I will read. If its not my thing I may comment or just disappear but lets just get on with it.