
The cauldron of hatred


As the Morning Rising: Silence and a Sense of Order

As the Morning Rising: Silence and a Sense of Order : If a horse breaks free from a paddock and runs amok in amongst well-tended flowerbeds, up-rooting and trampling at the same time, ...

Pope Francis: A Corrupt Creation, Christian Hope, and Rebirth

On February 22, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the importance of  Christian hope in the face sin during his  weekly General Audience.  Although his reflections focused on the corruption of creation, they are not the opinions of a left-leaning environmentalist but the profound insights of a man of God. The Environment Unfortunately, many Catholics might overreact when they read the title of the pope's latest address, just like they did in  September  when Pope Francis said it was a sin to destroy the environment, turning it into ‘wasteland full of debris, desolation and filth’  and called for concrete action on climate change. Again, last year, his controversial encyclical on the environment,  Laudato si’ , seemed to upset some conservatives. However, if we do not react to sensational headlines but actually read the Pontiff's homilies, encyclicals and addresses on the environment in their entirety, we will unearth deep spiritual inspiration which stands on

SAINTS365: Life Lessons From St. Peter

I LOVE St. Peter. The Scriptural accounts of the missteps of this outspoken, hot-tempered, passionate first Pope reveal a man who is flawed and weak.  I can relate . Equally, the Scriptures reveal to us  a man whose life has been thoroughly transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit - his flaws are remade into his greatest strengths.  I can relate. St. Peter's life, like that of all the Saints, opens up to us a litany of examples that we can both meditate upon and imitate in our own striving for the heights of holiness in the trenches of everyday life. Click here to visit SAINTS365 for seven life lessons that we can draw from St. Peter. 

Chair of Saint Peter Feast Day - Why a Feast Day for a Chair?

Today we celebrate a very special feast day: The Chair of Saint Peter. On this day we reflect on Christ’s declaration to make Peter the leader of His Church: …you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Matt 16:18-19).   Importance of the Chair of Saint Peter Today we celebrate the papal authority of the Catholic Church; granted to Peter and his successors, by Christ. It is through Saint Peter, as our first pope, that Christ... Read more...

Lent Lessons from a Little Known Woman

Last week I found lessons for us in the life of Zacchaeus. Because I’m so engrossed in the people of the New Testament after writing that book about them, this week I’m reflecting on another one, Salome, to see what she can teach us as we near the season of Lent. Salome was the mother of the apostles James and John. Since John is reputed to be about nineteen when he followed Jesus, Salome was likely in her thirties when she decided to follow him too. Lesson one: Give up things to draw closer to Jesus. Sure, James and John left their boats and nets, but Salome left her husband, Zebedee, and her house to wander the roads with Jesus. She was so taken with this new preacher that she wanted to be with him every day. (Of course, this way she could also be with her sons!)  What can we give up this Lent in order to be with Jesus? A few minutes of sleep, rising early for morning prayers? Time in front of the TV or computer in order to go to Mass and receive Jesus in Communion?

A Lenten Overachiever (CWBN Blog Hop)

The Lent 2017 Kickoff Here we are at the beginning of another Lent.  I am not sure when my Lenten love affair began, but I can tell you that it is currently in full bloom!   I feel energized during this time of sacrifice. The  grace  of a Christian world praying, fasting and helping others in order to strengthen their relationship with Christ, is exciting! This year, as I contemplated what areas of my life could use  a booster shot of faith  - 6 ideas came to me.  Being the overachiever that I am - instead of picking and choosing, I'm going to do my best to rock all of 6 them!

St Francis of Assisi - Part 9 - The Whole World is a Friary

When St Francis of Assisi had rebuilt a tumbledown little church given to him by the Benedictines he called it St Mary of the Angels. It was here, over 800 years ago that he heard God speaking to him through the Gospels whilst attending Mass. The message was simple – now your time living as a Hermit is over, you and your disciples must go out preaching the Gospel to all, as Jesus had done with his disciples. He so loved this little church, the Portziuncula, that he said it would always be the hub and the home of his Franciscan Family forever. When the first friars landed in America they immediately built a church and called it after that little church that St Francis had built with his own hands. Naturally they called it after their spiritual home, St Mary of the Angels or in the Spanish language that they spoke: -  Santa Maria de los Ángeles.  The town that grew up around it took the same name, until it came to be known simply as Los Angeles as it is still known today.    read on...

Why I Write

I am part of a little Catholic book called  Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood . One of the contributors, Bonnie Way, asked me questions about blogging for her own blog,  The Kola Mom . First, tell us a bit about yourself. It took me years to finally decide to start writing again. I had taken a 30-year sabbatical after leaving university to raise nine children. I just couldn’t seem to start writing, probably because the computer still intimidated me before I started blogging. No wonder- I had written all my university papers on a MANUEL typewriter. However, realistically there was simply too much work running a household for eleven people and helping with the farm animals and our large vegetable garden. continue
Cristina Trinidad visits A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras on   We discuss a fabulous new book that I was sent to review  and fell in love with How to Read Your Way to Heaven   by Vicki Burbach (Sophia Institute Press) All Rights Reserved, Allison Gingras 2017

"Presidential" Virtuous Values - A Celebration of Past Presidents

Today is Presidents Day in the United States. On this day, we celebrate the contributions of past Presidents. What we remember most about these men stems from their character – their virtuous values. Cherishing Virtuous Values For example, we have the adage of George Washington, “I cannot tell a lie,” leading us to see George Washington as a man of truth and honor . We remember Abraham Lincoln for his fight for justice and peace ; where “all men are created equal,” including those of color. Franklin D. Roosevelt said that “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,” making Roosevelt a man of fortitude and courage . These men possessed virtuous values. Read more...

As the Morning Rising: Shepherd Children of Fatima, Pray for Us.

As the Morning Rising: Shepherd Children of Fatima, Pray for Us. : When we have seen the beauty of the purity of grace in Our Blessed Mother and then look at the sheer ugliness of sin, it would take a ...


“Por años aconsejé a mis hijos mantenerse lejos de los tatuajes, y ahora, a los 81 años de edad he tenido que recurrir a un tatuador yo misma.” Así habla Christine Nagel de Canada que ha tenido que recurrir a un mensaje tatuado en su brazo:   “No me mates” ante el temor de ser una más de las víctimas del sistema de salud canadiense que está promoviendo el suicidio asistido como la forma más digna, además de económica, de tratar a la población envejecida de su país, donde ya es legal la eutanasia. (1)

The Nights of Many Bells

In some monasteries, the new day begins in the middle of the night. "Not long after midnight," writes Mother Mary Francis PCC, "Sister Sacristan...sets her jaw for what is at once a beautiful and a grim task:  to rouse all the other sleeping nuns.  It is a beautiful task because the sacristan's bell is summoning the community to a midnight tryst with God.  It is a grim business because Poor Clares unfortunately carry their souls about in the same clay casing found on the rest of humanity..." (A Right to Be Merry, pp. 115-118) Out here in the world, I can't identify with bells that rattle me from sleep in the middle of the ni... O but wait. O yes. Yes, I can. The nights of many bells were several decades ago for me now, but some of you are reading these very words between two such nights.  We know what it's like.  We're deep into a sound sleep, having finally fallen exhausted into bed, when the baby cries.  Is it time for her to eat again?... o

New Daily Prayer Routine

I tried — briefly — bargaining with God when we lost Elizabeth, our youngest child. ( October 9, 2016 ) When the somewhat one-sided conversation was over, I was accepting the unpleasant realities, and asking for help dealing with them: so I don't feel particularly guilty. I suspect that some folks say bargaining with God is always wrong because they see it as trying to manipulate God. That's a bad idea: also impossible. The Almighty is just that. I can't make God do anything.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

10 Minute Daily Retreat: Sacred Space Matthew 6:6

Susanna Wesley, the  mother of the famous preachers John and Charles, gave birth to nineteen children and lived in a tiny house. The only place she could retreat to pray was the corner of her kitchen. Her children knew that when she sat there with her face hidden behind her apron, woe betide anyone who disturbed her. This was her sacred space. The word,  sacrosanct ,  first came into use around the 15th Century. It virtually disappeared from everyday English for a few hundred years, making a comeback in recent times. It is derived from two Latin words:  sacro 'by a sacred rite'  and  sanctus, 'holy.' Read on:

Find Something Besides Facebook to Give Up for Lent

Really.  Please don't leave Social Media for Lent.   I understand that many people use this hiatus to spend time working on their own personal spiritual growth; and I can completely respect that HOWEVER.... please don't completely disappear for 40 days when social media needs you the most.  Okay, I've always had a flair for the dramatic but here's why I am begging you to stay: 'Tis the Season Lent is a season when many people make a resolution to investigate or rejuvenate a faith life. The internet just happens to be a place many people will turn for guidance and even perhaps seek a community to take the journey with.  So, what happens when those who are most likely to post something faith based, could possibly answer questions or would be open to connect as community make a mass exodus off social media during Lent?? There is a risk for missed opportunity to evangelize, catechize and support those seeking meaning through an experience with Christ this Len

'But I say to you, Love your enemies . . .' Sunday Reflections, 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

The Inspiration of St Matthew, Caravaggio Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings  (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wale) Gospel Matthew 5: 38-48 ( NRSV, Anglicised Catholic Ed ) Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you. ‘You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. For if you

Book Review: Meeting God in the Upper Room

Meeting God in the Upper Room :  Three Moments to Change Your Life  (Servant, 2017) is a compelling, well-written narrative which engages the interest of modern readers while explaining traditional Catholic teaching and history at the same time. Msgr. Peter Vaghi reveals a unique talent to pierce the hearts of modern Catholics with his honest, personal reflections on the core message of the Gospel as well as the words of Pope Francis. His authentic spirituality shines through the entire book, enticing the reader to enter his or her own ‘upper room’, to enrich and develop his own inner spirit. continue reading

Christian Mysticism and its Counterfeit

A Reflection on the Vatican’s document on  New Age Spirituality. The Vatican document on New Age Spirituality is subtitled,  Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life – A Christian reflection on the New Age.  Published in 2003, it insists that a clear understanding of our own tradition is the best antidote to alien influences that have already led many astray. This is particularly true of the theory and practice of Mystical Theology where ignorance of their own tradition has led  “many people to be convinced that there is no harm in ‘borrowing’ from the wisdom of the East”.  The document continues by warning that,  “The example of Transcendental Meditation (TM) should make Christians cautious.” In the Western Christian tradition, a mystic is a person who not only knows with the eye of faith that God loves them but one who tangibly experiences that love as it rests and then rises within them to degrees of intensity that are totally dependent on the grace of God. The first Myst

As the Morning Rising: Vocations

As the Morning Rising: Vocations : It is a new day. The sun has risen in the east. Work has begun. New labourers are always required.

Pollution: Still Learning

Scientists found PCBs and PBDEs in deep-sea critters, armyworms are on the march in Africa, and Mexico City's air isn't as clean as we'd hoped. Rational concern seems reasonable.... ...Last week I talked about blaming our tools for our mistakes. ( February 10, 2017 ) This week I'll revisit Lovecraft's "placid island of ignorance,"sort of.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Nineveh90 for Kids

Are you doing "the Nineveh thing"?  I've come up with a plan just for kids to participate, too. Read all about it at Veils and Vocations !  #nineveh90  #kidscandoittoo

What Does It Take to Truly Be Kind? Do You Have it In You?

Have you ever given it much thought: What does it take to truly be kind? What does it cost you in terms of time, talent or treasure? Be Kind with Your Time In terms of time, it can cost you nothing more than a fleeting second to smile at someone. Or, it can cost you all you have to give, to care for someone that you love who is ill. Many acts of kindness run somewhere in between these two extremes. Be Kind with Your Talent As to talent, perhaps you are gifted in understanding mathematical equations (I know I am not). Perhaps you could give of your time, as a tutor, one hour a week. Or, perhaps you are a subject matter expert on a given topic. If so, you can lend your life’s work to solving problems for the common good. Odds are that... Read more...


We can often think that God has a Plan A and if we blow it, that's it! We think he will give up on us and we will never be able to be used by him. That isn't true however. God has a way of making straight our crooked paths. He is the God of second chances and limitless mercy! If we mess up our "Plan A", he will give us a "Plan B". If we mess up our "Plan B", he will give us Plan C and so on.         Continue Reading @ Beautifulthorns

Up a Tree for Jesus' Sake

My new book “Bible People for Young People” (“reviewed” at the end of this post) shows Zacchaeus on the cover. I thought I’d draw some lessons today from this man’s story. If you recall, Zacchaeus, who collected taxes for Rome and pocketed some for himself, was possibly the most despised man in Jericho. Perhaps as a child you sang “Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man.” If so, you know that he was height-challenged. Lesson one: When Zacchaeus couldn’t see over the heads of the crowd to catch a glimpse of Jesus, he climbed a tree. If you lack something, deal with it. Compensate. If you can’t do math in your head, resort to a calculator. If you can’t drive a car, become an expert in bus routes. If you weren’t gifted with good looks, be the best dresser in your family. If you can’t hit home runs, be a cheerleader. And so on. Click to continue

A Valentine

(from The Cloistered Heart)

As the Morning Rising: Jeannie

As the Morning Rising: Jeannie : Every now and again I come across the word admirable and when I do, nine times out of ten, Jeannie comes to mind. I've known her...

My name is Lori!

Hello, everyone! My name is Lori Doerneman. I am new to this amazing association and Melanie invited me to introduce myself. I live in Goddard, Kansas. My husband, Russ, and I have been married for almost thirty years. We have eight children and I write to make sense of the crazy! Our oldest son, Eric, has joined me in a ministry to educate parents about how to talk to their children about porn before first exposure. Sadly, I didn't realize this child of mine had been viewing porn until he was totally addicted to it. The good news, he is out and is now working with me to prevent other families from going down that road. Because we are entering the territory of satan, we crave your prayers. I have a daughter playing basketball at a small Christian college (I grow very large children) and a son in his second year at seminary. I have one son in high school and four in grade school, including a little girl we adopted when she was four. My son and I spoke on porn at a COLLEGE

Hold on to Hope for Dear Life - Your Life!

Do you ever give much thought to the afterlife? Or do you live in the here and now? Do you know why you live and what you are living for? Or are you oblivious to your purpose for existence? Did you know that you were created by God to live with Him, in Heaven, for all eternity? Do you realize that life on earth is only your temporary home; that your real home is with God in Heaven? Do you live for this world, or the next? If you answered for the next, then the virtue of Hope is your... Read more...

Walking Together - Small Group Know-How

STEP ONE Pick a time, date and location for your small group to meet .  My recommendation is to commit to meeting weekly; especially if the group is being formed only for Lent. Location can be either in your home, a rotation of homes, or at your parish.  My advice - weigh the pros and cons to decide which is best for you and your group - then trust your instincts! Some of the cons for a home meeting include having to limit attendees due to space, having to clean for company ( (my primary obstacle) , or limited parking.  Small group size is typically 8 to 10; although 12 -15 is doable especially for a short period of time like the 6 weeks of Lent.  If you are blessed with a high response rate - consider creating more than one small group either at the same or various locations. Pros for meeting in a home include it's often cozier and may be less intimidating for some who do not typically attend church related events.  The most important part is remembering the goal of the g

Joy in Your Presence

(from The Cloistered Heart)

10 Minute Daily Retreat: Beloved 'your love is better than wine,'

Beloved: 2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine, 3     your anointing oils are fragrant, your name is perfume poured out;     therefore the maidens love you. 4 Draw me after you, let us make haste. The king has brought me into his chambers... 7 Tell me, you whom my soul loves,     where you pasture your flock,     where you make it lie down at noon; Song of Songs SS 1:2-4,7 I tapped impatiently on  the steering wheel, waiting for the church car park to clear. It had been a long, hot Service and I felt totally washed out.  The sermon had urged us to seek an experience of  spiritual renewal. There was nothing fresh about my spirit. Physically tired from long shifts, mentally drained from study and emotionally wrecked from house sharing, there was little room for spiritual growth. In my naivety  I didn’t recognize this very place as God's watering hole. My voiceless surrender that my search for Him was way too hard

Only Christ Can Save Us from Ourselves

When we feel cut off from God, battling a losing war with ingrained sin, the only viable solution to our dilemma is to call out to Christ to save us. Instead, most of us strive to be perfect through self-discipline. It was a shock to me when my Spiritual Director challenged this tendency by saying, "You are stealing Christ's job!" What he meant by this startling statement was, even though I thought I was a committed Catholic, I was actually ignoring the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ and the core teachings of the Church. The Problem of Ingrained Sin Mark 7:14-23  focuses on the problem of evil. It would be a depressing Scripture passage if it were not for the reality and power of the Cross because evil is so deeply ingrained in our being, that we really do not have a clue how to eliminate it from our lives on our own. continue reading

As the Morning Rising: World Day of the Sick and Feast of Our Lady of Lou...

As the Morning Rising: World Day of the Sick and Feast of Our Lady of Lou... : World Day of Sick and Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes I am fortunate in that I have visited Lourdes as a pilgrim. Whilst ...

Bogs and Bison

The good news is that bison are back in Banff, and Britain's bogs may bounce back, too. Keeping wetlands wet isn't what many folks had in mind, back in my youth. But as I keep saying, we've learned quite a bit since then.... ...This post's afterword is a quick look at how folks have perceived natural resources, plus a bit about pessimism and being human.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

As the Morning Rising: Awesomeness of God

As the Morning Rising: Awesomeness of God : When we are tempted to think of ourselves as being no match for what lies on the outside, it's then especially we ought to recall an...

As the Morning Rising: Joy on the Wing

As the Morning Rising: Joy on the Wing : My back is to the window at present, but through my sense of hearing, I am left in no doubt that day has dawned and a song is in the air...

'But I say to you . . .' Sunday Reflections, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Young Jew as Christ, Rembrandt Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales) Gospel Matthew 5: 17-37 [20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37] ( NRSV,Catholic Edi ) For the shorter reading everything in [square brackets] may be omitted. Jesus said to his disciples: For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. ‘You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, “You shall not murder”; and “whoever murders shall be liable to judgement.” But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgement; ‘You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery.” But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. ‘Again, you have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, “You shall not swear falsely, but carry out the vows you h

3 Unexpected Uses for the Rosary

Have you been praying for the Rosary for years or maybe like me you avoided it because the very idea just screamed tedium. Thanks to some major Holy Spirit moments - I've been able to add this powerful prayer to my spiritual repertoire.  Spiritual Abacus My mind likes to wander, keeping my thoughts on a subject for longer than 15 seconds can sometimes be a challenge. My short attention span wreaked havoc on my ability to complete a Rosary until the Holy Spirit inspired a perfect plan for my brain. The beads on one of my favorite rosaries just happen to slide. As I was fingered my way through the prayers, I thought how it sort of resembled a Chinese Abacus. Suddenly, I thought, “What if I use each bead to as a counter – creating a ‘spiritual abacus’?” Now as I pray my Hail Mary's, I recall a particular person or intention as I moved from bead to bead. BUT wait there is more.... All rights reserved, Allison Gingas 2017

The Importance of Using Names

This week I watched a program in which a woman was asked about a colleague, the actress Barbara Stanwyck. Her response was that Barbara was unusual in that she made a point to learn the names of everyone who was working on producing the movie, not just the cast but the whole crew. By doing so, Barbara established a relationship with them, and they all loved her. The importance of names came home to me again this week as I edited a book based on the Gospels. The author referred to the mother of James and John as just that and never used her name, Salome. I commented that this was somewhat insulting to this great disciple who supported Jesus and the apostles, stood at the cross, and was one of the first at the tomb of the risen Lord. I reminded the author that someday she might meet this woman face to face and that would be awkward. So Salome is now named in the book! Click to continue

Catch the Transient Hour

(from The Breadbox Letters)

Forgiveness is a powerful medicine (Spanish) El perdón como medicina poderosa.

     Dios nos mira siempre con misericordia. No tengamos temor de acercarnos a Él. Él siempre nos perdona, es misericordia pura, es misericordia pura . ¡Vayamos a Jesús!. Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, máxima expresión del amor divino y símbolo por excelencia de la misericordia de Dios: Pero no es un símbolo imaginario, es un símbolo real que representa el centro y la fuente de donde nace la salvación para toda la humanidad.    

As the Morning Rising: God as Remedy

As the Morning Rising: God as Remedy : God is the remedy for every ailment.

Lord Save Me From Myself

Today’s Gospel:  Mark 7:14-23 The Gospel passage today focuses on the problem of evil. It would be a depressing scripture if it were not for the reality and power of the Cross, because evil is so deeply ingrained in our being that we really do not have a clue how to eliminate it from our lives. After seeing how the Pharisees try to purify themselves, Jesus is very frustrated, “ Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?“ Still today, people foolishly tend to focus on outer rules, prayer and spiritual disciplines to purify themselves just like the religious leaders did in New Testament times. This drive to save ourselves is based on both a fear of God and a desire to impress other people. continue reading

Place Your Confidence in Christ

In what do you place your confidence? Might it be your own knowledge? Your abilities to conquer any situation? Where does Christ fit into the equation? Do you face this world on your own, or do you place your confidence in Christ? When we place our confidence in Christ, we are in essence doing the following: Acknowledging Christ’s omnipotence (all-powerful Being), His omniscience (all-knowing), and His omnipresence (ability to be present everywhere). This requires some humility , acknowledging our own limitations. Trusting in His promise to always be by our sides, guiding us (Matt 28:20). This requires some faith , acknowledging... Read more...  

Poets and Poetry

Happy February! February is considered by many to be the month of love! And what better time than now to talk about poetry. Poetry has been a big part of my life. Nerds far and wide, unite! I have taken consolation in poetry over the years, and being an English major, I have had to read my fair share of poetry.  Although sometimes challenging, I love all things reading and writing poetry, and naturally, my favorites have risen to the top over time. ;-) E.E. Cummings (excerpt!  ;-) in Just- spring   when the world is mud- luscious the little lame balloonman whistles far and wee What is the value of poetry? I have a memory from when Molly was a toddler and I was pregnant with Frances. One Spring, an elderly lady - very distinguished (instant friends!)- came up beside me at the swings on the playground and started chatting. She asked me several questions about Molly and the baby-to-be as she pushed her grandchild on the swing...😉 Then, out of nowhere, she started quoting

Only Spirit Inspired Evangelization Is Effective

Trained to evangelize, with social media at their fingertips, modern Catholics might be surprised to discover that the most effective missionaries are still those who humbly carry Christ in their hearts to others. When Catholics actually  carry Christ , they are filled with the love and joy of the Lord, which is infectious. These ordinary folk spread the Good News everywhere they go to those who still live in darkness, existing outside the heart of the Church. The Heavenly Father asks such disciples, who are attuned to His voice, to write and speak about their spiritual experiences and to share the truths found in the Church. In this way, modern Catholics are like jet landing strips, or perhaps modems, connecting the presence of the Unseen God in a tangible way to those on earth who are seeking heaven. "joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls."  St. Teresa of Calcutta. Evangelization Techniques continue reading

Struggle with Pain; Suffer with Christ

Do you struggle with pain? I do! I live with congenital clubbed feet. This means that I was born with all of my bones, from my toes to my pelvis, twisted out of alignment. In essence, my feet curve inward, where your feet stand straight. At birth, the doctors thought that I would never walk; that I would be in a wheelchair my entire life. Yet, I defied the odds, and at age two, stood up and started walking, albeit clumsily. This meant that I would need special shoes. Throughout my almost 60 years, I have... Read more...

As Often as I Draw Breath

(from The Cloistered Heart)