
The Prayer That Makes ALL the Difference!

When interceding for our self and others it is important to have a correct view of God and proper mindset. How do we see God? Do we see him as a loving Father who has our best interest at heart or do we see him as a distant god, withholding his grace and gifts unless we jump through certain hoops? We do not need to beg him to act! His mercy and gifts are abundant! Continue Reading @ Beautifulthorns>

5 Scripture Verses that Helped Changed My Life

How Scriptures Helps Me Overcome Anxiety and Insecurity By Allison Gingras, Reconciled To You Most of my life I have struggled with anxiety and insecurity. There were days, if I could get myself out of bed, I would not leave my home afraid of what evil or injury may befell me. Honestly, there are still days my Germaphobia paralyzes me at the entrance of a building afraid to touch the door handle or hinders me from even shaking people's hands. When fear is not wrestling with me insecurity is. Unsure of my abilities and fear of failing has left many a dream incomplete or unfulfilled. Discovering the Word of God has been this empowering gift! While I continue to battle my fears and phobias, the Scriptures have given me strength that nothing else was able to. I can stand on the Word of God to battle those demons that threaten to steal my joy and derail the plans God has for me. Listening to Jesus in the Gospels teaches me how to trust in Him, have hope and discover that

Artists Portray The Sacred Heart

The devotion to the Sacred Heart ( Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu in Latin) is a well-known Roman Catholic devotion, centring on Jesus Christ’s heart as a symbol of His Divine love. I love You more than everything, more than myself. Tell me what You would have me do; for I am ready to do everything with Your help. Bind me, unite me to Your heart and permit me not, during the years that remain to me, to offend You or grieve You anymore. O my Jesus, it is the time that I should love You now. continue

Gay pride vs gay health? (SPANISH) ¿Orgullo gay vs salud gay?

En el mes de Junio y especialmente durante los últimos días se llevan a cabo en algunos países las llamadas “marchas del orgullo gay” que buscan hacer conciencia de la dignidad de las personas homosexuales y de la comunidad LGBTT (Lesbico,Gay,Bisexual,Transexual,Transgénero) . Han luchado por años para dejar de ser violentados y discriminados pero, según se ve en las estadísticas, el resultado de la “aceptación” que la cultura liberal les ha ofrecido y les ha garantizado en muchos marcos jurídicos ha desembocado en un mayor abandono y desentendimiento de su salud y su bienestar por parte de la comunidad y de las familias, con un efecto a veces devastador para ellos.

Home Making and Chronic Illness: You are more because you do it with less.

I just want to make it know to all of my readers. I am not perfect. I struggle to do daily tasks; and I was like this long before I got sick or saved. I also want everyone of you to know that I pray that on day we will all day be able to live with out pain. Even if it is for only one day. I pray that we all are able to cherish the good days and remember that its okay that when you are well that you went out with your husband or friends instead of cleaning your house. We all deserve to walk among the living for we too are also living, just differently. I have learned a few things in this study of this verse:

Summer: A Time for Introspection and Spiritual Growth

As schools let out, the lazy days of summer are upon us. This is a great time for some reflection and introspection regarding your spiritual life. We’re about half-way through the year. As we embarked on 2017, many of us made New Year’s resolutions. So, how’s that coming along? If you are like me, you don’t even remember what those resolutions might have been! I certainly do not remember what I vowed to do, not do, or overcome. My Own Introspection So, I sit here on the precipice of summer, asking myself what I would like to accomplish with the second half of 2017. Here’s what I came up with: Read more...

Why bother going to church?


Why I Enjoyed Trouble with the Curve

The Amy Adams/Clint Eastwood baseball movie Trouble with the Curve recently came to Netflix. I'd heard of it before, was vaguely aware that I'd heard of it in a positive light, but didn't know too much about it. Not a huge baseball fan myself (at least not since I was about 14...), I wasn't sure if I'd like the movie or not, but I gave it a shot anyway. It's about a 20-something woman (Amy Adams) trying to reconnect with her aging baseball scout dad (Clint Eastwood) on what could be his last scouting trip. And though the premise is baseball-themed, it's not exactly about baseball... Continue Reading

Home Making and Chronic Illness: Idling or Resting??

So  after three days of fighting Fibro and CVS I finally managed to completely clean my room and check it off my cleaning schedule! I am so happy. However everything does have it's price. I am was up at 3 am, getting sick because of my CVS (this is a reoccurring theme though), and I was up at 1am for about 45 mins with weird muscle spasms/charlie horse/dead leg thing happening in my calves. It was unpleasant, to say the least. But through all the pain and vacuuming, I learned more than I ever could imagine. You see Proverbs 31:27 talks about the bread of Idleness and what I did not understand was that there is a difference between idleness and rest.

True Radiance, by Lisa Mladinich - Book Review

True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life , by Lisa Mladinich, was an enjoyable read! I approached 60 this year. So, I thought this book might offer me some insight in how I might grow old gracefully. As I opened the book and began to read, I quickly learned that Mladinich had other designs. She wants us to know that regardless of our age, The second half of life is a time of building on the past, growing in virtue, and deepening our connection with God, the source and summit of all beauty. Our beauty is not fading; it’s getting more powerful. It’s having more impact. It’s becoming what it was meant to be from the beginning (p. 135).   How reassuring is that! What a powerful statement! Mladinich tells us throughout the book that our beauty comes from... Read more... 

To Love A Priest


Do Not Be Silent

 From The Cloistered Heart

"Renewed and Expansive Hope"

Wanting respect is reasonable. I think folks who support Gay/LGBT Pride Month for that reason have a point. I don't agree with much of what's said on the gay/LGBT pride issue — and explained why I won't spit venom in today's earlier post. Basically, I should love God, love my neighbor, and see everybody as my neighbor. No exceptions.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Respecting Everyone

Gay/LGBT Pride Month will be over in about two weeks. Wanting respect is reasonable, but I don't agree with much of what's said on this issue. Don't worry, I won't be spitting venom. Even if I felt like it, which I don't, that kind of trouble I don't need. First, I'd better talk about love and respect, and why I think both are important.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

As the Morning Rising: Crooked Under His Arm

As the Morning Rising: Crooked Under His Arm : With fatherly love we are attended to, placed in the shade away from the noonday sun, crooked under His arm, loved from before we we...



As the Morning Rising: The Embodiment of the Mystery of Corpus Christi

As the Morning Rising: The Embodiment of the Mystery of Corpus Christi : In the years of their marriage which spanned over fifty years I would hazard a guess that between them, prayer books aside, what my paren...

A Prayer for Wisdom

How Often Do We Think to Turn to God for Wisdom? Lord, There are things in this world that clearly perplex me. Illness, Death, Poverty Just to name a few. There are things to surprise and delight me as well. There I need your guidance on which you have for me and to know my limits. Generous are your ways, it is clear you hold nothing back except for that which is not for my best. For YOU know the plans you have alone for me.

As the Morning Rising: Corpus Christi

As the Morning Rising: Corpus Christi :  'Take, O take me as I am; Summon out what I shall be; Set your seal upon my heart and live in me.'

An Unexpected Invitation to Spend Time with Jesus

Learning Something New My road to sitting with Jesus in Adoration began nearly 10 years ago.  Quite, some might say serendipitously but after spending many hours in His presence, I would say this has the Holy Spirit's finger prints all over it!! My husband and I, along with our children, had just made the transition to this new Church.  It was actually where we met and were eventually married,  but we'd not worshiped there since our wedding nearly 20 years earlier.  We had moved out of town, and spent many years at my childhood Church until circumstances changed and it became clear we had to find a new place to call our Spiritual Home

Patron Saint of Missing Socks, Pray For Us

As a mother of a large family, struggling to wash, dry, and fold three or four loads of laundry every day, I secretly wondered if there was an obscure saint, with little to do, who could fill in as my patron saint of missing socks. Little did I know, God was using the dilemma of unpaired socks to purify me because I was trying too hard to be the perfect mother and housekeeper. This earnest striving was a weakness, not a virtue because my diligence was rooted in insecurity, unbelief but most of all in pride. Again and again, as I read spiritual material, God tried to teach me that true Christianity is not focused on personal perfection but founded on the power of the Cross and Resurrection to set us free. "We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures, we are the sum of the Father's love for us." -St. Pope John Paul II "The crucifix does not signify defeat or failure. It reveals to us the Love that overcomes evil and sin." - Pope Francis "Do

As the Morning Rising: Corpus Christi - Holy Cross Parish Belfast

As the Morning Rising: Corpus Christi - Holy Cross Parish Belfast :  Holy Cross Church Ardoyne Corpus Christi Sunday 2013 'I shall love You, I shall love You always; when day breaks, when eve...

Homemaking and Chronic Illness: The Reality

Once again, still not me but might as well be me. Yesterday, I had a terrible flare up. It was awful; I couldn’t hold my legs up, my throat felt like it was closing and it was so hard for me to swallow! Not to mention MUSCLE SPASMS EVERYWHERE! So, to be quite honest, I did not get anything done. Or so I thought. When looking at the Home Management Binder To-do list, I realized I still had managed to accomplish 5 of my unending list of tasks. I also realized that, well, some tasks are just going to take me a little bit longer. However, despite my flare up, I did manage to fall asleep. All I could think was a prayer: “God when I wake up please let be able to feel better tomorrow.” Look, I have been experiencing a flare up for the last three days. It’s BS! I am going to be completely honest: it sucks! However, because of God I have the ability to get up and try again. If I have realized anything it is that in this adjustment I must accept the following facts: Click here to conti

Oldest Human Fossils?

Humanity's current model may be a whole lot older than we thought. A team of scientists say that remains found in Morocco are human, Homo sapiens. The scientists also say these folks lived about 300,000 years ago. If that's confirmed, they were around 100,000 years earlier and about 2,000 miles away from where we thought Homo sapiens showed up. Other scientists say T. rex may not have been fluffy. It looks like the big dinosaur lost its feathers somewhere along the line. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .



So, HOW Do We Live in the Love of Christ?

Most of us are stuck in egocentricity; we see the world as if it is revolving around us because we live as if we are the centre of our tiny universe. Since few of us stand with our fellow believers praising Christ, the only true centre of the entire universe, few of us are living in reality. We are blinded by pride which prevents us from receiving Divine love. After confessing egocentricity, an Augustinian’s solution to my spiritual dilemma was a simple prayer. Rather than allowing me to wallow in negativity bemoaning my weaknesses, he instead gave me an ejaculatory prayer, in the tradition of St. Augustine, who loved the short prayers of the early Christians. It was a prayer which simply raised my spirit to God. “Jesus, I love you; possess me.” It was a brilliant way to bring me into reality, to see again what is most important in life. It opened my heart to love, God's love for me, my love for God and love for God’s people. continue

Homemaking with Chronic Illness

This is super intimidating for me. I have to admit when I was diagnosed I had already been dealing with the pain for a while. However, the depression that comes with the pain caused me to become apathetic to my whole situation. I ignored everything and everyone I cared about. I wasn't sure how to do deal with the pain and I struggled with accepting that I was always going to be hurting. However when readjusting to life I realized that my house isn't going to clean itself. Not that my husband has not picked up a TON of the slack but still. My husband have a division of chores that worked for us. But when I got sick every time I would get up to clean I would get overwhelmed.

As the Morning Rising: A Simple Photograph

As the Morning Rising: A Simple Photograph : Something as simple as a photo of a church pew can stir memories, can stir conscience, can cause a sleeping soul to rouse itself and ...

What Is the Eucharist? Where We Feast on God Together

In view of Sunday’s Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), an excerpt from my upcoming book, “I am going . . .” Reflections on the Last Words of the Saints is fitting: A teacher was taking her little ones to chapel to visit Jesus. As they passed classrooms, she warned, “Be quiet, so quiet that even Jesus won’t know we are coming.” As the children filed into the chapel, one girl cried out, “Surprise!” When you think about it, we Catholics believe something incredible: that bread and wine become God. It is difficult enough to take on faith that God became a human baby and that the divine body at one time was a mutilated corpse. But furthermore, we believe that at every Mass inanimate objects become God. That is the depth of God’s love for us. Love does foolish things. Click to continue

Building Foundations on Uneven Ground

”  It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; It is the construction of the foundation that will hold the test of time” – David Allen Coe Now that my husband and I can start laying the foundation for our lives, we have become so overwhelmed we end up slowly but surely making little to no progress. However the Holy Spirit touched my heart and I realized “If I can adjust to being sick then I can go back to my life slowly but surely. I have faith that God will guide me there”. As if a light bulb went off instantly. But how does one just get up and go after being down for so long. The first step is always asking for help. So I prayed “God please guide me through the readjustment process”. I knew that my first step would be to reestablish God as my foundation for my life. Click here to continue 

As the Morning Rising: Light Irreducible

As the Morning Rising: Light Irreducible : Thank you God for the people I have met, continue to meet, and will meet in the future, for all that is deigned by You in Y...

The U.S. Flag: What Virtues Does It Represent?

Today is Flag Day! Happy Flag Day to all my fellow United States citizens. Today in America, we celebrate what the U.S. flag means to us all. With that in mind, I thought I would hone in on some virtues, for which I think the U.S. flag proudly represents. Virtues of the U.S. Flag Courage : The U.S. flag is a symbol of courage. Many men and women have given their lives in defense of our freedom and democracy. It represents all the blood, sweat and tears shed, so that we might enjoy our freedom accorded by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Acceptance : Read more...

How my Faith Helps Me with Grieving

I gave my condolences to a young friend after his great-grandfather passed away by saying "I'm sorry", which sparked a conversation between the 2 of us. We spoke of what part our faith plays in our grieving. Read more here .

Parables and Images Try to Explain the Trinity

The most traditional and popular explanation of the Trinity is St. Patrick’s description that t he Trinity is like the cloverleaf with three separate sections yet part of the same leaf. I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through a belief in the Threeness, Through a confession of the Oneness Of the Creator of creation St. Patrick (ca. 377) for more analogies and images

Is having Jesus in the Holy Host becoming rutine? (Spanish) Corpus Christi: perdido y rescatado en México,

      El mes de junio está consagrado por la Iglesia católica y sus fieles al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y en este mes también tenemos la fiesta del Corpus-Christi.       La fiesta del Corpus.Christi, (El Cuerpo de Cristo) es una fiesta muy antigua y parece que se introdujo en las festividades de la Iglesia en el siglo XIII.       La tradición cuenta que una visión reveladora del Señor demostró su deseo a la religiosa Juliana Retiné de dar comienzo a esta fiesta y una comisión encargada por el obispo   de Lieja, Bélgica, la aprobó y en 1246 se ordenó su celebración en la diócesis. El Papa Urbano IV, con la Bula Transiturus del 11 de agosto de 1264, decretó fuese fiesta universal del Santísimo Cuerpo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. EL Papa Clemente V y el Concilio de Viena, confirmaron la fiesta y tuvo una rápida propagación y un inmenso movimiento de piedad en todo el mundo.

As the Morning Rising: St Anthony, pray for us.

As the Morning Rising: St Anthony, pray for us. : St Anthony pray for us. Assist those who are lost so that they may be guided by the stars of faith and hope and find new life in God.

As the Morning Rising: Pilgrimage to Knock 2017

As the Morning Rising: Pilgrimage to Knock 2017 :

Love is in the Air! Wedding Bells Ring!

It is wedding season and love is in the air! In the United States, June is always a very popular month to get married. The weather is usually wonderful; the flowers are in bloom, and it’s a great time for family and friends to come together. Yet, marriage is more than a celebration. What brings two people to the altar of marriage is a love formed by God; a uniting in a covenant; the giving of one, fully to another. Remember asking your mom, “When will I ever fall in love?” or asking a friend, “When will I find my soul mate?” Loving any another person is always a choice; but falling in love, with your soul mate, that’s a whole different thing! That’s because... Read more...

The Sin We Don't Like to Admit

The Sin I Hate to Admit to is Envy A few years ago I was sitting in a conference hall awaiting the next speaker.  It was Jeff Cavins and he was coming up to speak about envy.  I actually contemplated going to do something else for that hour because although I knew I had an occasional issue with jealousy, I was all set in the envy arena. OH my, was I wrong!!  Probably why the Spirit sat me mid-row that day; and as I looked down the row and realized how many people I'd have to vault and navigate to leave, I decided to leave my bottom planted and listen.

Love Thy Neighbour


And Not to Heed the Wounds

From The Cloistered Heart

Prayer Routine: Month Four

It's about four months since I started a new daily prayer routine. ( February 19, 2017 ) I sometimes forget the morning set, but not often. Having a printout of both sets next to my keyboard helps. The evening prayers are another matter. Happily, I remember the gist of what's between the Lord's prayer and "glory be." That lets me catch up: if I remember before falling asleep, which doesn't always happen. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .



The Highs and Lows of CBS's "Life in Pieces."

I had literally never heard of “Life in Pieces” when it came to Netflix a couple months ago. Apparently it premiered on CBS in 2015, but I guess I missed it. When I saw it in the Netflix “trending” list, I read its description and was mildly intrigued. It's essentially just a sitcom about a group of adult siblings, their families, and their aging parents. So, kind of the comedy version of “Parenthood”? Except with the gimmick that this show is divided into four short stories per episode. Honestly, I don't think the premise is that much to be excited about. And some of the show's moral issues almost made me want to stop watching it. Yet, it had some surprising high points that made me really quite glad that I had watched it... Continue Reading

'God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.' Sunday Reflections, Trinity Sunday, Year A

The Trinity. El Greco [ Web  Gallery of Art ] For Readings and Reflections for Trinity Sunday click on the following: Trinity Sunday, Year A Benedictus sit Deus, Mozart Antiphona ad introitum  Entrance Antiphon Benedictus sit Deus Pater, Blest be God the Father, Unigenitusque Dei Filius, and the Only Begotten Son of God, Sanctus quoque Spiritus, and also the Holy Spirit, quia fecit nobiscum misericordian suam. for he has shown us is merciful love.

Dear Diary


GSLV, Rocket Lab: Looking Good

India's 'monster rocket,' the GSLV Mark III, successfully put the GSAT-19 E satellite in orbit this week. BBC News called some coverage of ISRO's launch "euphoric." That's understandable. India is like America in the late 20th century, where spaceflight is involved: and is rapidly catching up. I'm not euphoric, quite, but I see what's happening as very good news for everyone. Rocket Lab's Electron test launch wasn't entirely successful. But the company thinks they can get the system working, and plan to start commercial launches later this year. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

As the Morning Rising: A Delight to Your Eyes

As the Morning Rising: A Delight to Your Eyes : Lord, after the Resurrection You were mistaken for a gardener. As I walk the earth may I see the hidden You present in others, in ...

As the Morning Rising: His Heart Will Find A Way

As the Morning Rising: His Heart Will Find A Way : When all other considered ways seem blocked, do not despair. Trust in God, and His Heart will find a way.

AMC's Turn is an Excellent Historical Drama

I've been a fan of historical drama since my pre-teen days of reading things like  Little Women  and wondering why  Little House on the Prairie  was so boring. So I do love when I happen upon a movie, or even more so a series, that is set in some interesting time period of the past and is well-done. Enter AMC's “Turn,” a series set in the time of the revolutionary war about a guy from a loyalist family who becomes a spy for George Washington. Even the premise itself intrigues me... Continue Reading