
Season to Journal - 'a time to mourn and a time to dance.'

For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to mourn, and a time to dance;  Ecclesiastes 3:4 Despite the poor quality photo, this picture captures a moment from a dance I encountered while working as a Lay Missionary in Papua New Guinea. Sitting in the dirt surrounded by a jungle of utter blackness, I lost connection with everything I considered as 'normal'. I didn’t just witness the dance, I experienced it. I have no idea if the dance was a dance of grief or a dance of joy, but the depth of emotion released by the creativity extended beyond the dancers into the community. In my own community, most of us can't perform like that, unscripted, in harmony with others, to the rhythmic thump of magnificent handcrafted instruments. Read more:  Season to Journal

3 Motivational Quotes (that are hogwash)

Everyone loves a good motivational quote. These little bite-sized mantras have the power to refocus our attention and push us to achieve before unreachable goals. I’ve got one from Winnie the Pooh hanging by my front door, one above my cabinets, one usually on my whiteboard, and one each on my laptop and cell phone wallpapers. Have you heard this one before? “If you want to be a miserable failure, just do what makes you happy.” Yes, you read that right. This opinion piece from a few weeks back  got me thinking. It boils down to the fact that while we often tell ourselves and our children to “just do what makes you happy in life”, if you really want to be successful, you need to put in the hard work, get out of bed when you don’t want to, and maybe turn off Netflix next time it asks, “are you still there” instead of continuing the binge of  Marvel’s Defenders . Keep reading here

Youth at the center stage on the Church. ( Spanish) LA IGLESIA SE RENUEVA A TRAVÉS DE SUS JÓVENES.

  Así como la familia fue el centro de la atención de la Iglesia en los años pasado, ahora serán los jóvenes los que tomarán el estrado en la iglesia. Con el tema de “LOS JÓVENES, LA FE   Y EL DISCERNIMIENTO VOCACIONAL” el Papa Francisco ha dicho a los jóvenes de todos los rincones: “He querido que ustedes ocupen el centro de la atención porque los llevo en el corazón.” (1) En su labor de atender pastoralmente a las comunidades del mundo, se abocará a escuchar las necesidades y conocer las realidades de los jóvenes realizando un proceso de 2 años recoger inquietudes a todos los niveles para elaborar un documento de trabajo y un compendio pastoral final por el Papa Francisco, que ha captado su energía y disposición durante los encuentros con ellos: “En Cracovia, durante la apertura de la última Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, les pregunté varias veces: «Las cosas, ¿se pueden cambiar?». Y ustedes exclamaron juntos a gran voz «¡sí!»”. Esa es una respuesta que nace de

St Francis of Assisi – Part 12 – Francis Receives the Stigmata

On leaving Rome in 1223 Francis made for the Rieti Valley and back to the hermitage of Fonte Columbo where he had written his rule. It was here that he had an idea which was to stain the memories and the imaginations of everyone for centuries to come with the mystery of the Incarnation.  As Christmas drew near the following year he approached John Vellita who owned land in the vicinity of Greccio, and asked him for permission to use a cave on his property to re-enact the birth of Brother Jesus at Bethlehem. There was an ass and an ox in the cave and a manger with a statue of the Christ-child lying in the straw.  St Francis was deacon at the Mass and spoke with such love and tenderness that many believed that the statue came alive as he cradled it in his arms.  Whether this was true or not one thing was for sure, Francis had brought back to life the humanity of Jesus Christ in the minds and in the imaginations of his contemporaries.   read on ....

Mom Shop Hop--A Christmas Shopping Guide

Looking forward to Christmas?  Get your shopping done now and enjoy Advent as a time of prayer and anticipation. What's more, this guide will help you find some amazing shops run by hardworking moms.  Support small business and families at the same time! Read more on Veils and Vocations!

A Century of Science

BBC News posted what a scientist thinks about we've learned in the last hundred years. That's hardly news. What's remarkable is that he didn't go on to say that the sea will catch fire, or that if we don't recycle with greater zeal all the birds will die. In short, that we're doomed. Doomed! DOOMED, I TELL YOU!!!!! Not that BBC News goes in for that sort of thing. They're very British. Even so, an essentially upbeat look at a century of science and technology is somewhat remarkable. The way I see it, science and technology are tools. Whether we use them to help or hurt each other is up to us. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

'The greatest among you will be your servant.' Sunday Reflections, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Christ as Saviour, El Greco [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel Matthew 23:1-12 ( NRSV, Anglicised CatholicEd ) Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practise what they teach. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others; but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them. They do all their deeds to be seen by others; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long. They love to have the place of honour at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, and to be greeted with respect in the market-places, and to have people call them rabbi. But you are not to be called rabbi, for you h

Blessed are the Cheese Makers


All Saints Day: A Source of Virtuous Inspiration for Everyone

We take this day to remember all those saints who walked our path before us, triumphing in the face of adversity by placing their trust in God. Some of those saints are famous, like Saint Augustine , or Saint Francis of Assisi . And then, there are those saints who remain unknown to us; but, nonetheless, strove to do God’s will while on earth. Whether famous, or unknown, they now reap the reward of everlasting life with God. With perfected souls, they pray for us. They ask God to give us strength to resist evil. Through their intercession, we receive grace to persevere on our own journeys. These souls are a source of virtuous inspiration, making All Saints Day a day of remembrance and celebration. All Saints Have a Story to Tell Each saint has their own history, or story to tell. Saint Therese of Lisieux tells us of her “little way” of growing closer to God in The Story of a Soul . Saint Faustina shows us... Read more... 

| Beautifying The World Around Us |

Hi there, ya'll! =) I've been MIA these past few weeks because my family and I have been on vacation in Mexico! I am planning to share a vlog of our trip on my YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe so you can see it as soon as it's posted!



Halloween is Catholic? Yup

I  raised my nine children in the shadow of other dedicated Catholic mothers, mostly homeschoolers, who thought Halloween was evil, dedicated to witches. Their children were not allowed to celebrate with their neighbors but went to a church basement to celebrate All Saints Eve. I felt my children suffered enough because of a perceived alienation from their peers. At our tiny Catholic, country, school everyone dressed up for the day and often joined friends afterward to go door to door. I did not want to deny them the joy and creative fun which surrounded this cultural, childhood tradition. I wish I had been able to read Father Steve Grunow’s research and commentary 30 years ago.   continue

Why I'm Watching Stranger Things

I have to say, I'm rather excited by the media buzz surrounding the Netflix original series “Stranger Things,” with the premier of its second season this past Friday. One of the big reasons I'm excited is because it means something is happening that has been getting more and more rare since the advent of streaming platforms and the DVR: A lot of people are watching the same thing at the same time... Continue Reading

On the Halloween Express

Tomorrow is Halloween. I hope you have a good one. I mentioned St. Wolfgang of Regensberg, All Hallows' and All Souls' Day, and the autumnal equinox, last year. Also Gaelic and Welsh traditions, jack-o'-lanterns, and Easter eggs. Enjoying my culture's traditions, within reason, makes sense. To me. It's arguably better than bitter bewailing stuff I can't change: and don't want to.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Do You Live by the Spirit or by the Flesh?

In today’s first reading from Romans 8:12-17, Saint Paul encourages us to live by the spirit and not by the flesh. What does it actually mean to live by the spirit? And for that matter, what does it mean to live by the flesh? Let’s clear up the answers to those questions first, before we can determine how we should live. To Live by the Spirit As a baptized Christian, you are an adopted son or daughter of God. That makes you a rightful heir of God. As an heir of God, your inheritance is Heaven. Therefore, how you live your life on earth, will determine how you live for eternity. Will you squander your inheritance, or will you live your life in accordance with the Holy Spirit’s guidance? Saint Paul strongly urges us to live our lives in accordance with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. That’s what it means to live by the Spirit. To Live According to the Flesh Do you place more importance on the here and now, rather than eternity? Is it most important to you to... Read more...

Love. And Science

Pharisees and Sadducees had important roles in the Land of Israel for about two centuries by the time our Lord talked about love. They agreed on quite a bit. Maybe more than they realized. But they didn't see assorted political, social, and philosophical points the same way. Pharisees didn't like Helenization, adopting at least some foreign ideas. Sadducees thought Helenization was a generally good idea. But Sadducees thought the written Torah was divine authority's only source. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .



Wealth or plenitude? The aim of human development programs..(Spanish) Riqueza y plenitud: hijas de distinta madre.

En el Día Mundial de información sobre Desarrollo enmarcado por esta época donde la información es poder y moldea las decisiones que se hacen sobre el destino de   millones de personas, el cómo se obtiene y construye esta información es vital. Sobre todo en un tema tan prioritario como es el desarrollo que, de entrada, parece haber perdido en su nombre una parte esencial: lo humano. Ya no se habla de desarrollo “humano”, y de acuerdo a este tono, la manera de definir y medir el desarrollo de las personas ha abandonado facetas muy importantes para lograr su plenitud y que sin ellas no puede llegar a lo que todos buscan: la felicidad.   A nivel global, organizaciones internacionales como el Banco Mundial miden   el desarrollo de un país por el nivel de su Producto Interno Bruto ( PIB) per cápita,   y clasifica a los países de acuerdo a su nivel de Ingreso. Una manera puramente monetaria de evaluar el desarrollo: cuánto produces.

'He brought forth compassion, a loving compassion that embraced the world.' Sunday Reflections, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

The Good Samaritan (after Delacroix), Van Gogh [ Web Gallery of Art ] You shall love your neighbour as yourself (Mt 22:39). Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel Matthew 22:34-40 ( NRSV, Anglicised CatholicEd .) When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. ‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ He said to him, ‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’ Stephen Cardinal Kim Sou-hwan , Archbishop of Seoul (1922 - 2009) This time three years ago I visited Korea to attend the ordination to the

Swatting Fast Flies

We're a lot smarter than flies, which probably helps us swat them. But the insects are very good at being somewhere else when the flyswatter or newspaper hits whatever they were on. I've run into a few reasonable speculations. One was that flies are hypersensitive to air movements, and feel an approaching object. That may be part of the answer. Scientists found another piece to that puzzle recently. "Recently" by my standards, that is. Flies live a whole lot faster than we do. Or, in a fly's eyes, we move in slow motion.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

No Dentures


All I needed to know I learned in kindergarten: All Souls Edition

Who is God? God is the supreme being. Why did God make me? God made me to show forth his goodness, and to make me happy with Him in heaven. What must I do to be happy with God in heaven? To be happy with God in heaven, I must know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life. These three questions are probably what I will be reciting on my deathbed after all other thoughts have decayed. Pretty much every thought I have ever had regarding faith and morals goes right back to these three questions and fits into this framework. In the last couple of months, I attended two funerals on my husband’s side of the family. We took the boys (thankfully, they behaved); in the middle of sorrow, sometimes it is a welcome reminder that life continues. Death never gets the last word. One of these times, I am going to have to explain to my boys what is going on. Likely next year when we celebrate the upcoming All Souls, I’ll have an inquisitive 3-year old that wants to know what all t

Vice or Virtue, Slavery vs. Obedience – What’s Your Choice?

Today’s first reading from Romans 6:12-18 speaks to the heart of whether we choose vice or virtue to guide us in this life. When we walk towards vice, or sin, we become slaves to sin. We lose our freedom, because the sin rules our life; very similarly to an addiction. Think about how a drug addict will do anything to get the next fix. Sin and vice have that same kind of hold on a person. So, the question is, do you want to be a slave to sin, or might you prefer moving in the opposite direction? Obedience vs. Slavery: What’s Your Choice? God and sin are polar opposites, because God is all good and sin is all evil. So, when we turn our backs on sin, we move 180 degrees toward God. When we turn toward God, we reject sin. We opt for obedience to God, the Supreme Good, because we want that goodness. To get that goodness, we choose to obey God’s commands. We willingly embrace virtue! We choose to... Read more...

When Things Go Wrong

We all have periods in our lives when so many things go wrong, we wonder what else could happen…and then, surprise, it does! The other day at 6:30 AM I got in the car to go to Mass in the dark, and the key wouldn’t turn in the ignition. This had never happened before. In the same brief time span, the television went black, the car’s engine warning sign went on, I couldn’t connect to Facebook, I cut my hand on a Reddi-wip can (very hard to do!), and a thank-you card I sent came back. I won’t even mention what was happening on the national scene. I also lost the large cross that identifies me as a Sister of Notre Dame. How ironic! The Lord had supplied plenty of other crosses. So how does a Christian cope when minor problems pile up or one huge one crops up? You can get frustrated and depressed, but there are tips to help maintain inner peace and sanity. Click to continue

Would Jesus Eat With Harvey Weinstein?

If you want to get inside my head, my title question is the type of stuff I think about. I don't really know for sure the answer. Even though Weinstein's actions were deplorable, it does seem like he has become a type of scapegoat. I say this even though I could easily say, "Me Too!" because I have also been the recipient of sexual harassment. Once, I even reported it at the job I was at and nothing was done about it. I remember the way it made me feel...completely belittled and ashamed. I remember not wanting to wear skirts anymore to work...but I digress.   Continue Reading  @ beautifulthorns>

Netflix Original "Atypical" -- Hilarious, But Flawed

Initially, I was drawn to the Netflix original series “Atypical” more because it was a show that appeared to be about teenagers and family life than because of its actual premise. It's about an autistic teen who decides he wants to start dating. So, knowing relatively little about autism myself, I expected I would learn more about it and be rather entertained by the character dynamic of the show. What I didn't expect was some serious hilarity that, unfortunately, was often rooted in a fairly messed-up view of the world... Continue Reading

Keep Your Eye on the Prize: Eternal Life

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us the parable of the rich fool who wishes to tear down his smaller barns to build bigger ones, to store his massive harvest; a harvest, expected to last for years to come (Luke 12:13-21). Jesus refers to this man as a fool, because the man is clueless to the fact that the man will lose his life that very night. What good is all of those earthly possessions, if one is dead the next day? If the man had focused more on eternal life, the man would have been better prepared to meet his Maker. Jesus gives us this parable to alert us to the fact that earthly possessions cannot save us from death. Only Jesus’ salvific power and mercy can save us from our impending death; to give us eternal life, with Him, in Heaven. Therefore, our goal in life is not to accumulate as much wealth as possible, but to participate in the salvation of our own souls. How do we do that? Read more...

Wanting Truth

I think truth is important, so do many others. Some see truth in ways that doesn't line up with my views. Sometimes I can respect how they reached their conclusions. But I still think I'm right. Closer to what's true, at any rate. That doesn't make me one of humanity's paragons of candor and acceptance.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

The Flute


Season to Journal

  The 10 Minutes Daily Retreat is currently focusing on the  art of spiritual journaling through a new site:    Season to Journal    Our 10 Minute reflections are guiding us through the beautiful biblical poem...  ' For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:'    Ecclesiaste s 3   Photo by Neropece used with permission                                                      We  would love you to share the blessings of Spiritual Journaling.