
Do You Ever Wonder Why Those People Come Into Your Life?

Sometimes, they are only there for a moment.  Sometimes, they are there for a week or a month or a year or years.  No matter what, every person who comes into your life is there for a reason, no matter what. "People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."  author unknown  I wondered why I had to get into the line with the crabby checker. I wondered why I had to get behind that person driving that car that will not go above 20 miles per hour in fast moving traffic. I wondered why those two homeless men mocked my hair as I served them food. I wondered why that frightening young man dressed in gang type clothes looked at me as I walked past him. I wondered why I that sweet elderly lady smiled at me. Good.  Bad.  or Indifferent these people were there for me, and I was there for them. Read More At::  His Unending Love

Everybody's Got A Story (@ Melody's Harmonies)

If I’ve learnt one thing from the blogging world, it’s that everybody has a story. And nobody’s experience is the same. No matter what you say, what you post, what your opinions, there will always be another person with the opposite experience or opinion. This is not a bad thing, the problem arises though when we start to project our story onto others and allow ourselves to fall into the trap that values one story or experience over the other. Read the rest here .

Consolations from God

I've written before about consolations from God.  Life is not always easy, and when I am shaken, knowing that more disappointments and fears will attack on my journey, I often ask God to send me a consolation.  I never know IF He will send me a consolation.  Really, what more do I need than He who is I AM?  However, my faith waivers, so I ask for something solid and substantial to help me through the storm. Monday was a day when I needed a consolation.  I needed to know that I was not on my journey alone.  I needed something that would show me that GOD LOVED ME !  I needed to know that He was walking with me on this journey. I wrote down, what I know. Read more at:: His Unending Love

Touring Chicago's beautiful churches: The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii

Touring Chicago's beautiful churches:   The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii  is the seventh church in my series.  My husband and I attended the Sunday morning 8:30 Mass. Let's begin with what a shrine is ... To read the rest please go to Being Catholic ... Really .

Peter ALMOST Walks on Water: Gospel Reflection for Aug. 4

Matthew 14:22-36 , Jesus Walks on the Water Put yourself in the scene of today’s gospel.  Waves are pounding a little wooden fishing boat  as a storm rages all around you when suddenly, through the blowing wind and water spray,  you see someone or something walking on the water towards you. Quite disconcerting, wouldn’t you say?  Of course, the disciples think they are seeing a ghost until Jesus quells their fears. Remarkably Peter responds to this wonderous sight by boldly declaring,  “Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water.” Now that is a sign of great faith for me. Jesus invites Peter out to join him  by merely saying come.  “Come.” Without hesitation, Peter gets out of the boat and walks on the water. read more>

O Come let us adore Him {thoughts on Adoration}

After we returned from Disneyland, we had about 14 hours to unpack, repack, and sleep. Julia was headed to a youth group retreat and I, because I am absolutely nuts, agreed to chaperone. This wasn’t just any conference.  This was Steubenville West.  “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the Lord God is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2 I loaded a bus with about 20 other people and headed to Tucson. The boys were in the loving care of my mom (thank you, mom!) and I was hoping for a nap on the bus. { Read more here }

Into the Dark Night

For many of us the first brief glimpses of God came through His creation. It might have been through a beautiful sunset, a breathtaking stretch of countryside. It might have come through gazing upon a single blade of grass, an insect crawling through the undergrowth, or a caterpillar climbing up a rose bush. When your contemplation of creation enabled you to experience the Creator, you found yourself drawn inward. It was as if some soothing sedative stilled your mind and heart and made you mourn for your Maker, as for a lost friend. And yet this strange melancholy was as sweet as it was sad and you wanted it to go on and on to envelop you more and more completely. Once this had happened, you no longer needed to gaze at the scene before you, you could close your eyes and still savour the mysterious presence. The physical senses and the feelings and emotions that depend upon them have no part in what now becomes a predominantly spiritual experience..... read on

Staying on Track

I don't live in a monastery.  No one rings a bell that, in essence, gives me permission to drop everything and take half an hour for prayer in the middle of the day.  I live out here where families need feeding, babies need diapering, and bosses want reports in by twelve o'clock sharp. Those in monasteries can usually pray at the same times.  But 'out here,' everyone is going in a hundred different directions at once. So what about me?  If I want a foundation of prayer to be the basis of my life, how do I stay on track...? (continue here)

Joining the Universal Banquet

One of the stained glass windows in my parents' church included a beautifully-done image of Jesus knocking at a door: an illustration of Revelation 3:20 . Today, I recognize it as very similar to Warner Sallman 's " Christ at Heart’s Door ." Most of that window's glass was replaced during a major building renovation. The new glass was brighter, but I missed the old window: and still do. It's possible that someone thought the unsubtle colors and simpler shapes would make worship seem more "relevant." "Relevance," real or imagined, was all the rage around that time. Protestant churches, like the ones my family attended, went through liturgical ricochets in the '60s. Some rewrites of the Apostles and Nicene creeds were — odd. Meanwhile, screwball gimmicks committed 'in the spirit of Vatican II' were upsetting some Catholics. I get nostalgic now and then: but I don't yearn for the 'good old days.' My memory'

Living Out the Eucharist

As faithful Catholics, how exactly are we living out the Eucharist, both during and outside of Mass?  This is the basic question posed by Pope Francis during the second part of his Catechesis on the Eucharist . In the first teaching, the pope reminded us about our real communion with Jesus and his mystery during the Eucharist. Now he challenges us to live out this communion with Christ,  “Is it only a moment of celebration, an established tradition, an opportunity to find oneself or to feel justified, or is it something more?” Coincidently, I just read an article by a nurse, on her way to Church, who stopped to help victims of a car accident. She left after help arrived but was covered in blood and dirt. Rather than wasting time by going home to change clothes, she decided to simply put her top on inside out to hide most of the mess. Although she missed her own regular Eucharist, she just had time to make it to a nearby Mass at another church. Immediately after she felt sel

'You give them something to eat.' Sunday Reflections, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes , Lambert Lombard Rockox House, Antwerp [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa)  Gospel   Matthew 14:13-21  (New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition, Canada)    Now when Jesus heard of the death of John the Baptist, he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns.   When he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them and cured their sick.   When it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is now late; send the crowds away so that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves.”   Jesus said to them, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.”   They replied, “We have nothing here b

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

August 8th is the Feast Day for The Fourteen Holy Helpers. It is a great time to call upon this powerhouse of heavenly help! You may know some of the line-up but some may be new to you. Together they work wonders! Read more about these saints.

Ouch, God! That hurts! by Nancy HC Ward

My 16-year-old granddaughter Mary Grace plays the guitar for the Youth Ministry meetings, Camp Jesus and Sunday prayer meetings of our covenant community. She shared an insight about learning to play the guitar: “When I decided I wanted to learn how to play guitar, with some encouragement I remember my Dad saying he was going to teach me the very first cord. He pressed my fingers down very hard. I said, ‘Ouch, Dad, that hurts! I don’t want to anymore.’ “It really hurts badly. But I get the message: ’Let God use you.’ When people say things like that you think, ‘That’s okay; it’s cool,’ except when you actually want God to use you. Then it’s like, ‘Ouch, God, that hurts. You’re stretching me in ways that I don’t want to.’ Continued with video at

When Words Fail: Pray for Sarah Harkins and Her Family

When I was in high school, I had the role of Laura in Tennessee Williams' play  The Glass Menagerie . I remember our drama teacher, Mr. Stewart, discussing a scene with us, a scene in which Laura's brother, Tom, does not say a word. "Why isn't he speaking?" Mr. Stewart asked us. "Because he is so full of emotion he cannot speak." And so it is with me, following the sudden death Monday of Sarah Harkins, 32, of Fredericksburg, Va., a friend I never met face to face, but a woman who has helped to guide my journey for several years. Sarah, who was carrying her unborn child, Cecilia, died after an allergic reaction to many stings from a yellow-jacket hive disturbed in her backyard. She is survived by her husband, Eric, and four children. Keep Reading...

Does God work for good in our sins?

Return of the Prodigal Son by Guercino (Wikimedia Commons) The second reading from Sunday’s Mass included a favorite verse of mine, Romans 8:28:   We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. The newly ordained priest who said Mass at Holy Trinity Cathedral preached that God works for good even in our sins. Do you believe this? I do, firmly! So did St. Therese of Lisieux. Today I’d like to examine St. Paul’s teaching on this subject, and what it means for our spiritual lives. What can separate us from God? St. Paul writes: For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39) I have heard Catholic apologists preach on this passage, noting that Paul did not include “sin” in his

Starships, Dinosaurs, and Long-Distance Service for Mars

Some scientists think dinosaurs could have survived that asteroid impact. Others are taking another look at big a starship needs to be, and NASA is taking bids on long-distance service to Mars.... " ...But first, a bit about the Beatitudes, Ulysses, and Dante's "Inferno."... ...Expecting knowledge, or anything else, to take God's place would be daft: and against the rules. But that doesn't make seeking knowledge bad. Studying this universe and developing new tools are part of being human. That's what we're supposed to do.... " More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Soul Matter

HOW AND WHY I STARTED WRITING  I am a story-teller who regaled family and friends for decades with the exploits of my nine kids and  the large menagerie of farm animals, pets and wild creatures which surrounded our small hobby farm. My kids, friends and even strangers came up to me for years and asked, Yongsung Kim ” When are you going to start writing?” AND  “God is calling you to write.”   Yet, two years ago, when I closeted myself in a room to sit down and write, I froze. I considered writing to be a solitary craft but looking at a blank screen or talking into thin air was a sterile exercise in futility for me. I could not translate the same creative energy that I experienced telling a story verbally to the keyboard. My intuitive, imaginative side stayed buried and my logical intellect wrote boring drivel. Then I discovered blogs, blogging sites and blogging directories. I snapped to attention. Suddenly, I was thinking up a username, a title for a blog, looking at te

"You Would Never Cease..."

One day while driving home, I was sitting at a red light and I saw a young woman in the lane next to me in an older car smoking a cigarette and listening to music.  It was summer so I could see and hear her clearly. My heart went out for her and I prayed to God, "Lord, please be merciful to her for her sins." The answer was,   "They are many."  My heart broke at that moment and I didn't want this woman to be lost.  I asked God, "Father, let me know peoples sins so that I can pray better for them." The answer was,  "You would never cease praying." My heart sank at the realization of state of souls in the world.  

There's Still Time for a Great Summer Read!

For me, nothing says "summer" like a great book read by the lake or just while lounging in the back yard. Summer isn't all about rushing here and there as much as it is about some "down" time, some time that sets it apart from the rest of the year. I'm always a bit bummed when the stores start putting in school supplies and clearing out sandals. "Hey, wait!" I want to tell anyone who will listen (but no one will). "Stop rushing summer!" If you are like me and love a good summer read and still haven't found the time--don't abandon your summer reading dream just yet! Find a great book and make time stand still while you enjoy it. You'll be so glad you did! (Image used is from one of our favorites:  The Story of Peace by Miriam Ezeh )

In Praise of Backyard Puttering

The weather here the last two days has been overcast and in the low 70’s with no humidity.  It was the perfect comfortable day for meandering around the backyard doing the simpler but more pleasant summer time tasks.   It’s funny for me to use the old-fashioned term “puttering” but when you read the definition, that’s exactly what I was doing.   To putter means “to occupy oneself in a desultory but pleasant manner, doing a number of small tasks or not concentrating on anything particular.”  Want to come along? To read more, go to The Sincere Gift

Speaking Up for Jesus' Sake

The oft-quoted advice of St. Francis is “Preach and if necessary use words.”  Sometimes words are very necessary, but we are reluctant to use them. The first time I was invited to speak to catechists at a national convention, I didn’t think I could do it. As an extreme introvert, I needed time to ponder this. Besides, according to a newspaper article, public speaking is the number one human fear. A friend counseled, “If you can teach, you can talk.” I said yes to the invitation. I managed to speak without fainting on the stage, and I continue to speak to audiences. Admittedly, for the first few times before a talk, I was awake all night, filled with dread.  I still have nightmares that I’m facing an audience and my prepared talk is missing! Once when Fr. Eugene LaVerdiere was addressing a large audience, his microphone fell to the floor. He remained as cool as a cucumber. Afterwards I commented to him on how comfortable he appeared speaking compared to my stage fright. H

You're invited to my book launch party

Wednesday, August 6, marks the official launch of Trusting God with St. Therese . So far, I have mostly marketed it to my friends and followers on social media, giving you the first look at this important project. Everyone who has bought the book in either format by noon on August 5, or who has helped me with an endorsement or review, is invited to my exclusive launch party. Family members who received a free copy are also welcome. I’d love to celebrate with you in person, but since we are scattered all over the country, I’ve chosen to host a virtual party. I will be hosting a Google Hangout from 8-9 PM Central Time. What’s a Google+ Hangout, you ask? It’s Google’s video chat service. I will be talking with you live via my computer. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be on camera! You can even attend in your pj’s. You can submit questions to me ahead of time or during the Hangout itself. I will answer as many as I can. Do you have questions about any part of my book? D

Touring Chicago's beautiful churches: St. Mary of the Angels

Our next stop in touring Chicago's beautiful churches is  St. Mary of the Angels .  My husband and I had never been here before.  We have passed it many times and saw it from the Kennedy expressway, so we were excited to attend their Saturday, 5 PM Mass. St. Mary of the Angels is another church that was near the wrecking ball.  The famous  dome  was literally crumbling and leaking.  After years of struggling to raise the money for the needed repairs, there was a happy ending to that  story . You can read the rest at Being Catholic ... Really .

Get Out of the Way

What Jesus did for me, , Yongsung Kim. When we give up striving and trying to save ourselves with our own efforts, when we finally  get out of His way, God has a chance to save us from ourselves. . Sometimes God waits till we are almost drowning, exhausted by our own efforts to save ourselves  because He knows that this is the only time we will accept salvation on HIS terms. read more>

Iggy Fever! Gearing Up for the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Cartoon from The Economist , July 26, 2014 Indifference is great for parents. As I read through the latest issue of  The Economist  over the weekend, I plunged into an article about helicopter parents that made me remember the Ignatian principle of indifference. The article, titled  Cancel that violin class , invites modern parents to relax. I imagined Ignatius reading the article, a secret smile on his lips, shaking his head slowly, as he learned about the savage preferences parents have for their children and the exhausting effort they put forth to make sure their children are playing the right instrument, volunteering the established number of service hours, and getting the necessary grades to enter an Ivy League school. The article cites the advice of Bryan Caplan, an economist at George Mason University: "if parents fretted less about each child, they might find it less daunting to have three instead of two. And that might make them happier in the long run. No 60-year-old

How Parents Approach Mass With Little Ones Can Begin to Plant the Seeds of Faith

All pictures in this post are from the book Little Acts of Grace by Rosemarie Gortler and Donna Piscitelli. Illustrations are drawn by Mimi Sternhagen. I highly recommend this book for Catholic parents who want to teach their children about many aspects of the faith and their meaning. Let's face it, it's not always easy to attend Mass with children.  Sometimes you leave feeling more like you were engaged in battle than having spent an hour in the highest form of prayer in which we Catholics can participate.  In a way, you are engaged in the battle for your child's soul.  When we go to Mass, we are asked to leave the world behind for awhile and focus on the spiritual.  Even children can begin to sense these eternal truths long before they can fully understand them. As parents and the first educators of our children, we are called to teach them the Catholic faith.  How do we go about this with unreasonable toddlers, unruly preschoolers, and bored elemen

Tears During Mass

I often find myself in tears during Mass.  Not always, but sometimes.  And these tears come out of the blue, when I least expect them.  If I don't remember to tuck some tissues into my purse before I head out the door, chances are I'm going to be in trouble.  I'm going to be wiping my nose on my sleeve like a five-year-old. Sometimes it's the lyrics of a particularly moving hymn that make me cry, or the stirring music combined with the unequaled beauty of a Catholic church's interior.  Sometimes it's just that in those particular surroundings, I feel closer to God, and that nearness hits me just so and goes right to my core--to my very soul.  And I am left feeling vulnerable and unworthy of His love, and yet profoundly loved by Him. I've talked before about how seeing my sons dressed in tuxes, standing on the altar in the role of groomsmen at one another's weddings, reduces me to tears.  But even when there isn't something particularly noteworthy

I'd Like To Introduce Myself....

As a happy new member of ACWB, I wanted to introduce myself and my blog The Sincere Gift where I go by the name of Mrs. C. I am a Catholic wife, married to my husband for 15 years and mother of three daughters ages 14, 12 and 5.  I am a cradle Catholic who at one point in my late teens wanted to leave the Church.  I made a deal with myself to study up on the Catholic faith and read books by others like Scott Hahn who actually wanted to join the Church that I was thinking of leaving . I wanted to find out what they thought was so great about it.  In doing so, I fell in love with our faith and have never considered leaving again.   I decided to start The Sincere Gift as a way to share what I've learned along the way in this vocation as a wife and mother and, hopefully, to learn from other women as well. I named my blog The Sincere Gift based on Saint Pope John Paul II's writings on the dignity of women.   In a Lenten message to the Brazilian Church in 1990, he writes.

7 Quick Takes - Interesting People, My New Purse, and My Favorite Mug Broke!

What a wonderful gift from God!  I took Pixie out to go potty, and I happened to glance at the window, and I saw it!  This dragonfly was about 6 inches long.  I saw the pattern on it's back.  The wings were brown with a tinge of black.  The body was black and accented with blue.  What a beautiful insect!!! --- 2 --- I was visiting my daughter in her home.  I went to Mass at a church named St. Pasqual Baylon.  The church is shaped like an amphitheater.  I usually sit to the right and one or two from the back.  Shortly after I arrived, I saw a family sitting to my right and down another step or two.  The daughter of the family, who was about 10 or 11.  It turned out later that she was the altar server.  She was simply leaving to get ready for Mass.  As she started down the aisle, she stopped and looked at me.  She gave me a big wink and whispered in my ear, "I REALLY like your hair."  She winked again, and with a big smile, left to dress for Mass! Rea

New on the Blogroll: Four Blogs and a Vlog

I've added four blogs and a vlog to the blogroll : Adoro Ergo Sum " 'STRIVE to enter by the Narrow Gate...' Luke 13:24 " Can We Cana? A Community to Support Catholic Marriages " Marriage needs at least three different kinds of support: preparation, prayer, and practical advice. Through this blog, I'm trying to offer all three. Please join in the community and add to the conversation, so that we can all support each other. " Filling my Prayer Closet " A life of conversion. One prayer at a time. " Kate -N- Mike - Catholic Crusade (YouTube) " Bringing Forth the Geed News of Christ in Our Own Crazy Way! " My Blog at " Finding God's Grace in Every Day Life " A tip of the hat to Tony Agnesi , on Google Plus, who indirectly introduced me to these blogs. I also updated the blogroll's other links. That's the whole post. If you want to be sure I didn't miss something, Ch