When God Has Other Plans

Last night, I had planned to clean up, then write this blog. I started to walk down the stairs from the bedroom to the living room. I remember thinking, “I need to put a light here (at the bottom) so that I can see better.” I took a step down. The next thing I knew I was on my back on the floor, and I heard 3 loud pops in my ankle. Ouch! (I offered it up.) God had other plans. A friend took me to Urgent Care. I thought we would be in and out. I was the last person to be seen. God had other plans. It took much longer than I thought to see the doctor, then, there was the X-Ray. I met a lovely young woman, the x-ray tech, who told me that it wasn’t my age that caused me to fall, because she always fell down the stairs. (She was grace and kindness!) Then it was back to the room to wait, again, for the doctor. (An exercise in the virtue of patience?) The d...